Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1334: Brain supplement

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   Jiao and apology sounded almost at the same time, Yang Cheng turned back quickly, it turned out that Wang Keying "accidentally" met Luo Yue in the process of the day after tomorrow.


   And Luo Yue is kind in nature, thinking that it was his own reason that he met people and took the initiative to apologize.


   This is not an unexpected coincidence, which makes Yang Cheng very satisfied, and naturally makes people unable to fault.


The two women glanced at each other. When Wang Keying turned to look towards Yang Cheng, their excellent acting skills burst out at this moment, and they were surprised at the same time, pretending that they did not expect to meet each other here. And then said, "What a coincidence?"


   "Yes, what a coincidence, Mr. Yang~" Wang Keying took a step back and leaned back with a polite smile.


   Yang Cheng also smiled and nodded, "I didn't expect you to come to the reception too. I knew I had an appointment."


"Yes, but I only received the notification from the agent temporarily, saying that this wine will be attended by many big names in the circle, and it is a good opportunity to make contacts, so I am here~" Wang Keying explained calmly .


   The expressions of the two of them were so ordinary and natural that Luo Yue, who had been observing for a long time, wondered if he was thinking too much.


   In the next second, Wang Keying proactively said according to Yang Cheng's explanation, "By the way, thank you for taking me home this morning."


   Luo Yue's small heart seemed to be suddenly pinched by a hand, and the whole person felt a sense of suffocation.


   Yang Cheng smiled and waved his hand, "If it's a small matter, I'm also on the way."


   Speaking of this, thinking of something, she took Luo Yue's hand and said, "I almost forgot to introduce, this is my fiancee Luo Yue."


   Turned his head to face the stiff Luo Yue, "This is Miss Wang Keying, you should be familiar with it? I remember you watched the show "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." before."


   Luo Yue, who was still holding on to the fire, suddenly extinguished, and she froze for a while, "Zhenbo girl?"


  Wang Keying smiled wryly, "I'm sorry, I only have this character that can be used."


   thought he was talking about the pain of others, the kind-hearted Luo Yue quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."


  Wang Keying shook her head, "It doesn't matter, in fact, this is also my honor. As an actor, there must always be a role that is remembered."


   Luo Yue still feels sorry, but she has something in her heart and can't hide it.


   Seeing this, Yang Cheng winked at Wang Keying first, and then took the initiative to ask, "By the way, the bottle of perfume you smashed this morning is important? I think you have been sad for a long time."


   Wang Keying immediately made a sad look, "Yes, that bottle of perfume was given by my ex-boyfriend. Our relationship is very good. That is the only memorial left by him."


  The nervous Luo Yue couldn't care what others thought. She felt that she had to see the truth of the matter, and asked quickly, "What's the matter? What perfume?"


Wang Keying had a very obvious expression of cleaning up her emotions, and then warmly explained, “I was auditioned at Mr. Yang’s company in the morning, but I accidentally brought out the perfume bottle while applying makeup and fell to the ground and broke. , Perfume splashed all over, thanks to Mr. Yang who sent me home on the way, otherwise another audition in the afternoon would be delayed."


   Luo Yue heard that, as if exhausted, he leaned on Yang Cheng softly, lowered his head and closed his eyes, regretting his performance this afternoon.


   At the same time, I asked myself if I was too suspicious. There are so many people who use perfume these days. Is it that only when I sleep together can I get the fragrance?


As Wang Keying said, the perfume bottle was broken and the concentrated perfume splashed all over. The smell must be very strong. If you take Yangcheng’s car and go home, it is inevitable that some smell will remain in the car, which is normal. Thing, why should you doubt him? What's wrong with yourself?


Needless to say about Yang Cheng, Luo Yue has already made up for all the passing. At this moment, there is a villain in Yang Cheng's heart, rolling in excitement, proud of his wit, secretly reminding himself to wake up, and everything will happen in the future. Be careful, so that this time things are not big and there is still room to make up. If you are caught in bed, you will have to sing cool.


Wang Keying also saw that the matter was resolved satisfactorily, knowing that it was time to retreat, gave Yang Cheng a look of praise, and then said, "Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, I have to go to meet more important people, so I won’t accompany you. Do you guys talk again when you have a chance?"


All the grievances and depression in his heart were gone. Luo Yue's smile was unprecedentedly bright, and his body recovered his strength. Holding Wang Keying's hand, he clenched vigorously, and said inexplicably, "Thank you~ I will ask you for a chance in the future. eat."


   Fortunately, Wang Keying did not respond slowly, and immediately made a puzzled look, her eyes seemed to say, ‘thank you? ’


   then smiled awkwardly, "Okay, I have a chance to eat together."


   After speaking, he pulled away and left. Yang Cheng also followed inexplicably, "Why do you want to say thank you?"


   Luo Yue smiled, "You don't understand~"


   Yang Cheng said in his heart, "I don't understand? If I don't understand you, I'm still crying with Lin Ximan at the moment~"


   said on his mouth, "Yes, yes, I don't understand, let's go, let's talk to people too."


   Luo Yue regained her mood, as if she had been lighter by 10 kilograms, feeling that any gust of wind could blow her off.


   The matter was resolved satisfactorily, Yang Cheng was in a good mood, and she was willing to say a few more words when she met people she didn't know.


   At this time, Angelina Jolie stood under the spotlight in the center of the temporary stage, and at the same time, the overall lights in the venue dimmed to facilitate people to focus on the stage.


   Angelina Jolie in a white fishtail skirt is elegant and charming under the light, her red lips are like a red trap, which catches everyone's attention.


She patted the microphone heard the echo, showing her iconic smile, and her hoarse voice spread throughout the banquet hall, "Dear Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be able to participate. This charity dinner.


As a special envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner, this is the first time that I have organized a charity reception in my own name. The purpose is not only to promote the prevention of adenocarcinoma, but also to spread some real stories to everyone and make more people realize that we are In the world of life, there are still so many people who need help.


   Here, I would like to thank the World Food Agency and UNHCR for their support to this cocktail party. Of course, as well as the colleagues who have been preparing for this charity cocktail party, please give them applause. "


Numerous Hollywood celebrities, as well as the upper-class celebrities who live in Los Angeles and who came here specially, are still very willing to show their peace-loving and helpful side under the flashlight. The waves of warm applause are overwhelming, and those who don’t know think that MJ is resurrected.


   Nine Heaven God Emperor


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