Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1342: Prodigal Uncle

In the evening, near the end of get off work, the employees who had been busy for a day at the company fell into a state of restlessness, unwilling to work, just thinking about where to relax after get off work, or have a big meal with their family.

Yang Cheng rarely took the time to inspect the company. After seeing this scene, he was helpless and unable to get angry. Human nature is understandable.

Back in the office, he cleaned up briefly, and was about to go out. Su Su suddenly came in and said, "Boss, Mrs. Zipperton’s office called. I hope you will attend Mark Movisky’s party tonight."

Yang Cheng put on clothes in her hands, "Who?"

Susu repeated, "Makmowisky"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, then patted his forehead, "It turned out to be the son-in-law, but why would Mrs. Zipton invite me for his son-in-law?"

This question is very difficult to answer, and can only be answered with a sweet smile.

Yang Cheng rubbed her cute face, "I know, reply to the other party, I will participate as scheduled, and you can check Mark Movisky's recent developments to see if there is any related news."

Mrs. Zipton was really willing to pay for her daughter-in-law, and she personally invited herself to attend. He didn't hold back any good farts, he slandered in his heart.

Unable to leave work on time, Yang Cheng had to take off his suit jacket again and hung it on the back of the chair, and went to the sofa area to lie down and close his eyes.

About 20 minutes later, Su Su came back on high heels, holding a tablet in his hand, "Boss, this is the news I just found. A hedge fund under Mark Movisky has suffered a serious loss and is currently facing Multiple pressures from customers and the outside world."

Yang Cheng immediately opened his eyes and sat up, then took the tablet and looked at it seriously.

This is a revelation that a hedge fund called the Greek Eagle under Makovsky has lost 90% of its value and is facing a situation of imminent closure.

The fund once bet that Greece may recover from its financial crisis that has lasted for many years. It is clear that this fund focused on the Greek market has failed. In 2015, it lost a huge loss of nearly 50. Once the fund is closed, no matter the fund How much money is left in it will be returned to investors.

This fund was launched in 2011, but its performance has been disappointing due to Greece's continuing economic problems and the difficult environment facing the hedge fund industry.

However, Mark Movsky sent a letter to his client in 2014 expressing his confidence in the economic recovery of Greece.

However, the chaotic situation in Greece can hardly be improved through unilateral assistance from the European Union.

Therefore, Yang Cheng believes that this fund has no possibility of coming back to life. Poor Mrs. Zipperton, who is standing with such a prodigal aunt, just doesn't know why Mrs. Zipperton will invite herself off the stage in person?

He concluded that tonight's party must be related to this fund that is about to close down. Does he want to kill her son-in-law?

Not so, Mark Movisky has several hedge funds under his name, and closing one of them will not bring his personal financial crisis.

Yang Cheng couldn't guess Mrs. Zipperton's intentions, so she could only talk about it later.

Putting the pad on the table, he moved his neck unconsciously, and his eyes met a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in attractive stockings.

Moving his eyes along the beautiful legs, Su Su was staring at the orange sunset outside the window in a daze.

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand while she was not paying attention, and held the person in her arms amidst her screams.

"I said you were unhappy today. Are you blaming me for not finding your well-dressed?"

Susu was unprepared when he fell down, and now lying on Yang Orange's thighs is uncomfortable, struggling to sit up, pouting aggrievedly, and unwilling to admit it, "No."

Yang Cheng is welcome, and patted her on the back a little harder, "Lying!"

Susu stuck her neck arrogantly and still refused to admit it, "Just no."

"Little girl in the film, if you don't play the house for three days, I will give you one last chance, frankly, resisting and strict, right?"


Yang Orange smirked, "It seems that it's not right. You can't use some means."

As soon as the voice fell, he exerted force with both hands and directly hugged the person.

Susu suddenly kicked his legs in panic because of a sudden sense of weightlessness, so that the high heels hanging on his feet flew three meters away.

Yang Cheng possessed the landlord bully and went into the house holding the beauty.

Only the mess left

. . . . . .

At 7 o'clock in the afternoon, twilight descended, and a pink ray remained on the New York skyline. With the lights on, the day in the Big Apple City was truly beginning.

Yang Cheng changed into a formal outfit, sitting in the back row of Maybach and grinning. This little girl hadn't communicated with her for a long time. She didn't expect her strength to grow very fast. If it weren't for his confidence, he was almost killed.

Andrew, who was driving in front of him, listened to the country music on the radio, shaking his head to the brisk rhythm, and was completely immersed in the atmosphere of entertainment in the city at night.

Hansen looked out the window and looked at the long queue in front of him. He couldn't help but said, "Boss, we might be late."

Yang Cheng waved his hand innocently, "It's okay, let's drive slowly. At this point in time, it's not normal to arrive early."

The party was held at the InterContinental Hotel in Times Square. It was said to be a party, but it was more like a banquet, except that the organizer did not provide dinner, only desserts, snacks and drinks.

The 20-minute journey was a full one hour, but when he arrived at the hotel, he was told by the waiter that the party was postponed for an hour. The reason was that there were still some guests who did not arrive and seemed to be blocked on the road.

Yang Cheng gave a $5 tip and asked the waiter to help open a room. When he got out of the car, he accidentally stepped on a puddle and soiled his shoes. He didn't want to wear a pair of stained shoes to the party.

Just stepping on the elevator, Andrew was about to press the close button when he heard an anxious cry from a short distance, "Wait a minute, there are still people."

Andrew asked Yang Cheng with his eyes.

"Wait a minute"

With a little effort, Yang Cheng will not deliberately close the door to make people wait for the next trip, although there are still many elevators nearby.

A few seconds later the sound of hurried footsteps in high heels stepping on the marble floor was heard, and then there was a beautiful white woman in an olive green dress and high heels high enough to look at Yang Cheng.

The other party rushed into the elevator panting, and saw the black and white double evil spirits guarding Yang Cheng on the left and the right. He was taken aback, and then he said in embarrassment. He turned his back and turned towards the elevator door without moving.

Yang Cheng smiled and reminded, "Beautiful lady, are you going to the same floor with me?"

The back figure trembled visible to the naked eye, and the beauty hurriedly reached out and pressed on the numeric keyboard, saying sorry.

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