Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1324: Long live country Z

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   In fact, Damen Shipbuilding cooperates with the Dutch military. Many naval vessels and ships are outsourced to Damen Shipbuilding, otherwise the loss will not happen until now.


  Moreover, Damen's main towing business in the Netherlands is also a relatively good operating point, but this market is too small to make up for the huge losses of the shipyard.


   "Mr. Darmen, tell me your request."


   Although he is not optimistic about Damen Shipbuilding, and the whole Wall Street's attitude towards Damen, it proves that Damen Shipbuilding's investment value is not high, but he still wants to hear it.


   Kemerdamen took a deep breath, as if to be lucky to launch Turtle Qigong, "30 million euros, 10% of the shares, cash, one-off payment."


   This means that Damen Shipbuilding is valued at 300 million euros. Of course, this figure is not good.


   Yang Cheng shook his head, "You should know Kemer, no one will accept this number."


   "I know, but I still want to try." Damen said firmly.


   Yangcheng nodded slowly. At this time, the waiter came to serve the dishes. The first thing that came out was the egg soup and ham marinated pork chops. The black vinegar sauce was paired with the tender pork chops. The bite was full of fragrance.


   After eating a piece of pork chop, Yang Cheng drank his mouth water and said, "Why don't we cooperate in another way?"


  Damen was taken aback, "What do you mean?"


   Yang Cheng smiled, "I know that Damen Shipbuilding has built a polar expedition yacht."


  Damen faintly felt, "Yes~ this is also the ship type that Damen Shipbuilding has recently promoted."


   "What if I place an order with Damen Shipyard to build an expedition yacht that can travel to any corner of the world?"


  Damen's breathing slowly became rapid, "Damen Shipbuilding is confident to accept orders."


   Yang Cheng nodded, "Let's do it. Although it can't help you with investment matters, I believe this order can relieve some of the pressure on Damen Shipbuilding."


  Damen immediately said, "Mr. Yang will always be Damen Shipbuilding's friend."


   "It's a great honor~"


   The order is verbally agreed, and a professional designer will come to confirm the details with Yang Cheng later.


A harmonious and fairly satisfactory lunch ended. Yang Cheng and Damen were separated at the entrance of the restaurant. After several pushes, they watched Damen and got on the car and left. Yang Cheng stood on the street and exhaled. The reason why he got off at Damen Shipyard Orders, one is because the other party has construction experience and its own technical strength is not weak;


   The second is to make Kemeldamen owe favor. The Damen family is a veritable big family in the Netherlands and even in Western Europe. Sooner or later, there will be places that can be used. Anyway, the order is the same for everyone. Why not send a favor?


   In the afternoon, Yang Cheng received Ian Al’s application for a video session while processing the documents, and was surprised to pick up the channel, “Ian, it’s time for office hours in the UK now.”


   Ian Al righteously said, "Boss, I am very keen to work overtime~"


   Yang Cheng looked at Ian Al’s flattering face and cursed with a smile, "You tm sent you a qing?"


   "nono, but there is something happier than sending qing."


   "Oh? Tell me~"


   "Mr. Love just took me to watch a game with a young player."


   Yang Cheng's expression remained unchanged, "Genius? If you are an ordinary person, you don't need to tell me."


   "Yes boss, genius, a real genius, I remember I told you about it." Ian El was dancing excitedly in front of the camera.


  The more Yang Cheng is like this, the more interested he is, and he is valued by two professionals, Love and Ian El. Is it really a genius?


   As for Ian El said he mentioned this genius?


   Yang Cheng said that he was not impressed, but it was not important.


   "Okay, then the purpose of your video call?"


   "Buy him, boss, buy him at all costs, before he becomes famous! Mr. Love promises that this player will be the core of Liverpool for the next ten years!"


   Yang Cheng said solemnly, "Are you sure? Don't forget that Messi is coming next season~"


   Ian Al shook his head frantically, "No, this does not conflict with the boss, Messi is Liverpool's present, and Mbappé represents the future!"


   "Mbappe?" Yang Cheng said the name, as if he had heard it.


"Yes, Gilliam Mbappé, a Frenchman, is less than 18 years old. He has just been promoted to the first team of Monaco and played on behalf of the team and scored goals, breaking Henry's record." Ian Ayre completely covered his face. The constant excitement shows how great this Mbappe's performance is.


   In that case, buy it? It was only a young man who couldn't spend a lot of money, Yang Cheng took it for granted.


   "But we have competitors~" Ian El embarrassed.


   It seems that if it weren't for trouble, he wouldn't make a video call with Yang Orange.


   "Doesn’t it mean that you have a competitor that your vision is right? Uh~ who fancyed him? Manchester United?"


   "No, Paris Saint-Germain, the other party is already in contact with Mbappé's agent."


  Yang Cheng's face turned dark, "Are you kidding me? Paris Saint-Germain? A nouveau riche deserves to be compared with Liverpool?"


   Ian Al is also very proud of being a member of Liverpool, but there are some things in the football world that are really unclear.


   "Boss, Mbappé grew up in Clarefontaine, which is a popular destination for French football, and joining Paris is the dream of every French player."


   Yang Cheng interrupted unceremoniously, "The premise is that no foreign giants interfere~"


   Ian Air's tone was stagnant. He admitted that what the boss said was reasonable, but in any case, Paris Saint-Germain was far away from other competitors on the road to compete with Mbappé.


   "Boss, I believe the appeal of Liverpool will make this kid's heart beat, but once we join the competition, the price is bound to rise, or it may force a sky-high price. Monaco is a famous black shop."


   Like Porto in Portugal, Monaco has also taken the path of cultivating talented players and selling them to make money. They have pitted a lot of big teams over the years, but everyone is still happy.


   "High price? If he is as good as you No matter how high the price is, we can earn it back sooner or later."


Ian El smiled bitterly, "The key to the problem is that not only do we see Mbappe’s talent, Monaco also knows that, as far as I know, the contract signed by Monaco to Mbappe has a high penalty clause, which avoids It is embarrassing that the cash cow was poached by the rich."


   paused, "What's worse, Mbappé’s agent is Mendes."


   Yang Cheng's face turned black, "Damn, this guy is too thief, right?"


   Mendes is a well-known figure in football in Europe and the entire world. As the owner of a football club, dealing with predators like Mendes is also a knowledge.


However, due to the superposition of various factors, Yang Cheng has already believed that Mbappe is a genius, otherwise it will not be valued by so many people at the same time. Although it may hurt Zhongyong, in the face of super geniuses, everyone's gambling will be Put it to the maximum.


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