Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1311: Gene Sequencing?

How successful the Mellon family was in the past, they are now more lonely. The so-called 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, there are few families in this world that have been inherited for hundreds of years.

Of course, the failure of the Mellon family does not mean the disappearance of the Mellon consortium. It merged with the Bank of New York 10 years ago, and now the Mellon Bank is in charge of total assets of up to 20 trillion U.S. dollars, of which the directly managed assets are 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars. There are so many, definitely one of the most powerful Big Macs on the planet.

As a pillar company under its umbrella, Alcoa has always been in a position to monopolize the United States, and Gulf Oil Company is also one of the monopoly hegemons of the US oil industry. This is important for the Mellon Consortium to influence the development of this country through its own tentacles. Portrayal.

It’s just that these have nothing to do with the Mellon family. Mindy’s father, Matthew, had the opportunity to take over the Mellon consortium decades ago. Unfortunately, he was unwilling to live up to the world. The whole world demon came to the world. In addition to managing the enterprise, eating and drinking There is nothing wrong with having fun, and he is a lover who has repeatedly planted on women. Originally, he has accumulated 1 billion net worth by playing virtual currency. Unfortunately, he gave birth to two sons who are even worse than him. .

Did the Mellon family inherit all the wisdom of several generations to Mindy?

It seems that Mindy’s laboratory holds the hope of revival of the Mellon family.

"An Qi, let me tell you that if there is no incident, I am very confident in the family's rejuvenation, but since that incident, I have been very disappointed in the family." Mindy's eyes showed unforgettable pain.

Yang Cheng searched for the memory in his mind, but unfortunately he didn't search for relevant information. After all, the Mellon family was too low-key. He was far away in New York and he really rarely heard the news here.

However, the site of the Mellon Consortium seems to be in Pittsburgh. Why does Mindy put the laboratory in Baltimore, where security is so chaotic?

The headquarters of Alcoa, a pillar company of the Mellon Consortium, is in Pittsburgh.

Regardless of what he thinks, Zhao Anqi comforted him, "In that matter, I can only say that your two brothers did too much. They didn't put you in the eyes. Your surname is Mellon. They are not qualified to treat you this way."

Yang Cheng was really curious, and awkwardly interrupted and asked, "Well, may I know what you are talking about?"

Mindy glanced at him, then said, "Let's go, go to my office, it's not convenient to talk here."

The three of them walked in along the curved corridor. The office is at the end of the corridor. The gate is made of bulletproof glass. There are strict access facilities in front of it, including palm print and iris recognition, and a long string of letters. The password composed of numbers and numbers requires three procedures to enter the office once, and the security is as tight as the F~B~I headquarters.

However, this also proves that there is a large amount of important scientific research information and samples stored in the office, and outsiders cannot enter without the leadership of Mindy.

Just like the decoration of the whole building, it is white and dreamy. The marble floor is spotless. The sun shines in and reflects the dazzling light. After a long time, the eyes are easy to blink.

"Sit down and drink something? Coffee or tea?" Mindy greeted.

The sofa is also white. Does this person have a cleanliness?

Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi both ordered a cup of tea. After Mindy personally brought it, they sat across from them, "Sorry, my assistant just left."

"It's okay, we are not in a hurry~"

"Jason, you just said you invested in the biopharmaceutical industry?"

Yang Orange nodded, "My investment scope is not fixed. I invest in what I make money, and I have no ideals to change the world, so investment has never been focused."

Mindy pointedly said, "Do you know anything about DNA testing?"

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, "I don't know much about it, but I have seen it more from the news, and it is mostly used in the field of criminal investigation."

"DNA can not only help catch criminals, but also solve very difficult and complicated diseases, and fundamentally benefit mankind."

"So your laboratory is specialized in DNA research?"

"To be precise, it is a genetic sequencing laboratory."

"Gene Sequencing?"

"Yes, this is an emerging market. It is conservatively estimated that in the next 5-8 years, the global gene sequencing market will reach 30 billion U.S. dollars. The prospects are very broad.

For the current largest and most technologically advanced Illumina company, the price of a cubic foot sequencer they developed is $19,900, which directly lowers the threshold of the gene sequencing market, which also allows them to achieve great revenue. In a few steps, it is expected to reach US$2 billion by the end of this year, and it will continue to grow next year. "

Yang Orange pressed his forehead, "Wait, mindy, can you explain to me what gene sequencing is? I'm sorry I am not a professional in this field."

Anqi Zhao patted him, "Don't mind, Mindy is a technology controller, and you don't care about technology when you talk about it."

