Guarantee stable development in 50 years?

Ryze secretly smacked his tongue. He didn't know what Yang Cheng was based on, but he knew that Yang Cheng would not joke about this kind of thing. Since Westinghouse is of such great significance, 200% attention must be paid. There is no room for loss.

Warned himself in his heart, Yang Cheng said again, "Tell me about your initial plan, about the acquisition of Westinghouse."

Ryze took back his thoughts and replied after a little thought, "The acquisition method is nothing more than the few. The key is to see the boss. You are planning to go through the merger? Or a wholly-owned acquisition. If it is the latter, we must Bank loans, we don’t have that much money on our books.

It is conservatively estimated that Westinghouse Electric also has a market value of US$3.8-4 billion. If Dongzhi Group wants to sell, it is bound to raise the price. Calculated at a 20% premium, US$4.6-5.0 billion is an ideal price range. "

Yang Orange nodded and said that he understood, "How much money can we squeeze out? No need to consider cash flow, all active funds are drawn out."

Ritz squatted and smiled bitterly, "Boss, your recent acquisition has been relatively large. Except for the $100 million in cash on the company's books as a guarantee, there is no more money left."

Yang Orange stared, just about to say something about Lao Tzu's money? After thinking about it, the money used recently is indeed a lot. Fortunately, the dragon stone jade necklace is from the account of New Age Media. Otherwise, Ryze's answer may not even be 100 million.

He pinched his nose to hide his embarrassment, "Okay, then you mean all loans?"

Ryze shook his head slightly, "I am not inclined to any acquisition method. If we ask him about the financial pressure, we can even use partial equity, plus long-term debt financing to pay, without paying a cent in cash."

Yang Cheng showed interest, "For example, it will be acquired at a valuation of 5 billion yuan."

Ritz calculated it in his mind, "5 billion is divided into two parts, of which 1 billion or 1.5 billion will be paid in the equivalent equity of New Times Media, and the remaining part will be paid in the form of long-term debt financing, as I just said. Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

The advantage of this is that the equity acquisition makes the interests of Westinghouse and our acquirer more closely bound, and shares future business risks;

For us, long-term debt financing will face much less pressure on cash flow, so we have more time to manage this asset and realize asset appreciation in the future.

After all, compared with the acquisition of Dongzhi at a price of more than 5 billion US dollars that year, Westinghouse is currently at a low price, which proves that Westinghouse still has room for growth in the future.

The most important thing is that Westinghouse’s return to the United States is of great significance to Bai Gong. As long as we make good use of this point, like Bai Gong’s application policy is tilted, it will not take too long to reverse the loss situation. Don’t forget, now the US nuclear power China’s consumption still occupies the largest share in the world, and is the country with the largest nuclear power consumption in the world.

In this largest market, Westinghouse is still bound to be the main market player.

However, whether we can finally lead Westinghouse Electric out of the quagmire of bankruptcy and realize its former glory depends on our hard power in management after the acquisition. A good cEo is essential. "

Through Ryze’s analysis, Yang Cheng has a sense of openness in front of him. Originally, he thought the acquisition of Westinghouse was a very difficult thing. But Ryze said that the only obstacle he faced was little RB nodded, and On this issue, it is precisely what he does not care about the least, or that he is most sure to solve it.

Koji Ito’s line hasn’t been broken yet, and it’s still useful. Fortunately, I didn’t reject Ito’s kindness because of prejudice. Otherwise, it’s really easy to get blind now.

By the way, which family is Dongzhi's industry? It seems to belong to the Mitsui family.

"You said before about the hedge investment against Westinghouse Electric. Are there any potential targets now?"

Ryze shook his head, "You have to study it and then make sure, after all, I didn't know much about energy before."

Yang Orange nodded, "OK, then you go to research and come up with a complete investment report as soon as possible."

"Understood, submit it before the regular meeting next Monday at the latest."

"Well, go, I'm so sorry to call you back to the company so late."

"This is my duty boss~"

Watching Ryze leave the office, Yang Cheng simply cleaned up and was about to leave.

On the way home, I tried to call Ito Koji to check his tone.

It didn't take long for the phone to be connected, and a hypocritical smile appeared on Yang Cheng's face. "Brother Ito, there is no good thing to disturb you, right?"

Koji Ito understood, "Of course not, it's morning in Tokyo now."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Are you back to RB? I thought you were in the United States and I was planning to invite you out to play."

Ito didn’t understand Yang Cheng’s sudden ‘good intentions’, so he could only regret, “Next time, Brother Yang, you also know that I took over part of the family company’s business and I’m very busy.”

Pause Is something wrong with Brother Yang? If you have something to say, the relationship between you and me does not need to be polite. "

Sure enough, a sensible RB person, in that case, Yang Cheng was not polite and said directly, "Yes, I heard that the recent situation of Dongzhi Group is not so good?"

Ito smiled bitterly, "To use the slang of your people in the Z country, really good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away. Do things about Dongzhi have been known all over the world?"

Hearing a trace of sadness in the other's tone, Yang Cheng didn't know what to say for a while, and casually cared, "Does your family also have shares in Dongzhi?"

Ito hummed, "You know, RB's companies are all cross-shareholdings, and all families are involved, but it's not much, and it has no effect.

But Brother Yang is so concerned about Dongzhi's situation, do you intend to take over? If this is the case, I am happy to be a middleman. "

Yang Cheng quickly denied, what's the joke, Dongzhi is now a huge pit, how much money is not enough to fill in, knowing that it is a mortal pit is still silly, right? Are you crazy~

"No, my family's strength is too weak, I am afraid it can't save Dongzhi such a great enterprise."

This is purely a rhetoric, so Ito Koji said that, without thinking about it, he turned to, "Why is that?"

Yang Cheng simply said, "Although it cannot directly help the Dongzhi Group bring it back to life, it is still possible to help slow down the rate of death."

How smart Ito Koji, "So Brother Yang is optimistic about Dongzhi's companies?"

"Bingo, Brother Ito is really a **** and man~"

Bah, baah, this kind of disgusting words can be said, it is really a fool.

Uh~ the other party is also a devils, thinking about it this way, it's not a big problem to fool around, anyway, devils and ghosts are just one word away, no difference.

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