Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1346: Don't eat meat without money

18 acres?

If you build a building, there will be a lot of profit, but depending on the location, there are also regulations on the height of the floor that can be built. If only villas can be built, more than 30 villas occupying an area of ​​3,000 square feet should not be a problem. .

If the location is better, this land can make a lot of money, of course, provided that the acquisition of the land does not involve too much capital.

"What about the specific location?" Yang Cheng asked. Real estate is the location, and location can directly determine the price of the property.

Mrs. Zipperton knew that Yang Cheng was interested, and couldn’t help laughing, “I knew you were interested. The specific location is in Fremont, near the highway entrance and the forest reserve. It used to be the location of the wood processing factory. Later it went bankrupt and was managed by zf."

Yang Cheng nodded. It is not the land for heavy industry, which means that the environment has not been damaged and the foundation for the construction of high-end residential areas is available.

The profit from this piece of land was enough to impress Yang Cheng to accept the other party's request.

Showed an extremely ‘sincere’ smile and said, “I’m very willing to help the ‘Greek Eagle’ get through the difficulties and avoid more investors’ losses.”

"Thank you for your generosity"

This is the purpose of Mrs. Zipton's invitation to him to join the party. Now that the purpose is achieved, Yang Cheng has no need to stay. Naturally, related personnel are responsible for contacting the land. The fastest updated novels https://

The land in the San Francisco Bay Area is very valuable. Although Yuanshan Capital has rarely independently developed real estate projects in recent years, it does not mean that it has lost the ability to develop. Otherwise, who will support so many Chinese workers who eat with them?

The development of a high-end residential area is as simple as eating and sleeping for the development team under Yuanshan Capital.

There is no difference between this money and nothing.

When I went home and told my dad about it, there was no other thing to say. He also urgently needs to get a good-looking financial statement. How can he refuse this kind of steady profit business? It directly means that he will send someone to contact and get it as soon as possible. Lower the land to avoid extra branches.

Before going to bed, William called suddenly and said that he was going to invite him to drink a glass of beer.

"You haven't slept for a few days? Are you still drunk? Suddenly talking about alcohol?" Yang Cheng said angrily.

"Eon, I'm not joking." William was equally upset, and he was very serious.

"You still have something to say, I'm too sleepy, my mind is about to stop."

"OK, do you know King Green?" William finally stopped selling.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and seemed impressed, "The largest bar group in the UK?"

William exclaimed in excitement, "Yes, this bar group, founded in 1799, is the largest bar retailer and brewer in the UK, with more than 3,100 bars, restaurants and hotels in the UK.

You know, because of the Brexit issue, the pound exchange rate has fallen, and the stock prices of many listed companies have also fallen. Green King is one of them, and their own debt is very serious. Recently, they are about to be unable to sustain it. The controlling party is already Talk in private and be willing to contact buyers.

Jason, this is a good opportunity for bargaining. As my good brother, I will notify you as soon as I hear the news. How about? Interesting enough? "

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. There was no prince style in these words, but rather like a gangster who went to the market as a broker.

"I have no interest and no money. The company has made a big move recently and has almost emptied all the liquid funds. Unless it is given to me in vain, I can't afford it for an extra pound."

This is not a deliberate refusal. He has to borrow money to purchase Westinghouse Electric. At any rate, Westinghouse Electric has advanced nuclear power technology. This is a technology that can benefit a century. After the acquisition, it will not lose money. What does King Green have? beer?

Moreover, the British bar industry is in a downturn. Now young British consumers are not very interested in beer, and sales have hit new lows. Once Brexit becomes a reality and the economy is down, who will go to the bar to spend? At that time, Green King’s stock price might fall to the bottom, and it is not a high-quality business, so Yang Cheng remains unmoved.

But William didn't give up. He also looked forward to making this acquisition a profit.

"Listen to me. Before I called you, I made a special investigation. Most of the bars in the UK are located in prime locations in the center of every town, and Green King’s properties include wineries, bars, restaurants, hotels, etc., of which more than 80% of the properties are in the core area and have freehold property rights or long-term leasehold property rights.

According to the data from my survey, the area of ​​the bars, restaurants and hotels owned by King Green in the UK is about 70 million square feet and about 7 million square meters. In other words, once the acquisition is successful, you will not only buy It is Green King’s bar brand, and also bought the real estate properties that the bar comes with. Even if the brand cannot continue to operate in the future, these properties will continue to provide you with rent as a stable cash flow.

The most important thing is that if you, as a new rich man in the United States, participate in the acquisition of the Greenking Group, the news that the stock price will rise is 100%. "

Yang Cheng was still indifferent, but when he heard that King Green's properties were permanent properties, his little heart beat fiercely.

