Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1343: Come to find the difference

The girl looked shrewd, but her behavior was so cute.

Yang Cheng thought boredly right behind the beauty. It seems that this tall and thin figure should be a model. There is no doubt that the cheek lines are hard, not the soft style he likes.

Soon, amidst melodious music, the elevator arrived at the room reserved by Yang Cheng, passed by the beauty, smiled politely, and got off the elevator without looking back.

He didn't know, when the girl looked at his leaving back, a hint of playfulness flashed in her eyes.

After a simple treatment in the room, the problem is not big, and it will look new after drying, otherwise you will have to ask the hotel for help.

After taking a short rest and returning to the banquet hall, Yang Cheng saw Chelsea as the hostess at first sight. She really couldn’t help but notice that this famous little princess was the first well-known woman who was called for plastic surgery by the nation. It may be impolite to say ugly, but there is really no better adjective.

Looking around in the banquet hall, she didn't see Mrs. Zipperton's figure, and she couldn't help being a bit angry. It was a bit too much to invite the young master, but not to show her face.

He stopped the waiter who was walking through the crowd with a tray, grabbed a glass of champagne and was ready to find a corner to be alone. He didn't have much interest in the party tonight. If it weren't for Mrs. Zipton's personal invitation, he I'm too lazy to come.

"good evening?"

Upon hearing the greeting from behind, Yang Cheng immediately put on a standard smile and turned back. She thought it was an old acquaintance, who knew it was the girl she had just met in the elevator.

"Uh~ good evening, such a coincidence."

"Yeah, it's a coincidence. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Lauren Busch and I am friends with Chelsea."

Yang Cheng's pupils contracted sharply, Lauren Busch? Little Flying Shoes' niece?

Damn, it turned out to be this princess, and Yang Cheng secretly sighed that he had a lot of fate.

"It turned out to be Miss Busch. No wonder I was familiar with the elevator before." This sentence can't be faked anymore. God knows how he evaluated the other party just now?

He pursed his lips and smiled, "Call me Lauren, can I call you Jason?"

Yang Cheng spread his hands, "Of course, my friends call it that way."

"Jason, I heard Uncle talk about you." Lauren was full of vibes. In Yang Cheng's eyes, the other party's eyes were full of fox-like cunning.

"That's my honour. I don't know what Mr. Busch said of me?"

Lauren suddenly sold off, "In fact, nothing said, by the way, you also received an invitation from Chelsea to the party?"

Yang Cheng was very upset with the half-talking behavior of the other party, but he couldn't do anything. After all, he was a member of the charity family and had enough face.

He took a sip of champagne to hide his dissatisfaction, and answered casually, "No, her mother invited me to come."

The corners of Lauren's lips raised, as if he was interested in the answer, "Really? It seems you are very popular."

Yang Cheng's brows moved insignificantly. He always felt that there was something in the other party's words, and he didn't want to fight her. He asked bluntly, "Lauren, if you have something to say, you can just say it, or if you need my help. , Even speak up."

Lauren still smiled, "Don't misunderstand Jason, I'm just a little curious, how did you make it between Donald and Mrs. Zipperton?"

Yang Cheng's heart sank. Sure enough, this girl was not kind, so, was her cute behavior in the elevator before as acting?

"Lauren, are you kidding?" Yang Orange smiled unabated.

"It's just casual chat between friends." Lauren said casually.

"Are you fighting the injustice for your uncle?" Yang Cheng said with a playful expression.

Lauren shook his head and said straightforwardly, "No, Jeb has his own considerations, and we don't need to think about him as juniors."

Yang Cheng continued to test, "Why is that? I think you are hostile to me."

"How is it possible? By the way, Bee and I are very good friends. I heard from her that you have seen it not long ago?"

Lauren changed the subject again, thinking jumped, and Yang Cheng almost couldn't keep up.

"Yes, I haven't seen it for a long time, I didn't expect the friendship to still exist." Although I can barely keep up with the other's conversation, my head is at a loss and I can't figure out the other's true intentions.

"If you have the opportunity, how about you call me next time you meet? I really hope to get to know a friend like you." Lauren took the initiative to extend an olive branch, and Yang Cheng couldn't accept it. He could only say ambiguously, "Of course, if there is any If you have a chance~"

The two looked at each other in silence. There was a full tens of seconds, which was not embarrassing, because the two had their own ghosts and regarded this brief silence as the tranquility before the storm.

Sure enough, in the next second, Lauren raised a spear at Yang Cheng, "Do you know? Jeb may officially announce his withdrawal from Daxuan."

The shocked look on Yang Cheng's face is beyond words, wait, if he remembers correctly, Jeb seems to have withdrawn long ago?

