Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1323: Long live the motherland!, the fastest update to the latest chapters of American Indulge in Life!


   (70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, I wish the motherland’s mother a happy birthday and prosperity! I also wish you a happy holiday; because there are too many things during the holidays, so I can only keep 4,000 words updated every day during the holidays, and return to normal after the holidays!)


   Yang Cheng suddenly thought of something. Once the acquisition of Condé Nast is successful, the famous female demon will become the CEO.


   And the CEO of New Era Fashion is Elsa. When these two women with unpredictable personalities meet together, wouldn’t it be equivalent to throwing a nuclear warhead into Mount Fuji?


  His grandma's, maybe he made the worst decision.


   Yang Cheng couldn't help having a splitting headache, and she was also floating, and unexpectedly tied the two most difficult people together, and she would have trouble in the future.


   Elsa is still explaining his theory, but Yang Cheng can't even listen to a punctuation mark. He is now thinking about where to buy regret medicine.




   It turned out that Martinez came back, he came back with a large stain on his chest.


   Yang Cheng smiled without restraint, "Yes, very fashionable~"


   Elsa pouted her lips. As a genius designer, she must have a high smile, otherwise, how could she be compelling?


   Martinez said helplessly, "Boss, I want to take time off and go home for a while and change my clothes. This is really getting in the way."


   Of course, Yang Cheng wouldn’t make things difficult for his subordinates in such trivial matters, "Well, go, if you are fine in the afternoon, you don’t have to come back, just to be with your family. I remember you have a cute little princess, right?"


   Speaking of his family, Martinez couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face, "Yes, I promised to accompany her to a picnic in Central Park several times, but it didn't materialize because of work."


   "It's just noon, I think your little princess will be happy to accept surprises."


   "Um~ well, thank you boss~" Martinez didn't want to refuse either. He had rare time to make up for his family. He didn't want to and couldn't miss it.


   As for Elsa, there is nothing left to talk about. The meeting with Yang Cheng is also to follow the process. Anyway, I will have to work in the same building in the future, so there are many opportunities to meet.


   When the two left the office and they always packed their coffee cups, Yang Cheng suddenly remembered about Condé Nast and asked, "Which step is the acquisition of Condé Nast?"


   Susu thought for a moment, "I am in contact with Condé Nast's major shareholders, and the other party intends to raise the asking price."


   Yang Cheng nodded, "Keep an eye on it and report any progress."




   "Where is the lunch appointment?"


   "It's a German restaurant nearby."


   "German food?" Yang Cheng looked a little weird, "Mr. Damen wants me to have elbows?"


   In addition to sausages and beer, the most famous dish in Germany is roast pork knuckle.


   Susu pursed his lips and smiled, "It should be~"


  . . .


  Since I’m near the company, I don’t need to take a car. I just took the opportunity to take a walk and breathe fresh air. Although the air quality in New York has been seriously degraded recently, because of the existence of Bryant Park nearby, I can still smell some natural fragrance.


   This German restaurant called Bavaria has just opened for a few years, but it quickly won the love of nearby gold-collar workers. After all, they always eat common dishes such as pasta, pizza, and steak, and occasionally need to change their taste.


   There are many types of Western food. If you have to pick one that is closest to the Z national cuisine, Yang Cheng’s first reaction is German cuisine. For example, there is a very famous sauerkraut roast rib in German cuisine. Is it very familiar and close?


   This is a traditional dish from the Black Forest. It is stewed with special sauerkraut and marinated ribs in a pot and served with soft mashed potatoes. It has a special flavor.


   After entering the restaurant, Yang Cheng smelled the aroma of sauerkraut for the first time. The slightly sour aroma instantly aroused the roundworms in the stomach, and the appetite was wide.


He reported his name to Yin Wei and took him to a position by the window. A tall old man with obvious Germanic descent sat there quietly. Seeing Yang Cheng's arrival, he stood up and welcomed him, "Thank you very much." Can go to the appointment, Mr. Yang~"


The English accent of    Kemer Damen is very positive, which is a relatively standard international pronunciation, and it sounds very refreshing.


   Yang Cheng smiled and shook hands firmly. This is a Dutch habit. The stronger the handshake, the more respect the other party.


   "My honor, Mr. Damen, I'm sorry before, but I pushed the date for various reasons." Yang Cheng explained a little bit, not wanting to leave the impression of arrogance on the other party. In any case, he is an old man. Respect is right.


   "It doesn't matter, when everyone is busy, please sit down and order whatever you want. I have tried several times. The taste of this restaurant is very authentic." Mr. Damen invited Yang Cheng to sit down and handed over the menu.


   "Thank you, Mr. Damen's ancestor is from Germany?" Yang Cheng asked casually, opening the menu.


   Kemerdamen smiled and did not deny, "Yes, since my grandfather was young, our family has moved to settle in the Netherlands, and the family’s former residence is still kept in Giethoorn."


   Yang Cheng knows Giethoorn, very famous, known as the Venice of Western Europe, with beautiful scenery and comfortable environment, far less noisy than Venice.


   "I want to visit Giethoorn when I have a chance~"


   "Welcome, don't forget to notify me when the time comes."


After a brief chat, Yang Cheng ordered a few dishes with the waiter, including ham marinated pork chops, 8-shaped bread and egg pudding cake. Before he came, Mr. Damen had ordered the most famous crispy pig The elbow is paired with the light egg soup, only two people eat If the amount is large, it can't be finished.


  The waiter put away the menu, poured a glass of pure water for him, and walked away. Yang Cheng spread the napkin on his lap and asked, "Mr. Damen is here to seek investment in New York?"


   Da's face tightened, "Call me Kemer~"


   then said sadly, "Damen Shipbuilding is a family business. I am very guilty for this step, but it is better to introduce foreign capital than bankruptcy. Unfortunately, no one wants to lend a hand."


"At present, the entire yacht market is showing a situation of oversupply. The number of people who can afford yachts is very small, but companies that can build yachts are everywhere. If Damen Shipyard does not have the technology available, it is difficult to cause Wall Street. Attention."


   Yang Cheng was not polite, and bluntly pointed out the biggest problem with Damen Shipbuilding.


Before    came, he deliberately read the investigation report prepared by Su Su. The problem at Damen Shipyard was very serious and could not be solved by investing money.


  No one knows this better than Kemeldamen himself, and I have to admit, "You are right~"


Yang Cheng said again, "I read the relevant information of Damen Shipbuilding, and to be honest, it is horrible. More than 60% of the more than 50 shipbuilding and ship repairing yards in the world are losing money, so the total loss this year will be as high as 2000. Wanou, for a shipbuilding company, this number is fatal."


   Kemer Damen still did not deny, "This is the reason why I appeared in New York, I need help, Damen needs help!"

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