"What is the market value of King Green? How much is in debt?"

Thinking that Yang Cheng was moved, William said excitedly, "As long as it is less than 2 billion pounds, the debt is almost the same."

Yang Cheng spit out old blood, damn, what this said sounds like 20 yuan, 2 billion pounds? Buy a fart!

"No money, no money, no money, if you can't find a buyer, I can help you release the news, I can't afford it myself."

Permanent properties are indeed very attractive, but the empire has already seen the sunset after the sun never sets. He was willing to give it a try 20 years ago. Now, even the British zf is selling off assets for cash. Yang Cheng really can’t guarantee this. After the property reaches its own hands, it will not become a pile of waste bricks.

William heard the determination in Yang Cheng's words, and said disappointedly, "Really don't think about it again?"

Yang Cheng had to reassure me, "If I have enough cash, I can get in touch and try it out, but it’s too inappropriate to buy a loan for a bar group. Don’t tell me that profit can repay the loan. If it is so strong The level of profitability, Green King will not be forced to sell."

"Well, then you can help me ask my friends around me, if anyone wants me to be a middleman, of course, I should be given a lot of money."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly. This guy is addicted to being a broker, but he also knows that the dignified Prince of England is not having a good life. "Okay, I will remember this. If there is a suitable next home, I will help recommend it." Qiqi The novel first published on the whole network

William adjusted his emotions, "Thank you brother, when did you come to the UK? A while ago, when I was having dinner with my grandmother, I inadvertently talked about the current situation of Beihai Manor. She said that she had the opportunity to see it. After all, there was a royal family. The palace, can regain the brilliance under your hands, and grandma is also very pleased."

Yang Cheng was surprised at first, and then became ecstatic. There is a big difference between whether there are so many castles in Britain and whether they have been visited by the monarch. If Yang Cheng has the title of nobility and can accept the Queen, he will definitely be overjoyed.

Of course, it's not bad now. If it really takes off, the value of Beihai Manor will increase by at least 50%.

"Very welcome, Beihai Manor welcomes Her Majesty the Queen to come at any time."

William chuckled, "I will convey your attitude, but whether you can go depends on the timing."

Yang Cheng understands that the Queen needs reasons and excuses to go out. At least he has to make a gimmicky festival to invite the Queen.

"I know what to do."

William had already hinted so obvious, and Yang Cheng was not stupid, so why couldn't he hear it?

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng kept calling Carson and relayed William's words to him. The old butler, like Yang Cheng, immediately realized that this was a good opportunity for Beihai Manor to increase its value.

Of course, for an aristocratic butler who has received the most orthodox training, being able to receive Her Majesty the Queen is the glory of his life.

"Master, it will be Easter soon, and the Queen's birthday, St. George's Day." Carson said.

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "These orthodox festivals, it is impossible for the queen to leave home and go outside to celebrate the festival, right?"

He doesn't know much about the customs of the British royal But according to common sense, the queen should spend the festival with her family, or hold a dinner party, inviting nobles and celebrities to Windsor Castle for the festival.

Carson replied with regret, "This is my mistake, sir, I am so excited, I forgot that the respected Her Majesty the Queen will hold a grand celebration on Easter.

Probably the process is to return to Windsor Castle with the family, and then go to St. George's Church for worship on Easter Sunday. After the end, there will be a series of people-friendly activities. I am afraid there is no time to come to the North Sea Manor. "

After a pause, Carson changed his frustration, as if thinking of something, and said excitedly, "Master this year, you may have the opportunity to receive an invitation from Windsor Castle to attend the Easter dinner hosted by the royal family."

For this loyal butler, the honor of the host receiving the Queen’s invitation to attend the royal banquet is equivalent to the manor managed by the Queen herself.

Yang Cheng laughed, "I'm not sure about this, let's talk about it then, if I really receive an invitation, I will definitely be there."

Carson said solemnly, "It will be, sir, you let Beihai Manor regain its glory, which is equivalent to washing away the misdemeanor of the royal family."

Yang Cheng hurriedly stopped him, "You can't talk nonsense, that's okay, it's good if you know what happened. If you really receive an invitation like you said, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"As you wish, sir"

He hung up the phone and threw away the phone, lying on the bed tossing over and over, his mind was full of King Green Group's business. Of course, he did not regret rejecting William's proposal, but regretted that the meat fell to the ground. .

It’s a pity, there’s still not enough money. If you don’t have money, you don’t have the right to eat meat. If you have more than 10 billion dollars in cash, he also has the confidence to buy Green King. With so many high-quality fixed assets, it’s not tempting. Nonsense!

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