Seeing his face turned from shocked to puzzled, Lauren took the initiative to explain, "He had only revealed his inclination in private before and did not make an official announcement. However, some people use other people's momentary emotions as a declaration to expose them. This behavior is disgusting, isn't it?"

A huge wave surged in Yang Cheng's heart, **** it, wouldn't the other party think he was an accomplice? He knows exactly who some people in Lauren's mouth are referring to!

Before he could explain, Lauren continued with a cold smile, "Now, some people have got what they wanted, using despicable means to attack, and then using a powerful public opinion offensive to turn the fiction into fact, so He succeeded, but the generosity family will not forget the failures in the past. We will fight back and retaliate. Temporary joy is not a big deal. Always smiling is the most fulfilling life, right?"

Yang Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and Lauren's words seemed like they couldn't reach the village or the shop, but thinking about it carefully, the threats implicit in the words seemed like murder in the dark, which made people creepy.

What caused Lauren to say such a thing to himself?

Thinking about the content in the newspapers and the TV station's reports on Daxuan these days, Yang Cheng has a direction in mind.

In the United States, there is a saying in the United States, "Iowa people pick corn, New Hampshire people pick tong, South Carolina people sift tong".

In other words, after the primary elections after the dang internal elections in Iowa and New Hampshire, ju and daxuan, when they arrive in South Carolina, they often screen candidates who have not withdrawn from the jing election. Candidates who are optimistic about the election will participate in the next round of "Super Tuesday" in the primary elections in multiple states.

And history has proven many times that candidates who can win the primary election in South Carolina have a greater chance of being nominated within the dang, for example, in 1996, 2000 and 2008, they were able to be nominated by the total dang nomination. The candidates are all candidates who won the South Carolina primary election.

Especially in the current situation where multiple candidates in the elephant party are engaged in a "tug-of-war", which candidate can win and widen the gap with other opponents is also considered to be the key test for winning in multiple southern states in the future.

The primary election in South Carolina uses non-registration and referendum. Candidates who can win more than 50% of the votes get all 50 votes.

Therefore, as a state with a "winner's all" in the primary election, South Carolina has always been a contested area for candidates because of the similarity to the November voting method.

The "special" feature of South Carolina is that about 80% of the local voters are evangelicals, and 50% of the voters are African Americans.

As a predominantly evangelical area, the elephant party has always been a voting warehouse, but African-Americans usually tend to vote for the donkey party. Therefore, Cruz, who originally intended to play the "religious card" to win, just like in Iowa , The old trick failed to repeat itself in South Carolina, and it was a miserable loss.

And the golden sign promoted by the party leader, that is, Lauren’s uncle Jeb, has not been news after the support rate and votes are lagging behind. Therefore, Nanka is also regarded by the Busch family as the last hope of turning over. For this reason, Jeb is also down After a lot of effort, he not only invested huge family resources, but also worked hard for his life. In addition to conducting intensive and careful selection activities in many parts of the state, Jeb also brought in the elephants most welcome by the conservative forces in South Carolina. One of the party members-his brother Xiaofeixie.

Of course, Xiao Feixie’s wife, Laura, was accompanied by the family. Before that, Xiao Feixie and his father, Lao Bu, had won the primary election in South Carolina.

Therefore, I was close to pulling up the old father's Jeb and carrying out a "last fight" in South Carolina, not only made his family sweat for him, but also made those who have never been optimistic about him "wait to see the fun."

The first person to "move the bench" waiting to see the excitement was Donald.

Not only did he publicly ridiculed Jeb many times in the debate, "Before he was still standing in the middle and got the most support from the'Heaven's Prodigy', but as the debates were held, they got farther and farther away from the middle debate platform~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And when members of the Busch family gradually appeared on the scene of Jeb's jing election event, they never missed any chance to make fun of their opponents.

"Those who can bring their mother out to canvass will fail as much as they fail."

"Except for your family, you really have nothing and nothing."

This is what Donald said personally with his big mouth. For this reason, he did not hesitate to use media resources to publicize it, and everyone knows it.

Of course, in the face of the jerk’s many bottomless personal attacks, Jeb always responded directly, “This kind of person is not surprised to say anything. He cannot rely on such insults and bullies to win the Jing election all the way.”

The confrontation between the two sides was half-hearted. It is hard to say who can have the upper hand, but Donald never mind using the next three-way means to attack his opponent, and Yang Orange and New Times Media, who previously reached a private cooperation agreement with him, undoubtedly Become an accomplice in the eyes of outsiders. Seeing Jeb's defeat in the base camp, it would be strange if the Busch family didn't find someone to give up!

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