Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1345: Chelsea performing well

Yang Cheng buttoned her ears, and nodded her head with her index finger, "Sure enough, you are a barbarian, man, it's 6012, and you have to solve problems with brute force. You are out of date. Go home and study hard, modern people. This is the head—it’s a pity you don’t have one."

People with perfect taunting skills, against people who only speak 26 letters, the results are quite horrible, it is simply a crushing force.

The movement on their side was not small, and naturally attracted the attention of the people around, and some people helped inform the host of the party.

Before David Lauren waited for a counterattack, Chelsea stepped in between the two and smiled and said, "What's the misunderstanding between the two? Why don't we say another place? Don't disturb everyone's Yaxing."

Yang Cheng shrugged and said that it didn't matter, but David Lauren was reluctant, and was still'working hard' to break free from his girlfriend.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

There is also one such person in the NBA. The famous Wolf King Garnett. The reputation of a tough guy depends on his teammates. Every time he fights, someone must pull him. Like Garfield, the atmosphere didn't dare to gasp.

Finally, under Chelsea's reassurance, everyone dispersed, and Yang Cheng was also invited to the lounge next to Chelsea and her husband.

After entering the room, Yang Cheng discovered that Mrs. Zipperton was also in the room. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Yang Cheng walked over calmly, smiling and greeting, "Good evening, Mrs. Zipton, thank you for your invitation."

Mrs. Zipperton smiled and looked at David Lauren, who was bulging, and raised her eyebrows. "Why did you argue with David?"

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "I’m not to blame. First, Lauren Busch threatened me. Then this guy suddenly jumped out and asked me to apologize. I was so angry that he was about to do it. I have never seen such a domineering person. I really thought I'm so bullied?"

He seemed to be narrating the facts, without even adding salt and vinegar, but he left himself completely out of the way. He was just a victim.

"Lauren threatened you?" Mrs. Zipperton's face was unclear.

Yang Cheng snorted in her heart, can't you say that Lauren was resisted because she supported Donald?

Thoughts turned sharply, and calmly said, "It's nothing, there is a misunderstanding between us."

The woman's instinct told herself that Yang Cheng didn't say everything.

At this time, Chelsea, who had understood what happened with Lauren, walked over, first called her mother, and then smiled at Yang Cheng, "Good evening, Mr. Yang, I am very glad that you can come to our party. Such an accident happened. No one wants to see it. I'm sorry to you first."

This is a problem-solving attitude, and Yang Cheng is still quite satisfied. At the same time, he wants to see how well the little princess who is as famous as Donrad's daughter is capable.

"I just had a brief understanding of the situation with Lauren. I want to hear from you. Of course, I will not judge things right or wrong as a judge. I only hope that both of you can end this meaningless dispute in a peaceful manner. "

Chelsea's performance is very angry. It is completely different from the evaluation of her on the Internet. In the eyes of the American people, Chelsea is completely the object of ridicule, and it is not as good as it looks. What is the Stanford University History Diploma? Everyone here knows it well.

Entering NBC to become the youngest news reporter among the descendants of the ZZ family in the United States, it has become a joke for Americans after dinner. The words "the most boring reporter in history", "monotonous", "lack of charm" and so on are all American netizens for Chelsea Affixed label.

However, as far as I have seen it with my own eyes, Chelsea is not as unbearable as people ridicule, at least as a second-generation Guan.

But Yang Cheng didn't want to talk too much about this matter in front of Mrs. Zipton. This would destroy the tacit understanding between the two. At least until the final election results are released, this awkward alliance relationship will continue to be maintained.

So he waved his hand and said, "The process is not important, and I am not prepared to tell them today. If they really want to treat me, I will just follow the door of the hotel. You don’t have to worry that I will destroy it. At the party tonight, everyone is civilized, right?"

Chelsea was stunned, and then asked his mother with his eyes. After getting a positive sign, he smiled and said, "Well, thank you for your understanding. Lauren doesn't want to complicate things, so this matter will stop here."

After she left with Lauren, Yang Cheng praised Mrs. Zipperton, "Congratulations, your daughter did a great job."

Mrs. Zipperton said in a rare modest manner, "She has a lot to do."

Having said that, the smile on her face can still tell how proud she is for her daughter.

"By the way, there are no outsiders here, so let's talk about it." Yang Cheng asked directly.

Not surprisingly, Mrs. Zipperton nodded slowly, "Actually, you can guess that at this critical juncture, if Mark's hedge fund goes bankrupt, it will have a great impact on me."

Yang Cheng was unmoved, he was waiting for the other party to take the initiative to ask to maintain the hedge fund until November, even if it was closed then, it would be better to keep it going. "

"So, you need me to invest money in it?"

Yang Cheng is very straightforward. It's best to explain this kind of thing clearly, so as not to understand the wrong meaning and help in vain, and he doesn't want to do anything thankless.

"No, there is no need. This hedge fund is inevitable to fail. There is no need to put money into it. I mean can you let Mark invest the money of the foundation in your company? It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, as long as you don’t lose money. it is good."

Damn, this abacus is too loud, Yang Cheng complained in his heart.

"I have read the information. Mark's foundation is mainly for the Greek market. If I invest money in my company, it might not be appropriate. Will customers raise objections?"

Mrs. Zipperton said lightly, “As long as you make money or don’t lose money, it’s perfect for customers. As for whether the investment market meets the original goal, it doesn’t matter.”

She has shown the shameless spirit of Wall Street to the fullest.

But Yang Cheng also has concerns, should he accept the funds?

It seems that there is no benefit to me. According to the initial estimate, there is not much money left in the account of the foundation called the "Greek Eagle". It is a miracle to have 20 million. What is this little money for?

Besides, he and Mark are not relatives, so why are they making money for him in vain? Even if Mrs. Zipton speaks in person, he is reluctant to do things that are not good.

Fortunately, Mrs. Zipperton has long known who Yang Cheng is, a greedy little fox, who typically doesn’t see rabbits or scatter eagles, so she immediately said, “Don’t let you help. There is an area of ​​18 acres in the San Francisco Bay Area. The land can be planned as residential land."

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