Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1363: traitor

  In the end, Yang Cheng and others came to Weatherrow's office, and there were some things that couldn't be said in front of the employees.

   "I found you are very supportive of Brexit?" Yang Cheng sat down and drank lipstick tea, and asked meaningfully.

   Weatherrow didn't change his face, and he was very calm when he asked the boss, as if he had expected it, "Yes, but this does not mean that it is my true thoughts."

   Yang Cheng raised her brows playfully, "Oh? How do you say?"

Withelow straightened his tie. He knew what Yang Cheng wanted to ask was not his own opinion at all. He said bluntly that his own ideas and positions were worth a dime. What Yang Cheng wanted to ask was as a What did Weatherlow, the editor-in-chief of the Sunday Times, think? Why should the report be biased towards the "Brexit" faction.

   "I represent the views of the conservative forces, and the Sunday Times has always been the main force of the extreme right. We cannot easily shake our position."

   Yang Cheng nodded slightly and sighed, "To be honest, my original intention is to be neutral, and our newspaper is only reporting facts from an objective standpoint, rather than joining factional fights.

   But then I realized that this was unrealistic. Britain is so big that the third position is not allowed at all. We have to choose one side. "

  Weatherrow has long known that Yang Cheng and Lao Mo are bosses of two completely different styles. Lao Mo is relatively old-fashioned and is better at using the power of the newspaper to influence ZZ, the economy and the whole society.

Yang Cheng is the boss of the new era, knows people and works well, and delegates professional affairs to professional people to manage. He is good at delegating power and at the same time tightly controlling the voice of the company. Disharmony within the company is allowed.

   Which kind of boss is good or bad?

Anyway, Weatherloo thinks that he can exert his full strength under Yang Cheng, but at the same time, his words and deeds are under great pressure. He knows that the boss is watching him. If he accidentally makes a mistake, he will get Maybe it's just one sentence: fire!

   "Boss, the last time the Remains took advantage of us to fight against the Brexitists, it gave me a warning. If we continue to choose neutrality, the final result will be nothing more than a **** used by both sides and die in the crush of both sides."

   Yang Cheng put down his tea cup, stood up, faced the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked out at the Parliament Building from the sky, "I understand that your choice is right, so I did not interfere with your work.

   But you have to be clear, no matter how things develop, this is a show, don't take it too seriously. "

   Witherlow solemnly stated, "Yes, boss, I'm just a media person, not a **** guest."

Yang Cheng smiled and turned around, "It's a pity to speak of it. It would be great if we had another newspaper with social influence. Look at the number of Laomo's 6, "The Sun" supports Brexit, "The Times" The newspaper supports staying in Europe, and no one knows his context. On the contrary, he is pleased with both sides, and he has earned his face. He is really an old fox."

   Witherlow hesitated for a moment, and then mentioned one more thing, "Boss, do you remember the Independent?"

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Of course~"

   said, he immediately patted his forehead, "You said before that you would buy The Independent, right? It didn't matter."

Withelow smiled bitterly, "Yes, I thought the "Independent" could be saved, but when we launched the acquisition investigation, we found that the "Independent" had no need to save, it was riddled with holes and debts piled up. So I immediately terminated the acquisition plan."

  Yang Cheng nodded to express his understanding, "Then what do you mean by mentioning it again?"

   Witherlow said sternly, "The paper version of The Independent was officially closed at the end of last month, but the digital version is still in operation."

  Yang Cheng said with a solemn expression, "You mean that the parent company of "The Independent" separated its non-performing assets, let it go bankrupt, and then fully operated the digital version?"

Withereau nodded, "Yes, it is surprising that the subscription status of the digital edition of The Independent is very good, and it has even become the fastest-growing news newspaper website in the UK, with a guaranteed coverage of at least 500,000. The group, surpassed the circulation of paper editions at its peak.

   For us, this is a very considerable user scale. My suggestion is to contact ESI, the parent company of The Independent, to acquire the digital version of The Independent. "

   "London Evening Standard is also a newspaper brand under ESI?" Yang Cheng's memory is a bit vague, so her tone is not sure.

   However, Witherlow gave a positive answer, "Yes, in fact, ESI did a good job. Their brand new advertising model has brought a very strong response."

   "New advertising model?" Yang Cheng hadn't heard of it, so she was curious.

   After thinking about it for a while, Withello probably explained, “ESI opens up data on the hottest articles in its newspapers to agencies to help advertisers respond to hot spots within a few hours.

