Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1355: Windsor Castle, the fastest update to the latest chapters of American Indulge in Life!


As early as when the convoy entered the small town of Windsor, Carson notified Annet Wilkin. When the convoy slowly entered the outer gates of Windsor Castle, she had seen Ms. Wilkin in a butler uniform with servants. Standing in line, the queen's most loyal butler wore gold glasses and a standard rather than enthusiastic smile on his face.


   It is worth mentioning that because the Queen’s family returned to Windsor Castle for the holidays, the police force on the periphery was much greater than before. Many tourists from afar could only take pictures through the guards, but unfortunately they could not enter the interior.


The convoy stopped, Carson got off the car for the first time, opened the door for Yang Cheng, and then stood respectfully behind Yang Cheng. At this moment, his professionalism is fully displayed, even if he has worked and lived here for half of his life. The place, you can't lose Yang Cheng's face.


   "Good afternoon, dear Mr. Yang, Windsor Castle welcomes you." Ms. Wilkin's kind voice rang in her ears, but Yang Cheng heard a strong sense of pride in her words.


   "Good afternoon, Ms. Wilkin, it is my honor." Yang Cheng bowed slightly in front of her with her left hand and gave a gentleman's salute. His authentic Oxford accent won Ms. Wilkin's favor.


   At this time, Yang Cheng turned slightly to his side, letting Carson out, and said, "You two are old friends. I shouldn't need to introduce you."


  Ms. Wilkin carefully looked up and down at Carson, and then nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that your work and life after leaving the castle are good."


   Carson’s thoughts were immediately taken back to the past, so that he did not lose consciousness, "Yes, I had a good time."


   After a short pause, he raised the black gift bag in his hand, "This is the wine produced by Beihai Manor. I hope that your majesty and you can taste it."


   Wilkin waved his hand, and immediately a maid came up to take the gift, and then thanked him, "Very precious gift, please come in. I have prepared a room for Mr. Yang to rest."


   Yang Cheng said immediately, "Wait for Madam Wilkin, I have an appointment with His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge."


Ms. Wilkin suddenly said, "Then, I will send someone to follow Mr. Yang. Carson is also an old man of the castle, let him take you around, and then my people will take you to your Highness. Please forgive me for missing a moment. The evening banquet still needs my supervision."


   "Ms. Wilkin is welcome, I believe Carson will not let me get lost."


   The brief welcoming ceremony was over. Wilkin left a close-knit maid and left, and Yang Cheng, led by Carson, walked around the castle.


  The private residences of the royal family are mainly located in the upper district, which houses countless famous paintings and treasures, which are the wealth accumulated by the ancestors of the royal family.


Regarding these works of art, Yang Cheng looked at them with the mentality of visiting a museum, and did not have the idea of ​​taking it for himself. Of course, it would be useless if there were any, because almost every ancient building in Europe treasures similar treasures. Moreover, they are all priceless treasures. Taking out one piece at random can arouse the chasing of the rich at the auction. The aristocratic heritage is unimaginable by anyone.


   was deeply attracted by Queen Mary’s doll museum during the visit, but she did not expect Queen Mary to have a childlike side.


The doll museum collects various dolls that Queen Mary likes very much and miniature models of each room. The craftsmanship of these models is very exquisite and meticulous. They are so small that they can even be placed on a table with a candle holder, plates, knives and forks. , The crystal chandeliers on the ceiling, the exquisite carvings of dining tables and chairs, and the lifelike carvings of the curtains on the bed.


   Looking at these vivid models, it feels like walking into the world of fairy tales, which makes people fall into infinite reverie


   But because the members of the royal family are in the room now, many rooms cannot be entered. They just wandered around, showing the grandeur of the royal family everywhere.


Like all palaces in Europe, each house is decorated with oil paintings by famous painters. On the ceiling, there are paintings of gods and auspicious harvests. Living here is like living in an art palace. Think about being born since childhood. The little princes and little princesses here, who are influenced by such art, will they not be masters when they grow up?


Coming out of the upper zone, Carson brought Yang Cheng to the Waterloo Hall. This hall was built to celebrate the victory of the Battle of Waterloo. The Battle of Waterloo was a famous battle in the history of European wars, which ultimately determined the fate of Napoleon and his empire. Europe has far-reaching influence.


The walls of the spacious and tall rectangular hall are covered with portraits of British warriors who made military contributions in the Battle of Waterloo. This is also one of the main banquet venues for the British royal family to hold major events. The Easter dinner tonight will be held here. When they visited, they could see that many servants were arranging cutlery on the long table, and some of them were holding measuring tapes. The position of each plate needs to be measured one by one.


