Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1356: Beckham's jazz dream

"No, no, how could I buy a lottery ticket? Stop joking. Don't forget that I am the honorary chairman of the FA. It is my job to care about the development of some leagues."

William didn't know if it was because he had been with Yang Cheng for a long time, and his mentality also became younger, and his **** was really bad.

"Well, let's just say, what happened, if it is the acquisition of the bar group, there is no need to mention."

William opened his hands, "OK, that's the case, haven't you mentioned to me that David wanted the Knight Medal?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "David? David Beckham?"

"Who else but him?"

"Well, I almost forgot about this~" Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. He really forgot Becky's request.

Hurriedly said, "So David's wish can be fulfilled?"

"No, it's not that simple, you forgot, there are also different levels of the Knights' Medal. If it is a normal British Empire Medal, David and Victoria already have it."

Yang Cheng patted his forehead, and he forgot that Xiaobei and his wife had already received the oBE medal, which is the official medal of the Order of the British Empire. If you have to rank high or low, the oBE medal should be ranked at the bottom of all medal levels. Two, there can be more than 800 places per year.

But what Beckham has always wanted is the knighthood that can be called ‘sir’.

Among the five ranks of the Order of the British Empire, only citizens of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth Kingdom who have obtained the top two-the Grand Cross of the Knights and the Order of the Knights Commander can be considered as knights. They can add "Sir or" before their English name. "The title.

However, foreign citizens' acquisition of these two titles can only be regarded as honors, and cannot be given titles.

In other words, Yang Cheng is also eligible to receive the Grand Cross and Commander Medal, but it cannot be called a "jazz", it is just a symbol of reputation.

If it's free, Yang Cheng is still happy to accept it with the spirit of not for nothing.

"If I remember correctly, there are fixed quotas for the Knight Commander Medal and Grand Cross Medal? Only when the winner dies can it be possible to replace the newcomer."

William affirmed, "Yes, last week, a holder of the Commander's Medal died of cancer and his position was vacated."

Yang Cheng knew that this position would not be so easy to obtain. Sure enough, William’s turning point came, "But there are more than 30 candidates competing for this position. Even if I help to nominate, David can enter the final election, he still To face the competition from several powerful opponents, there is a duke or marquis behind every candidate."

He blinked silently, "So how long does David have to do PR?"

William raised a finger and said, "One month, every June, grandmother will announce the list of honorable persons on her birthday. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait until the new year. I don’t know how many will be available. Quota."

Although the honor selection criteria and procedures are very strict, there is no complete and comprehensive written legislation in the UK.

Basically, the queen can make a single decision. Since the 1960s, the UK has increasingly awarded honors to non-state civil servants. Many celebrities in the literary and artistic circles have been able to obtain a medal of the British Empire. The less valuable it is.

But to the British, being able to be called a knight is still a supreme honor.

He said no, but his body was honest. This is the status quo of British celebrities.

"I will immediately notify David when I go back and ask him to find a way to do public relations. If you need anything, I can also convey it to him."

The last sentence is the key point. No matter how much public relations people have, can they have a heir to the public relations royal family?

William smiled very happily. This is the reason why he likes to communicate with Yang Orange. He is smart, doesn't need too much nonsense, and understands the principle of fair trade, and never let the other party suffer. No one doesn't like such an interest partner.

It's just that for the current William, he lacks nothing, that is, lack of money. Of course, he wants money to get the target. People who are not qualified can not give him money for free. Instead, he will mock the other party for wanting to insult the nobles with money!

Of course, Xiaobei is a friend, shouldn't friends help each other?

So he said vaguely, "You know that my charity foundation has been active recently, and the funds it holds are almost exhausted."

Yang Cheng understood, "I think David must be willing to contribute his own strength to his charity."

There is no need to ask about this kind of thing, he can completely agree on his behalf. If he is not willing to pay this little money, he needs a fart knight medal? Go home to draw a shield and play.

William has done a big business again, and he is in a good mood, "Jason, are you interested? As long as you speak, I can think of a way to GBE."

GBE is the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit. Compared with the 845 cap of the Order of Commander, GBE has only 100 people. It is also more valuable to make up for it only if a person is dead.

Yang Cheng pondered for a long while, regretting, "If I can add a Sir title, I would like to try it, but unfortunately I am a foreigner."

This William couldn't help it. This was the rule passed down by the royal family for hundreds of years, and even he could not change it at will.

"Sir is definitely not good, but Knight of the British Empire can be added after the name (Knight of the British Empire ~ ~ Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Yang Orange shook his head, "Forget it, I won't rob someone in need."

William is helpless, can't steal money directly from someone's wallet, right?

"OK, don't talk about this, I have received news that the shareholders of the British Core Energy Recycling Company are preparing to seek to sell their shares."

Yang Cheng covered his forehead, "To be honest, the UK has been selling for the past year. This makes me have to worry about the future of the UK and adjust my investment structure in the UK."

William awkwardly touched his brighter bald head. His original intention was to arouse Yang Cheng’s interest in order to facilitate the acquisition. Who would have thought that Yang Cheng was worried about the future of the United Kingdom because of this, and even prepared to adjust his investment portfolio. Rocked himself in the foot.

"No, these are all industries that concern people's livelihood. As long as the UK does not perish, these companies will continue to bring huge profits to investors.

Take Corey Energy, headquartered in London, and its business covers resource management, recycling and energy recycling. It operates the largest waste power plant in the UK on the Thames River in London, which processes 750,000 tons of waste per year and provides 525 MWh of electricity.

Corey Energy has a total of 6 waste treatment centers on the Thames in London. Most of the waste generated in London is recycled on the west bank of the Thames, and then transported all the way to the east bank of the Thames for processing. The fastest updated novels https://

Since the major shareholder of Corey Energy released the news, some large international pension funds and infrastructure funds are interested in quoting this energy company, as well as many state-owned enterprises from your home country, to join the competition.

It is enough to show how high-quality resources this is. It has an absolute monopoly in the British garbage disposal industry. It is expected that this year's turnover will exceed 100 million pounds, and the net profit will be nearly half. "

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