   Such a move allows advertisers to have more right to know and control the advertising space they buy, and ESI can establish a deeper and longer relationship with advertisers. "

   Yang Cheng suddenly realized that the so-called brand-new advertising model is not clever, but provides optimization services, so that advertisers can feel their advertising effects faster, more convenient and more intuitive.

   To put it simply, it is to taste first and then buy.

   "Who is the controlling party of ESI now?"

Witheruo hesitated, "It seems to be a tycoon of the polar bear, called... By the way, it is called Lebedev. He was once known by the people for his big fight on another talk show. He is a very personal media. people."

Yang Cheng smiled and didn't say anything. He just wanted to buy ESI directly. When he heard that it was in the hands of the polar bear, he immediately lost interest and waved his hand, "Forget it, the digital edition of The Independent, you can try to get in touch. But don't hope too much."

   Witherlow puzzled, "Why?"

   "If I guess right, that Lebedev, 80% of KGB background, can successfully control the mainstream British media, as long as he does not encounter a life or death crisis, I am afraid it is impossible to sell the weapons in his hand."

Witherlow didn’t know much about these twists and turns, but he didn’t know anything about them. Therefore, Yang Cheng reminded him that he immediately realized that his ideas were a bit whimsical. No wonder he was preparing to acquire the paper edition of The Independent. At the time, the other party behaved very happy, playing together with him as an idiot.

   Thinking of this, Witherlow showed anger on his face, cursed the Russian in a low voice, then apologized, "Boss, this is my mistake."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Nothing. Thousands of media outlets in the UK can always find their favorite acquisition targets. What's more, the current environment is not good, and the days are almost too much to pass. Who will sleep with the glory of the past?"

He soothed, and then asked about the people he funded. When Yang Cheng was not in the UK, Weatherrow and Recosta were basically docked. They could use each other. Recosta needed public opinion to build momentum. Withello is interested in Recosta's ZZ resources.

   "How is Recosta?"

   Withelow thought for a moment, "I feel like he has found a new backer."

   Yang Cheng's face sank, he hated the feeling of betrayal, "Huh? Are you sure?"

   Witherlow was silent for a while, and slowly shook his head, "Not 100% sure."

   "Then it proves that he has signs of betrayal." Yang Orange said indifferently in her voice.

   He once said that if you can send Recosta to the lower council, you can kick him out again.

   Carson hooked his finger and made a smoking gesture. Carson knew it, and immediately took out the cigar, roasting the cigar with skill and grace.

   took the roasted cigar, took a sip, and slowly spit out the smoke. The scent of the cigar instantly filled the entire office. "To elaborate, what did he do?"

Carson didn’t need Yang Cheng’s instructions, but also baked a cigar for Witherlow. He thanked him and said, “Originally, we were in a tacit understanding of what we cooperated. Pay attention to it. There have even been three consecutive phone calls. Although he finally explained that he was in a meeting, the reason was too pale."

   Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, raised his hand to beckon him to continue.

   "Just two weeks ago, I met him by chance at a party and found that he was walking very close to a nobleman. It was very pleasant to watch them chat."

   "Huh? Noble?"

  Withello immediately agreed, "Yes, the Bute family, which originated in Cardiff, is a Scottish noble family closely related to the Stuart dynasty."

   Yang Cheng is not very This is why he found a lover who has neither money nor handsomeness with his girlfriend. What does this mean? Explain that he is not as good as a waste?

Yes, although he did not understand this family, in his impression, the nobles in Scotland are almost dead, and the few remaining are also lingering, relying on the nobles to make a living, what can be done to him Threat?

  Is this Recosta crazy? Everyone was climbing up Gao Zhi'er, but he was better, rushing up and running down.

   Seeing Yang Cheng’s expression, Withello hurriedly said, “Boss, the Bout family’s background is very deep and cannot be underestimated.”

  "As early as 250 years ago, the Lord of Montestuart, John, after arriving in Cardiff, married a local noble daughter and obtained huge real estate interests and mining rights in southern Wales.

Their grandson, the second-generation Marquis of the Bute family, has amassed a lot of wealth from Cardiff's rich coal resources. He is a very adventurous man. Later he took a risk and built the first dock in Cardiff. This bet allowed Cardiff’s coal exports to flourish, and the Bout family made a lot of money, laying the foundation for the Bout family’s right to speak in Cardiff City.

   After his death, his son John II, the third marquis of the Bute family, became one of the richest people on earth at that time. "


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