Not wanting to disturb the work of others, Yang Cheng took the initiative to retreat and walked slowly along the path inside the castle, feeling the solemnity and solemnity seeping out of the wall, always feeling that every brick and every stone contained an endless mystery Story, every room has staged a thrilling legend, and every path has its own unique allusion.


   Yang Cheng's walking speed is not fast or slow, she seems to be in the quaint castle, even her body settles down unconsciously, and with Carson's elegant explanation, she unknowingly walks under the round tower in the central area.


   This round tower towering high on the high hills in the middle of the castle was built in the 12th century. It was not so high before, because later George IV added a towering crown part on it, making it the tallest building in the castle. Ascending to the top of the tower, you can see the entire Windsor town and the castle. Beautiful view.


   Yang Cheng stood on it, and when he looked up, there were blue sky and white clouds within reach. Looking across the world, the sense of sight of the king's soil filled his mind. He could feel the heroic sense of generations of British monarchs standing here.


   If it were not for the wrong timing, he really wanted to stand on it and shout: This is Lao Tzu's world.


   Fortunately, such a second-year behavior was not born under the pressure of reason, otherwise Yang Cheng would lose his face.


When you step down from the round tower, you will find the lower area. There are mainly St. George's Chapel and Albert Memorial Chapel. The two buildings are adjacent to each other. The St. George's Chapel is a classic Gothic building in Windsor Castle. It is known that these stained glass depicts very lifelike images, even the well-informed Yang Cheng can't help but stop and look more.


   The Albert Memorial Chapel is next to the St. George Chapel. According to Carson, it was built in 1240 and belongs to the final style of the pinnacle of Gothic architecture. In 1863, it was converted into the Memorial Chapel of Prince Albert.


   The royal family’s celebration in the morning was held here. Next to the castle’s garden, the area was not large. If you simply compare the garden, Yang Cheng finally found some pride. The garden of Beihai Manor is now famous in the British Isles.


   Back indoors from the garden side, basically after the whole tour, Yang Cheng ordered the maid to lead the way. After more than half an hour in this circle, it is estimated that William, who received the news, was waiting in a hurry.


Back in the upper area, the maid gently knocked on an open-door suite. William was sitting on the sofa in the living room looking through his phone boredly to pass the time. He heard the knock on the door, and turned his head sharply to see the moment Yang Cheng Get excited, "he, man, you finally came."


  Yang Cheng walked in and hugged him, scanned around, and found that only William himself was in the room, and curiously asked, "Where are Kate and George?"


   "They are drinking tea, don't worry about them." In response, he said hello to Carson who was smiling at the door, "He, good afternoon Carson."


   "Good afternoon, your lord~" Carson replied respectfully.


   William nodded, "Go down and rest, Jason, I will take care of it."


  Carson hesitated for a moment, and when he saw Yang Cheng smiled and agreed, he didn't entangle anymore, followed the maid down, and had his own special room for the guest housekeeper and servant to rest tonight.


   After the others left, William enthusiastically invited Yang Cheng to sit down, poured him a cup of hot tea, and said, "Congratulations, this year's Premier League champion is none other than Liverpool."


Now Liverpool is 5 points ahead of second place Leicester City in the standings. With 5 rounds left to end in the has a very high probability of winning the championship as long as they do not die. In William's view, this season's Liverpool, except for some running-in problems at the beginning, after a steady batch, the championship will basically not be ignored.


   Yang Cheng is very modest and cautious, "The game is not over, no one dares to say a certain result, so let's wait and see, there is one month left, the time flies quickly."


Because of Yang Orange’s relationship, William’s attention to Liverpool is now unprecedentedly strong. "I think you can focus on the Champions League. If you can hit the double crown this season, the sponsorship amount next season will definitely increase. Something."


Yang Cheng doesn’t think Liverpool will make a difference in the Champions League this season. He is very sensible. With the current thickness of Liverpool’s lineup, it is not easy to keep the Premier League title. At the end of the season, a double-line battle will result in a loss. .


   Therefore, Yang Cheng also told Ian Al in private that his goal is to win a significant championship this season. When Messi officially joins next season, it will be the time for a full attack on the multi-line battlefield.


   But it’s okay to know this plan by yourself, there is no need to reveal to William, this guy is a pseudo-fan.


   "You called me in advance, didn't it just to discuss football with me? Or did you buy the lottery ticket for Liverpool's final victory?"


   It must be a joke to buy a lottery ticket. If it is reported that the Prince of England is buying the ball, those guys on Fleet Street who are eager for the coming of the World War will not blow up their nests?

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