has experienced betrayal and lie one after another. Today's mood has experienced great ups and downs. The anger in Yang Cheng's heart has accumulated to the apex, the kind that will explode in place!

   But what makes Yang Cheng puzzled is why Corey did this?

   He knew that all this could not stand up to several rounds of investigation.

  The most terrible thing is that his wife, William’s aunt Sarah, still appears ignorant, is she really unaware? Or pretend not to know, everything is acting?

   Yang Cheng's heart was a little broken. The reason why humans are afraid is entirely from the unknown. When you face an opponent who is completely incomprehensible, you will be instinctively afraid.

   Of course, Wang Yitong also felt hairy when he watched his alternate hot and cold, blue and red face.

   tentatively called, "Boss? You~"

   Yang Cheng regained consciousness suddenly and waved his hand apologetically, "It's okay, I was a little lost for a while, what else did you find about Corey Energy?"

   "Technical problem~" Wang Yitong answered simply, but Yang Cheng was very puzzled. Technical problem? Still have technical problems? Shouldn't this be an advantage that energy companies can take advantage of?

   She further explained, "Because I want to take over Westinghouse Electric, I have taken advantage of my spare time these days to learn about related fields.

   I found that Corey Energy's proud waste recycling power generation technology has actually fallen behind. "

   "What?" Yang Cheng was shocked~

   At the same time, I was extremely grateful. Fortunately, I didn't listen to William's unreliable flicker, and invited people to investigate according to the rules. Otherwise, it would be a miserable loss. The technical generation gap is like an insurmountable sky, a defect that money can't make up.

   To put it simply, it is equivalent to buying an outdated technology when he used the same amount of money. He has only seen this kind of thing in San. Is it true that he is regarded as San?

Wang Yitong hesitated and said, "Boss, you may not have returned to China for a long time, or you have not paid attention to relevant information. In fact, country Z's waste recycling power generation technology has already led the world, but for various reasons, it has not been accepted by the West. Of course , The domestic market is enough for them to digest, and there is no need to go abroad."

   Yang Cheng does have a lack of understanding of relevant knowledge, but it does not mean that he knows nothing. "I remember that Germany's waste incineration power generation technology is the world's first, right?"

   "Germany is not bad, but there are two different ways, how can I say, it is like a person riding a bicycle and walking the road, and a person running and walking the road. As a result, two people reach the end at the same time, and it is impossible to tell who is faster and slower."

   Saying that, Yang Cheng understood, "Well, then what is your final recommendation? Terminate the acquisition?"

   Wang Yitong shook his head firmly, "No, on the contrary, we must acquire."

   Yang Cheng asked bluntly, "Reason!"

   "The problems I just mentioned are all excuses we can use to keep prices down.

  Although there is a technological gap, we can buy it. Germans will go to country Z to buy it if they don’t sell it. There is always someone willing to sell it, but the market share occupied by Corey Energy cannot be bought at any cost. "

   Wang Yitong’s reason is simple, monopoly!

   Corey Energy has a monopoly position in related fields in the UK. This is very important, which is equivalent to directly spending money to buy the entire market.

   At the same time, he also heard an important message-the technology that Corey Energy has mastered is not too far from the world's top, it can be compensated, and it must not be as serious as the generation gap!

   Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, looking for a taller man in the scorpion, among a series of bad news, reluctantly regarded the non-bad news as good news.

   "So, do you have an acquisition plan?"

  Wang Yitong nodded, "It can be used instead of repaying debts, and the purchase cost can be given a symbolic pound."

   Yang Cheng smiled, this is a good idea, "Then, let you take responsibility for the acquisition, are you confident that it will be completed?"

   Wang Yitong said sternly, "In fact, I also have the intention to ask for it."

   Yang Cheng clapped his hands with satisfaction, "Okay, I'll leave this to you, I hope you can come up with a satisfactory answer."

   accompanied the future subordinate Gan Jiang to enjoy a rare and rich lunch in Britain. After sending people away, he was about to go back to the room for a nap. The weather has recently become warmer, but it is still rainy and rainy. It is a good day to sleep.

   Not long after lying down, Carson knocked on the door and came in, apologizing, "Boss, Mr. Liverpool Ayer is calling."

