Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1317: Nuclear power market

Matthew’s words undoubtedly provide Yang Cheng with a one-day journey to the sky. Don’t talk about the cost of billions of dollars. In Yang Cheng’s view, these favors can be used well, and tens of billions can be earned back. That's it, a fart!

How would you describe his state at this time?


Maybe it's not accurate enough, but it's almost the same. In Zhao Anqi's eyes, Yang Cheng, who is sitting next to her, seems to be suffering from ADHD. She shakes her legs and scratches her head for a while. She is upset and angry.

"Stop, if you move on again, I don't promise to scratch your face." Zhao Anqi threatened.

However, this level of threat is similar to tickling. Yang Cheng ignored it at all, waved a big hand, and said boldly, "Sister Anqi, what do you want? Just say it, buy it all for you."

Anqi Zhao curled her lips, "I just want you to be quiet for a while, really, as for? So excited?"

"As for, now give me wings and I can take off."

"Oh my God, Jason, don't you think that Westinghouse Electric is so easy to get?"

Zhao Anqi intended to pour cold water on Yang Cheng so that he should not be so restless. Who would have thought that Yang Cheng's expression was cold, and the whole person's momentum suddenly changed, "No one wants to stop me, Westinghouse Electric I am determined to win!"

Zhao Anqi clutched her forehead and didn't want to speak. Yang Cheng was stunned, and she knew that Yang Cheng didn't tell lies. Who would dare to create contradictions with Westinghouse Electric? That would definitely be a long-lived death.

Regardless of what Zhao Anqi thought, Yang Cheng flew back to New York overnight like a chicken blood, and at 11 o'clock in the evening, he summoned his top performer, Ryze.

This professional Indian is not dissatisfied with this, "Boss, what happened."

On the phone, Yang Cheng didn’t say much, only that he had important projects to be handed over to him. It’s definitely not a trivial matter to be able to call people back so late, so Ritz didn’t dare to neglect, knowing that he had just entered the house when he answered the phone. Before I could hug my wife, I went out again.

"Dongzhi Group's Westinghouse Electric, I want to take it, don't ask any reason, don't discuss with me whether it's worth it, I only have one order, take it! At all costs!"

Yang Cheng's loud and loud words echoed in the large and empty office. The New Era Building was still brightly lit at this time, but except for the staff on duty, most of the employees had gone home from get off work.

When Ryze heard the words, he was only surprised and led the command, "It's the boss. I immediately asked McKinsey to investigate Westinghouse Electric and summon the acquisition team to RB."

Yang Cheng was very satisfied with Ryze's obedient and decisive.

Not only that, Ryze also gave his own judgment based on Yang Cheng’s order, “Although I don’t know the boss’s intention to want Westinghouse Electric, out of my duty, I have to say that if the boss is going to take over the business or maintain it for a long For stocks, we'd better make a series of targeted investments to improve the industrial chain.

Global hydropower, thermal power, clean energy, and other energy assets are all on the list of potential investments. Nuclear energy, as an important part of solving energy in the future, can not be more appropriate as the focus of the entire investment portfolio. To the role of hedging risks. "

Ryze’s professionalism was fully demonstrated at this moment, and within a few minutes of receiving Yang Cheng’s order, he gave the most ideal supporting solution. Of course, he only made suggestions, and whether to adopt it or not. See what Yang Cheng means.

Yang Cheng didn't remember the answer, but asked, "Do you think Westinghouse has investment value?"

Ordinary people may wonder, if you ask for investment yourself, now you ask if there is investment value. Isn't this a prank?

But Ritz will not. He pondered very seriously for a few minutes and then said, "I only have a very brief understanding of Westinghouse Electric. I know that Westinghouse has recently fallen into a bankruptcy crisis, mainly due to the slowdown in orders for nuclear power plant construction in recent years. And the safety problems caused by the leakage of the RB nuclear power plant, which in turn led to an increase in the investment budget of the nuclear power plant, and raised the threshold.

However, from a global perspective, the scale of nuclear power began to recover soon after a brief trough in 2011, although the recovery speed is relatively slow.

If my memory serves me correctly, nuclear power generation has exceeded 10% of the world's electricity supply on a global scale today. There are more than 400 nuclear power plants in the world, and nearly 100 are under construction. This means the prospects for nuclear energy development. Not completely blocked. "

Yang Cheng nodded, agreeing with Ryze's analysis in his heart, and Void pointed at him, motioning him to continue.

"Moreover, I personally believe that the deterioration of environmental issues such as global warming that humans are currently suffering from has also indirectly promoted the development of nuclear energy.

The most typical example is that many major countries in the world are currently promoting new energy vehicles to replace traditional petrochemical energy vehicles.

But in fact, only when the power generation itself is environmentally friendly, can this substitution be meaningful. Traditional thermal power will cause environmental pollution. There is no doubt that many clean energy sources also have environmental problems, such as the ecological and geological changes brought about by the construction of hydropower stations. ;

Although solar energy itself is very environmentally friendly, the processing of silicon raw materials involved in the production of solar panels also faces environmental pollution;

Moreover, compared to wind energy and solar energy, nuclear energy is less restricted by natural conditions and is more likely to be implemented.

Therefore, if safety can be ensured, nuclear power generation is one of the few cleanest and environmentally friendly energy supply methods. "

Yang Cheng nodded slowly. This was considering the development prospects of nuclear energy from a macro level, but he would like to hear Ritz's analysis and views on Westinghouse.

"Tell me about Westinghouse Electric itself~"

Ryze paused for a while organized some language and said, "I can't guarantee that what I said is correct. After all, the current information is limited. I only analyze it from my current understanding. Although Westinghouse Severe financial difficulties, but the performance in technology and market share is acceptable, and it is even still in the leading position in the world.

I remember that a while ago, the National Energy Laboratory issued a series of reports. I didn’t read it carefully. I was impressed by the report that Westinghouse Electric accounted for about 15% of the nuclear power plants currently under construction in the world. After 30% of the state-owned nuclear power company and 20% of the Russian Atomic Energy Corporation, it ranked third. "

Yang Cheng was surprised, "When you look back, remember to find out the report and send it to me~"

"Good boss~" Ryze answered.

Yang Cheng stood up, Ryze also immediately followed up, and Yang Cheng patted his shoulder heavily, and said earnestly, "Ryze, I’m not comfortable to say the specific reason, but you must remember that Westinghouse, I must It is very important for me and my family. It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as we hold Westinghouse Electric firmly, we can guarantee the stable development of our company within 50 years."

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