Mindy also smiled apologetically, "Yes, this is my problem. Simply put, gene sequencing is a new type of genetic testing technology that can analyze and determine the complete sequence of genes from biological blood or saliva."

Yang Cheng asked again, "What then? What is the purpose of this genetic test?"

"It can predict the possibility of suffering from a variety of diseases. Gene sequencing technology can lock in individual diseased genes and provide targeted prevention and treatment in advance."

Yang Cheng nodded half-knowingly, "Well, I probably understand it, but has this technique been applied clinically?"

Mindy nodded affirmatively, "Yes, my laboratory is cooperating with Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and GlaxoSmithKline. Some patients with financial conditions are willing to experience this new cross-century technology. Ensure the health of the body."

Now I know why the laboratory was established in Baltimore.

Anqi Zhao added, “The laboratory is conducting a vital research. Once successful, the threshold of gene sequencing technology will be lowered again. In other words, more people can try to accept this new technology.”

Yang Cheng really didn't understand DNA technology, so he just listened to it and Quandang chatted, "Okay, I understand."

Zhao Anqi said again, "Bring you here, but also to help Mindy invest, if you want, you don't need to take care of my face, it depends on your own ideas."

Yes, this is another set. I still want to get inside. It is not annoying. After all, Zhao Anqi's words are very clear, don't care about human relations, but provide an opportunity to vote if you want to vote, it doesn't matter if you don't want to vote.

After thinking for a moment, he proposed, "Let's do it, my knowledge of this field is no less than human perception of outer space. If you have time, can I invite a friend to visit the laboratory?"

"Yes, but for the experiment, it is temporarily in a confidential stage and is not allowed to be opened to outsiders."

Yang Cheng was choked, not allowed to watch the experiment? Then on what basis does he decide whether to invest?

"Comeonmindy, are you worried about my people stealing your research results?"

Mindy acquiesced, but Zhao Anqi helped to explain, “Mindy didn’t doubt you, but you don’t worry about the friends you invited. If your friend is a connoisseur, he is very likely to come up with similar experimental results based on Mindy and their research. By then, even if there is patent protection, it will not be clear and it will delay the time to market."

That said, Yang Cheng felt much better. It was indeed his lack of consideration, but also because of this explanation, he pressed the desire to invest. The so-called interlacing is like a mountain, and the knowledge barriers in biological genes are too high, laymen. It is impossible to reach the level of knowledge through short-term contact, so how can he ensure the return after investment? If the other party has bad thoughts, then it's not just concealing what you want, but he still can't find out.

Forget it, forget it, can't afford it.

"Sorry, instead of investing in an industry that you have never understood before, it is better to invest in a real industry that may not have that much profit but is more secure, such as Alcoa."

He used a joking way to test. He knew that Mellon’s family foundation also holds a portion of Alcoa’s shares. This is a monopoly. Like the Husky Energy that invested in the Li family, it is a transaction that makes no loss, unless The world doesn't need metal anymore, otherwise Alcoa will always be an invincible giant.

Mindy heard the meaning of rejection in Yang Cheng's words, only a wry smile. In fact, Yang Cheng was not the first to reject her, nor would it be the last.

But she still cheered up and replied, "Alcoa's shares are under the family foundation. I am not qualified to intervene. Of course, if you are really interested, I can introduce you to my two brothers, or if you want to meet. It's okay for Matthew."

Yang Cheng's eyes lit See that prodigal son? It seems not impossible, he is confident enough to convince Matthew.

However, Zhao Anqi immediately pulled Yangcheng's clothes. "Alcoa is negotiating to split it internally. Now is not a good time for investment."

Yang Cheng really didn’t understand this. She looked at Zhao Anqi unexpectedly, and then Mindy said frankly, “Yes, you are An Qi’s friend, and I don’t want to hide it from you. Recently, the traditional smelting business has been sluggish. The profitability of the entire group and the stock price have fallen successively, so the board of directors is studying to reverse the current situation through splitting.

They expect that the company will be divided into two, the traditional smelting business of the aluminum industry will continue to use the name of Alcoa, and the company's high-value-added aircraft and auto parts business that the company has been committed to building in recent years will be split and reorganized. the company. "

They think this time of chaos is not suitable for investment, but Yang Cheng just thinks that there is no more suitable time for bargaining than now.

I made up my mind and asked Allen to buy Alcoa's shares in the secondary market. If Matthew could discuss it, it would be better to take the Mellon Foundation's shares together.

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