Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1313: Famous prodigal

"The co-founder of jimmychoo? I really don't know him, but how could he marry Matthew?"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Cheng reacted, "That's right. With Matthew's absurd deeds back then, he can do anything like wiping his buttocks with a beautiful knife, and he doesn't want to scratch his **** with paper. Yes, you said he married a Martian I believe."

Angrily glared at Yang Cheng, "Small poor~"

The two chatted for a while about Melon's gossip, and then they found a hotel nearby to rest. Until the evening, they took the car to pick up Mindy from get off work.

After the three had dinner together, they went to the private recuperation center under the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. This is a rehabilitation and recuperation place specially created for the rich. It is located in a forest not far from the university campus. Quiet, very suitable for patient training, of course, the price is also very moving, the minimum annual cost of 2 million US dollars, enough to block 90% of the population.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are much more staff than patients in the nursing center, and it is basically guaranteed that at least 5 people will serve one person, provide the most comprehensive service guarantee, and never let you worry about things other than recuperating.

Before coming, Anqi Zhao briefly talked to Yang Cheng about Matthew’s current situation. By the way, to fight against du addiction, Matthew has relied on Oscontin for painkillers all year round. He needs to take 80 tablets almost every day, just on this drug every month. The expenditure is as high as $100,000.

However, although he insisted on taking Oscomdine, he still failed to resist the du addiction, so that he began to give up on his own, preparing to give up treatment completely, and live as long as he could live.

The most weird thing is that this idea got the ‘full support’ of his two sons. It is nicknamed to reduce the suffering of his father, but fools know what the actual idea is.

The convoy went through a narrow private passage to the front yard of a villa. There was also a Lexus LS parked in the parking lot, which seemed to be Matthew's car.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw Matthew, who was promoted by the Shanghai stock market to relax. He was obviously only in his 50s, but he looked like a dying person in his 90s. His skin was wrinkled like a dead tree. The fourth-generation heir of the Mellon family, the lifeblood of American wealth.

It is said that they are not rich for three generations, but the Mellon family has clearly survived the threshold of doom, but fell to the fourth-generation heir. As the most famous prodigal in the United States, he has no idea what money is after inheriting huge wealth. It is not enough to summarize his various crazy behaviors.

Later, although I didn’t know whose lesson he had received, he started to correct evil, stop drinking and do business, and learn to invest in business. Let alone the Mellon family’s genes for making money, even without systematic learning, he still made money by investing in cryptocurrency. A large amount of wealth, with 2 million US dollars in investment to increase to the current 1 billion US dollars, ranked fifth in the Forbes cryptocurrency rich list, I have to say, it is also a legend.

"Dad~" Mindy called out and greeted him, took the wheelchair handle from the nurse, and pushed his father over.

"Dad, let me introduce you. They are my friends, An Qi and Jason."

Then he leaned over and introduced the identities of the two in Matthew's ear.

Matthew opened his mouth to speak, staring at Yang Cheng with those wild eyes, and said hoarsely, "Is Yang Sen okay?"

Speaking of Matthew and Daddy Yang Cheng are the same age, it is hard to say who is big, but the difference is not much, so Yang Orange is not surprised that the other party can call his dad's name.

"My father is very nice, Mr. Mellon, it is an honor to meet you."

Matthew didn't buy it, and sneered, "Mr. Mellon? How long hasn't someone called that? The last time was 10 years ago? Or was it 15 years ago? Can't remember, but you are fine, now Young people always forget the greatness of their ancestors, and you also know that you are in awe, you are fine!"

After a pause, he asked, "But do you feel honored to see me when you see me like a ghost?"

Yang Cheng didn't pay attention to this kind of verbal making things difficult. He knew what kind of person the other party was. Growing up under the aura of'Melon', he had the capital to despise everything.

Shrugged slightly, "Why not? The Mellon family has a long history. They played a pivotal role in the ZZ and economic fields of the United States. They manipulated financial, aluminum, petroleum, coal, shipbuilding, steelmaking, and other industries. Hundreds of large companies.

Such a super family with considerable influence in the business, zheng, financial, charity, and even art collection circles in the United States deserves the respect of any posterity. "

Matthew plays with the taste, "The truth?"

Yang Cheng said with disdain, "To put it bluntly, if the Mellon family still controls the Mellon Consortium under your leadership, I will say something to please you, but the way you are now, IMHO, it seems There is no capital to make me flatter, right?"

Anqi Zhao and Mindy's faces changed at the same time. Only Matthew, not only was not angry, but on the contrary, they laughed happily~


With such a wild smile, even Yang Cheng looked at him.

