Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1333: Master of fragrance

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   "I admired Angelina Jolie for a while~" Luo Yue suddenly said as soon as he entered the banquet hall.


   Yang Cheng is not surprised, Angelina Jolie has become what many women want.


   "Take you to ask for an autograph with her in a while?"


   "No, just a little admiration, not to the point of chasing stars." Luo Yue rejected the proposal with a smile. She is now here as Yang Cheng's fiancée, and can't shame him.


   Of course, it’s not a big deal to sign, but on occasions where you can score points. At this kind of formal reception, it’s not appropriate to find someone to sign with paper and pen.


   Yang Cheng nodded without speaking, but thought in his heart, looking back for someone to order Angelina Jolie's signature hand-made souvenirs for Luo Yue.


   But at the moment, I still find Wang Keying first. He hasn't forgotten the main purpose of attending this reception.


As a result, Wang Keying didn’t see it, but saw Angelina Jolie’s current husband-Brad Pitt. I heard that the two of them were arguing recently. The divorce will be sooner or later, but before the official announcement, the two have to maintain The surface is peaceful, everyone is an actor, and the acting skills are not bad. People who don't know may not really see the difference.


   and Luo Yue walked aimlessly. No matter how big the banquet hall is, there is scope. It shouldn't be that Wang Keying hasn't been seen yet. Isn't she here yet?


  Impossible, but he sent a car to pick him up. It stands to reason that he should have arrived earlier than them. Are you in trouble? Had a car accident?


   Yang Cheng's surface is calm, but her heart is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, she can't wait to tie Wang Keying in front of her now. If this matter can't be solved satisfactorily, she will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.


   At this time, Luo Yue patted his arm and pressed his chin at the center of the court, "Look, Angelina Jolie and her adopted son and daughter,"


   Yang Cheng looked at it absent-mindedly. As expected, Angelina Jolie in a white dress was holding her adopted son's hand and was chatting with her friends.


As the highest paid and most profitable actress in Hollywood today, Angelina Jolie’s identity has long escaped from the scope of traditional entertainment circles. She served as an ambassador for the UN refugee agency and gave charity speeches around the world. These actions enabled her to do more The high-end location is close to the European and American aristocracy.


   At the banquet tonight, Yang Cheng saw a lot of aristocratic ladies from Europe. Their appearance instantly raised the style of the reception.


   "Do you want to go over to say hello?" Yang Cheng asked.


   Luo Yue hesitated and shook his head, "Forget it, I think celebrities are only suitable for viewing from a distance. Once you get close, you will find that they are not as good as you want, and there is even a big gap between what you imagined."


   Yang Cheng chuckled, "Your understanding is very deep~"


   While he was talking, his eyes kept scanning, hoping to find Wang Keying's shadow, but unfortunately, there was still no gain.


   "By the way, how did you meet Angelina Jolie? I never heard that you have met before." Luo Yue suddenly tilted his head and asked.


   was originally not short in height, close to 170 cm, and then put on high heels, he can almost look at the same level as Yang Cheng.


   Yang Cheng was startled, he and Angelina Jolie really didn't know him well, at most they were nodding acquaintances, after all, everyone was a neighbor.


   But of course he can't answer that way. If someone doesn't matter, why bother to attend the reception.


   I thought about it for a few seconds, and then got the answer, "The relationship is not very good, but recently the company has a project and plans to cooperate with her, so I want to make a good relationship in advance."


   Luo Yue didn't think too much, oh said that he understood.


At this moment, Yang Cheng swept in the direction of the gate of the banquet hall, and found that Wang Keying rushed in with a panic expression, followed by slowing down and regaining her calm, with a formulaic smile on her face. The eyes were constantly watching Yang Cheng's location.


   The acting actor appeared, Yang Cheng's hanging heart finally let go, now it is not the time to investigate why she came late, it is true that the trick is finished first.


   In order to let Luo Yue let go of his prejudices, Yang Cheng also took great pains.


   settled down, began to bring Luo Yue close to Wang Keying intentionally or unintentionally.


   And as the two people got closer, Wang Keying also saw Yang Cheng, exchanged eyes in the air, and moved in each other's direction tacitly.


   Of course, Luo Yue, who was in it, didn't realize what was wrong, and followed Yang Cheng to clink glasses with acquaintances. In her opinion, this was normal behavior.


   When the distance between the two parties was less than 1 meter, Luo Yue suddenly smelled a strange and familiar smell.


Unfamiliar because the smell of perfume is very special. It is a unique fragrance composed of dozens of floral fragrances. The first smell is very flat, but if you carefully distinguish it, the fragrance will become stronger and stronger, so that it will be deeply imprinted on the cerebral cortex. Unforgettable


   is familiar but because she has smelled it, and not long ago, she was dissatisfied with Yang Cheng because of this special fragrance.


The alarm bell suddenly rang in his heart, and the whole person tightened. Yang Cheng, who was holding his hands, was sensitively aware of this subtle change, but he smiled and greeted others quietly, but in his heart he secretly reminded himself not to act. The show began.


Luo Yue's face was gloomy and watery. She wanted to investigate who the owner of the fragrance was, and tried to warn the other person to stay away from her man, but she had never done anything like this before, and she didn't know how to do this afternoon. This was also her. Cause of distress all afternoon.


   But whoever thought of making good fortune, didn't look for it by himself, but the owner sent it to the door.


Even at this moment, she didn't doubt whether it was hitting the fragrance. These days, there was hitting the shirt and even the face. Naturally, there was hitting the fragrance. The perfume was made to be sold, and the one that was sold was naturally bought again, using the same perfume and Not surprisingly.


   But Luo Yue's instinct told her that there would be no such coincidence in the world. Just after suspicious in the afternoon, I met the master in the evening. What did the other party want to do? What does Yang Cheng want to do? Is the other party coming to demonstrate with her?


   For a time Luo Yue's heart turned a thousand times, countless thoughts surged, and she was pressed by herself again. The mixed feelings are not enough to describe her mood at this time.


   Yang Cheng has no intention of chatting with others, she is just talking instinctively, putting all her thoughts on the woman behind him, wondering what way Wang Keying will start the conversation.


   And Luo Yue, because of his mood, the whole person was tense. Yang Cheng felt that the forearm on his arm was like a tight hoop that was comfortable with Monkey King, even inadvertently hitting the skin, and the temperature was cold.


   Yang Cheng's heart is getting more and more nervous, for fear that because of a momentary negligence, the play is not performed, not only cannot solve the misunderstanding, but it will cause deeper contradictions.


   took a few deep breaths secretly, and heard a soft voice, "Ouch~"


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