Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1364: Lying from start to finish

  "Different from the traditional aristocracy in the Victorian period, John II loved history, architecture and rituals. He was a serious, dedicated and scholarly man.

John II never hunted or fished. He opposed animal biopsy experiments and actively devoted himself to supporting women’s activities and university education activities. It may also be because of this character that the Bout family escaped the most serious disaster. Success is passed down.

  Although by the middle of the last century, the fifth marquis gave Cardiff Castle and Bute Park to Cardiff City, this was also an initiative to ease the contradiction between himself and ZF.

   The current seventh-generation Marquis lives in seclusion on Butte Island in the Gulf of Clyde, Scotland.

He is also a maverick. The more familiar name is Johnny Dumfries. He used to be a Formula One racer. After retiring, even though he has been living in seclusion, he gradually tried to restore the glory of the Bute family. .

   The long-term prosperity of the Bout family has given this family a very deep network and ZZ resources in Great Britain and even Europe. "

Having said so much about the glorious history of the Bout family, in fact, the last sentence is the key point. Yang Cheng corrected it as soon as he knew it was wrong, and immediately put away his contempt. Although this is a bit snobbish, it cannot hold the world like this. Only the strong can win respect. .

   "So, Le Costa also valued the ZZ resources of the Bout family?"

With a cigar in his hand, Witherlow leaned on the desk and sighed, "From his perspective, it is understandable. In his opinion, since he has become a member of Parliament, the next step must be an impact to a higher position. Judging from the ability we currently demonstrate, it seems that it is not enough to support him to continue going down, so it is reasonable to find a stronger backing."

   Yang Cheng couldn't help but laughed, "Are you actually speaking for him?"

   Weatherlow waved his hand quickly, "No, no, I didn't mean to speak for the betrayer. I just can understand it from his perspective, but I can't accept this kind of betrayal and seeking glory."

   Being interrupted like this, Yang Cheng's mood improved a lot. After pondering for a moment, he ordered, "Since he has decided to change backer, then he must have the consciousness to accept punishment."

   turned his head to look at Carson, "I remember asking you to collect the black material of National Recosta?"

   Carson nodded without hesitation, "Yes, the information is stored at home and needs to be reviewed."

   Yang Cheng put his fingers on the glass and tapped gently, "Don't worry, go back and find out and send it to Withereau, just to add some space to us."

   paused for a while, smoking a cigar, and said vaguely, "Remember to inform Ian El. It is the person he introduced after all. We have to clear the door. We have to notify him."


Then he said to Carson, “Use those black materials well, don’t let everything out. If we slap to death, we will lose out. We have invested so much before, so we have to recover the cost. The lesson is Lord, but if you want to hurt him, you have to let him know that half-heartedness will not end well."

   Withelow thought for a while, "Recosta is very smart, and smart people are very sensible, so they should not fight us to the end."

Yang Cheng didn’t care about this, she really wanted to tear her face apart. The big deal was when the previous investment was in vain, and the Liverpool No. 1 project promoted by Recosta, although not making much money, at least expanded the club’s influence. It was nothing.

   "You can figure it out, leave this to you."

   After leaving Scotland Yard, Yang Cheng drove back to the manor directly. Carson waited for Yang Cheng to change clothes, arranged everything in an orderly manner, and went to the archives to find black material.

   There is an archive room in the castle itself. After Yang Cheng took over, the archive room was remodeled and the defense level was increased, as well as waterproof and moisture proof measures.

   With this archive room, Carson can replicate the scene in Windsor Castle, where the queen can master the world without leaving home.

  . . . . . .

   Two days later, Wang Yitong came to the castle as a guest with the investigation report. For the first time working for the future boss, Wang Yitong showed 120% efficiency.

So after receiving her call, Yang Cheng was shocked. It was too fast. At any rate, it was a company with a market value of close to 1 billion pounds. The financial review took a week, but it only took less than three days. The results of the survey are fresh out.

   made Yang Cheng almost suspect that Wang Yitong would not be a parallel importer, right?

   Of course, careful thinking can't be expressed, otherwise it will hurt the heart of a general.

   In front of the castle, Yang Cheng personally took Carson to greet the guests as a sign of respect.

   "Boss, please greet you in person~" Wang Yitong is very sensible. Although she hasn't formally joined the job yet, it is only a verbal agreement, but she has regarded herself as Yang Cheng's subordinate. Of course, this is also related to the absence of outsiders.

   Yang Cheng smiled and shook hands. "Don't be polite to me. It's been a lot of hard work in the car along the way."

   "It's not hard, the scenery along the way is beautiful, I enjoy this short journey very much~"

   is a talking person, Yang Cheng secretly praised, "Let's go, sit in the house, this **** weather~"

   The sky was light as thin as a cow's hair, and the humidity was heavy, and the air pressure also decreased. Staying outdoors was like staying in a steaming room for more than ten hours. It was uncomfortable.

After taking a seat in the living room, the servant quickly brought coffee and desserts. Wang Yitong, who has been in the United States for more than ten years, is very dependent on caffeine. "Boss~ This is a survey report I personally made. I haven't done it myself for many years~ is a bit rusty."

   Yang Cheng only regarded her as being humble, because he just flipped it casually, and found that this concise but extremely accurate report would definitely not be made within a few years.

   "I will take time to read the report, I want to hear you talk."

  Wang Yitong still curled up her hair, highlighting her slender neck, and making her whole person upright and upright. He organized her words and said, "Boss, Corey Energy’s problem is more serious than expected."

   Yang Cheng had no expression on her face, she was completely unmoved by the seemingly bad news, but kept listening quietly.

   "Through my investigation, Corey Energy puts almost all the fixed assets that can be used as collateral into mortgages for loans. Although there is a very stable income in each year, it appears to be a drop in the face of a large amount of debt to be repaid."

   Yang Cheng's heart is getting heavier and heavier. In fact, he imagined that Corey Energy's debt problem might be very heavy, because according to William's report, the debt has reached 300-400 million pounds, but he did not expect the problem to be so serious.

  All fixed assets that can be mortgaged are mortgaged. What does this mean? It means that the shares in the hands of the major shareholder Corey are worthless, and even the money is not necessarily willing to ask for it!

   This guy lied from start to finish~


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