Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1316: While still breathing

"Just for the glory of the family? Restore the name Westinghouse?"

Matthew shook his head, "You can think so, but it doesn't matter, or it's not something you should care about. Just answer me, can you meet this condition."

Yang Cheng thought about it, but still did not give an accurate answer.

When Matthew saw this, he took a deep breath and said, "Do you think the RB people took over Westinghouse Electric from the British at a price nearly three times higher than the starting price. What's the reason?"

Yang Cheng heard about this. Back then, the British set a price for Westinghouse at only 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, but the final transaction price exceeded 5 billion U.S. dollars. This is crazy. No matter how rich the RB people are, they can’t do this unless Westinghouse has them. What technology RB people want to win at all costs.

However, he still analyzed it according to normal logic, "There were unexpected factors in the price of the year, but it cannot be denied that that era was when nuclear power swept the world.

As a developed country lacking resources, RB people have always been in the forefront of the world in their support and application of new technologies.

In addition, at that time, several nuclear power projects in country Z that were about to be launched gave Westinghouse a good market prospect.

In addition, Westinghouse had the world's top nuclear power generation technology at the time, and the RB people were slightly behind in this regard. . . "

Matthew immediately said, "Yes, that's right, this is the key. RB people want to get Westinghouse technology, so they have to buy equity at any cost.

It's a pity that the RB people played with fire and burned themselves. An earthquake caused the leakage of radioactive materials from the nuclear power plant, which happened to be built by Dongzhi.

After this incident, the global nuclear power plant business development speed dropped sharply, and various countries urgently halted the construction of nuclear power plants. Without business support, Westinghouse’s financial problems became more and more serious. Not only did the RB people not solve it, they wanted to use fraud. To cover up.

After the fraud was exposed, Dongzhi fell into an abyss. In order to maintain the company's development, since last year, it has sold multiple business units such as semiconductors, medical equipment, white power, and black power.

Westinghouse Electric is also on the list. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "So I don't have to bother to persuade RB people to sell Westinghouse Electric, as long as I care about the final transaction price?"


"Then why don't you buy it yourself, why take a detour from me?"

Matthew raised his eyelids and said with a sullen face, "Some people don't want to see Westinghouse merge again."

Yang Cheng was still puzzled, "Then after I get Westinghouse Electric, I still have to hand it to you?"

Matthew grinned, "Who said it would be handed to me?"

Yang Cheng stared at Matthew with a stunned mouth, her whole person in a daze, "What do you mean, please explain clearly."

"After you took over Westinghouse Electric, you changed your name to Mellon, then acquired Mindy's laboratory and hired her as the CEO of the new Mellon Group."

Damn, this guy used to make this calculation, and he was so busy that he was working for the Mellon family?

Angrily smiled, "Okay, let me say yes, then what can you give me?"

"The ZZ resources in my hand are all handed over to you."

Yang Orange shook his head, "I don't know how your resources are, but you have to know that if you want to buy Westinghouse Electric, it will cost at least 4 billion U.S. dollars. It is not possible that 5 billion is possible. Is your ZZ resource worth so much?"

Matthew smiled wildly, "My father was a conservative senior man back then. The Elephant Party owed him countless personal feelings. Of course, all of these debts were transferred to me.

And my uncle Paul is a hard-core supporter of Zipperton. The Zipperton family owes Paul countless personal affections, and now they are in my hands.

Now do you think these resources are worth 40, no, 5 billion dollars? "

Yang Cheng's breathing became rapid, is it worth it? In terms of points, if you don't need a dime to be worthless, once all of these favors erupt, the rewards you can get are incalculable.

But right after that, his brows furrowed deeply, "Then why don't you use these favors, you should know? How important these favors are. If used properly, Mellon is entirely possible to regain the glory in your hands."

Matthew thief laughed, "I will not live long. If these favors are not handed over to a suitable person, they will be completely abolished. Obviously, God's punishment for the first half of my life is the same as mine. Prodigal son, if these favors are passed on to them, apart from continuing to ruin Mellon’s reputation, it will not do the family any good. So far, they don’t know that I have something more valuable than US dollars."

"What about Mindy? She is qualified to inherit these, right?"

Matthew sighed and looked at his daughter deeply, "Mindy, my child, I'm sorry for not being able to give you the treatment that the Mellon princess deserves, but at least I can make you less troublesome for the rest of your life. , Believe me, these favors are a huge harm in your hands."

Yang Cheng knew Matthew's purpose after a second thought. Mindy was a woman after all, and sooner or later she was going to marry. Once these favors were used by her husband, Mellon's last hope of rising would be completely wiped out.

It is better to use these favors during his lifetime to pave the way for Mellon's rise and entrust her daughter to a trustworthy person. At least it can be guaranteed that Mellon's successor is not?

"I admit, my heart is moved, at least in this decision, I think you have lived up to the last name Mellon."

Regardless of the mindy who has been crying into tears, Matthew retracted his gaze, "I also think that you are a person who keeps your promises, and I hope I made this decision without making a mistake."

Yang Cheng felt the pressure pouring from the mountains, and it was difficult for him to breathe in a short This is Matthew releasing his aura. He is warning, warning Yang Cheng not to tear up his promises easily. .

He laughed a few times, and even a few drops of cold sweat came out on his forehead, "Matthew, do you still have a back hand, right?"

As soon as Matthew received his momentum, his whole person was a few years old in an instant, although he himself looked old enough, his face was bloodless, and his appearance was haggard, "Yes, but you can rest assured, as long as you don't violate your promise, this will come naturally. Disappeared."

Yang Cheng shook his hand weakly behind her back. Sure enough, the descendants of these big families, even if they were a prodigal son, could not be underestimated, at least they had the ability to fight to death at any time.

"Well, Westinghouse Electric, I will take it down and give it to Mindy. This is my promise!"

Matthew smiled laboriously, "Child, while I can still breathe, use those favors to do what you want as soon as possible. You should understand that once I die, the effectiveness of these favors will be greatly reduced."

Yang Chengqiang was excited and nodded deeply, "Thank you, Matthew, no, Mr. Mellon~"

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