"Yes, now I am sure you are telling the truth, what a kid, crazy enough, but I like it!"

Matthew's character is really elusive, shouldn't he get angry after listening to Yang Cheng?

This is the logic of a normal person. Unfortunately, Matthew has not been a normal person since he was born.

"It seems that you know a lot about the Mellon family?"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "Of course, people like us have been fighting for the glory of the family since we were born. If we can bring our family to the heights where the Mellon family once stood, this will be considered a success. The successful experience of the company must be studied more or less.

For example, you, like most people who succeeded in the United States, are not truly Americans. No, no, to be precise, no one is truly American except for the natives of Indian reservations.

About 200 years ago, your great-grandfather, Mr. Thomas Mellon, left his hometown of England with his parents at an inevitable age. He set off from London and crossed the Atlantic Ocean through eastern Canada, probably where St. John’s in Newfoundland is now, and then changed to offshore The ferry departed again, after more than three months of arduous sea voyage, arrived in Baltimore and set foot on the American continent.

As the founder of the Mellon family, contemporaneously competing with big figures like Rockefeller, what a magnificent landscape is like, and now descendants of us can only see from books.

However, the success of the Mellon family is inseparable from your grandfather Andrew Mellon. When he served as the head of the US Treasury Department, it was also the time when the Mellon family shined.

At that time, the biggest economic crisis in the history of the capital market broke out in the United States.

Almost within a week, Americans lost as much as 10 billion US dollars of wealth on the stock exchange. Farmers poured milk into the Mississippi River in order to destroy excess products, but Mellon was unscathed and even went upstream. There is even a nursery rhyme popular in New York~"

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng paused for a while, looked at each other with Matthew, and said at the same time, "Melon rang the siren, Hoover rang the bell, Wall Street sent a signal, and the United States rushed to hell!"

"Hahaha~" There was another burst of laughter, smiling, and a few tears fell from the corner of Matthew's eyes. It was tears mixed with unwillingness and anger. Unwillingness was because of himself, and anger was because of the outside world because of Mellon's decline Trampled repeatedly.

The three of Yang Cheng watched Matthew crying and laughing for a while, like crazy, but no one stopped, Mindy silently shed sad tears, while Zhao Anqi had a serious face that she could understand but could not imagine The torture that Matthew has suffered since his birth.

Outsiders only know that he is the prodigal son, the ‘founder’ of Mellon’s decline, but no one thinks about the same position as another person. Will there be a good result?

I don’t know how long it took, but Yang Cheng opened the mouth to break the silence, "The Mellon Consortium has been there~"

Matthew's expression was moved, and within a few seconds, he laughed at himself, "So what? Mellon is no longer Mellon~"

Mindy persuaded, "Father, we all know that you are not to blame for Mellon's decline."

Zhao Anqi also said, "Yes, Mr. Mellon, the decline of the family is due to many reasons, but in fact, since your uncle generation, the Mellon family has already gone downhill."

This is true. The Mellon family can far surpass well-known consortium families such as Ford and DuPont in terms of assets. Andrew Mellon contributed a lot. If he hadn't used the power of the Minister of Finance, Mellon would probably not stay in history. A heavy stroke.

Andrew was born with a talent for business. He successfully made a real estate business at the age of fifteen. After taking over the family business, he immediately decided to use the bank as the control and coordination center and use the United Trust and Investment Company. For various activities, the several banks founded during Andrew's time accounted for more than one-third of all deposits in Pittsburgh.

Subsequently, they continued to establish mining groups such as aluminum, petroleum, emery,, and industrial giants producing train cars, coal tar and other products. Later, Pittsburgh’s coal mines, shipbuilding, steelmaking and public utilities were all Mellon's diversified coalition is monopolized by large companies.

Later, Andrew further gained control of the market by means of stock trading, payment of goods, patent control, tariff protection and other means, and even proposed to use litigation to resolve competition. All this stems from his use of power during his tenure as the Ministry of Finance. Large-scale exploiting the loopholes in the tax law also proposed two tax reduction bills to protect the interests of large business owners, thus giving the Mellon family a lot of benefits.

But after Andrew's death, his son Paul would rather manage the "National Gallery" donated by the old Mellon to ZF than in business. This is the root cause of the Mellon family's decline.

The direct line is unwilling to accept. The huge Mellon consortium can only be handed over to Paul's cousin Richard. However, Richard is not capable of controlling such a large enterprise. Although he has worked very hard, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed forward and soon A little bit of a rising star has eroded the Mellon consortium, and the Mellon family has also been split and decayed a little bit. When Matthew's hands are in the hands of Matthew, Mellon has only a pair of bones with broken skin and separated flesh and blood.

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