Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1312: Mellon's past

As Mindy said, Alcoa’s stock price is very sluggish. It is currently hovering between US$6 and US$7, and its total market value is only more than US$1 billion. It quietly acquired less than 5% of the shares, and waited for the split to end. Alcoa has eased the shortage, and once sold it backhand, at least twice the investment cost will be returned to the circulation.

"Thank you for your introduction. I would also like to meet Mr. Mellon." Yang Cheng insisted.

Now that he persuaded, Mindy stopped talking nonsense and nodded, "No problem~"

Anqi Zhao still wanted to persuade, but thought that Mindy was still there, and some things were hard to say, so she swallowed it back.

"How about tonight? I'm going to see Matthew in the hospital after get off work, you can be together." Mindy glanced at the calendar on the phone and said suddenly.

Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi looked at each other, "We're all right, so let's do it."

"Well~ you can go out and go around, but there is nothing to see in Baltimore." Mindy murmured.

Yang Cheng thinks so too, "You don't have to worry about us, work with peace of mind, and come to pick you up after get off work."

. . .

After leaving the laboratory, Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi stood on the street, "You just had something to say?"

Zhao Anqi gave him a white look, "You are not stupid, why should you invest in Alcoa? It's not like before, and you don't have heavy industry investment."

Yang Cheng comforted the mature woman and said softly, "You don't worry about me? When did I make a loss-making investment, and I just took the opportunity to make a quick profit. I never wanted to hold a stake."

So Anqi Zhao is relieved, Yang Cheng is a pure financial investment, but professional.

"Well, where are we going now? Can't walk in the street, right?"

Zhao Anqi put off her hair and put on her sunglasses again. The sunlight was a little dazzling.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Go to the beach? Look at the oldest Baltimore Inner Harbor?"

Zhao Anqi was too lazy to make up his mind, "I listen to you~"

As the second largest port where immigrants arrived in the American continent that year, the Baltimore Inner Port, known as the "Pearl Port", is also the most important port in the eastern United States.

When they arrived in the inner harbor by car, the originally clear sky was shrouded by a large cloud of clouds, and the cloudy sky seemed to be raining heavily.

There are many restaurants and bookstores on both sides of the inner harbor. The flagship store of Barnes & Noble Books, the largest bookstore chain in the United States, is located on the inner harbor. It is said to have a history of more than 130 years. It was transformed from a chimney. Many small cruise ships and Fishing boats and sailing boats have special berths.

After getting out of the car and walking for a while, sitting casually on the restaurant terrace near the coast, seagulls flew overhead, and the sea breeze was refreshing. This was the first time Yang Cheng felt comfortable after entering Baltimore.

I casually ordered some drinks and snacks, and the two chatted together.

"It's a rare leisure, but Baltimore is not a good place to relax."

Zhao Anqi took off her sunglasses, squinted in the wind and opened her arms, embracing the sea breeze, "I think it's good, you see there are old people walking there. They are also very leisurely?"

Yang Cheng was helpless. This was pure stubbornness. The thick French fries were paired with milkshake, and the calories exploded. After eating a few, Yang Cheng began to question, "How do you know the Mellon family?"

Anqi Zhao is not very interested in French fries. She sipped her milkshake and laughed and said, "I know a lot of people, but Mindy is a good friend, although we meet only a few times in a year."

"Talk about it? Anyway, I'm bored." Yang Orange seduced.

Anqi Zhao’s face showed a reminiscence, "I remember it was 20 years ago, when Mindy was a teenage girl, and was taken to Washington by his father, Mr. Matthew Mellon, to attend a banquet in Washington. She was a member of Parliament. It was held. At that time, I had just married my ex-husband, and my life was very depressing. I didn't see a smiling face all day long, and I was shrunk in the corner at the banquet.

It’s the same with mindy. We met in a corner by accident. We didn’t speak at first. I was bored to pick my fingers while she was holding a biology book and read it with gusto. I wondered if I understood. ? "

Speaking of this, I opened my hands and said, "You also know the rest of the matter. Just like this, and then we exchanged addresses. In those years, we often corresponded, and once came and went, it became a good year-end friendship."

So it turns out that they are also soul pen pals?

"In this generation, the Mellon family will have to say goodbye to the American upper class completely."

"Well~ Mindy's two brothers will lose the last cent of the Mellon family, no doubt."

Yang Cheng remembered what they had said in the laboratory before, "What exactly is that thing you mentioned in the laboratory?"

As soon as the mention of this matter, Anqi Zhao became furious, "About ten years ago, Mindy finally got the support of Matthew to set up this laboratory. The first year the laboratory was established, the existing results were incubated, although Not a great achievement, but it is also the painstaking effort of Mindy.

In the end, she didn't know how her two brothers learned that they sold the results without telling her, but only a quarter of the money sold was left to Mindy.

Mindy wanted to sue publicly, but was persuaded by Matthew on the grounds of family honor. If it hadn't been for that incident, Mindy's laboratory would have been well-known in the United States. Why are they still curled up in the shabby place of Baltimore? "

Yang Cheng was a little embarrassed. Generally, screenwriters can't write this story, but the sadness of the descendants of the big family is nothing more than that.

How might the Mellon family back then, now, alas. . .

He couldn't help but think of his descendants, would such a prodigal also appear, if he knew, would he crawl out of the ground in anger?

"Then why did you let me invest in the laboratory?" Yang Cheng asked again.

It's not that Zhao Anqi has no money. She can fully support the expenses of the laboratory, so why bother to pull herself into the pit?

"Mindy disagrees with my investment, maybe because I am afraid that failure will hurt me~"

These words almost made Yang Cheng's nose Are you afraid of failure when co-authored? Can you be involved?

Seeing Yang Cheng's unpleasant expression, she realized the ambiguity in her words, and quickly added, "But I think with Mindy's talent, the possibility of failure is very small."

Posing his lips, "Explanation is equivalent to cover-up. Anyway, I will not invest."

Anqi Zhao stared, kicked him under the table, but it was useless, but she wore pointed high heels, "Oh~"

Yang Cheng cried out in pain, not only did not change his sympathetic eyes, but instead looked contemptuously.

"By the way, do you know who Mindy's stepmother is?"

How could Yang Cheng know it, but it must not be a small person to be worth mentioning by Zhao Anqi, "I don't even know my mother, let alone a stepmother?"

Anqi Zhao smiled, "That's right, but your mother must know Tamara, a co-founder of Jimmychoo."

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