   Yang Cheng lay down for a few seconds before struggling, and said helplessly, "Give me the call~"

   The cordless phone is still used in the castle, which is amazing!

   "It's me, why don't you call my cell phone?"

   "Um~, boss, your phone is turned off."

   Yang Cheng was stunned, turned his head and glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside, as if forgot to charge it.

   Forget it, it doesn’t matter, “What’s the matter with you? If it’s about Recosta you don’t need to say it.”

   Originally, Carson and the others notified Ian El, but there was no sound for two days. They thought he had acquiesced to Yang Cheng's approach.

   As a result, the call still came, and Yang Cheng was slightly disappointed.

   However, Ian El is not asking for mercy, "No, no, I have no opinion about Uncle Costa. He needs to be responsible for what he did."

   Yang Cheng's disappointment was wiped out, this sentence said Yang Cheng's appetite very much.

   "What I want to say is about the team. Next year will be the 125th anniversary of Liverpool's establishment. Therefore, the team management has prepared a series of plans and celebrations and needs your support."

   Yang Cheng sat up straight, "125th anniversary? It is indeed worth celebrating, so what do I need to do?"

   Ian Al immediately said, "First of all, we are ready to cooperate with the LVMH Group to launch the 125th anniversary jersey, regardless of style or color, we must redesign it."

   Yang Cheng said, "There is no problem in this regard, I will greet the other party and send the best designer to take action."

"Secondly, a series of charitable activities will be launched around Liverpool's slogan of'You will never walk alone'. Each event will send a star to participate. Messi will join next season. I believe such an event will definitely win the fans' support. Strong support."

   Yang Cheng pondered slightly, "Yes, do you need financial support?"

Of course Ian El is not asking for money. Doesn't it appear that he is incompetent. "No, no, in fact, I have communicated with the sponsors. Related activities are supported by sponsors. We don't really need to spend much money. "

   "Well, what else?"

"Then we are going to organize a commemorative concert on June 3rd. In addition to Paul McCartney of the Beatles, we also want to invite some of the stars of today's popular bands, such as Taylor Swift, Adele, etc. Wait."

   Yang Cheng finally understood what Ian Al was going to do by himself, "Taylor Swift is okay, we are friends, but Adele is British? Isn't it more appropriate for you to send an invitation directly through the Liverpool official?"

   Ian El said with a wry smile, "We contacted, but the other agent simply refused, on the grounds that Adele needs to rest."

   speechless, it is a big-name self-willed, "Okay, I'll ask someone to ask, if it doesn't work, I will change, it's not her."

   "Is there anything else? It's okay, I went to bed."

   "It's okay, sorry to interrupt you to rest."


  . . .

   At three o'clock in the afternoon, Carson came to ask Yang Cheng to get up, "Will you have lunch in the room today?"

   Yang Cheng twisted his neck and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, "Go to the sun room and bask in the sun, otherwise the bones will be moldy~"

   "Okay, sir~"

When    came downstairs, he saw two servants sorting the carpet, Yang Cheng couldn't help but stop, "What's the matter?"

  Carson said from behind, "When I was cleaning up this morning, I found that this carpet was a little damaged and it needs to be cut and re-paved."

   Yang Cheng said to the maid who stood on the side and bowed and dared not look at him, "Thanks for your hard work~"

   "It's not so hard, sir~" the two maids answered at the same time.

   "Where are their duties~" Carson helped politely.

   came to the sun room, just took a seat, the servants came in in a row, changed the tablecloths for the round table, set the tableware, of course, the protagonist of the afternoon tea, tea and desserts.

   Today’s black tea is Assam, which is more common than Shia black tea, has a more mellow taste, and is accepted by more British people.

   Carson waited on the side, waiting for Yang Cheng to put down his tea cup, and immediately delivered the ironed newspaper of the day.

   "The Sun" is placed on the top because there are news that Yang Cheng wants to see.

"Recosta, a member of Parliament who has just been elected to the lower parliament, is seen by the public as a decent figure with a happy marriage. But what is shocking is that Recosta secretly had an affair with a young and beautiful billionaire’s wife. 4 years."

   Seeing this, Yang Cheng had already laughed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I remember that you gave Wesseloo a lot of black material. How did he choose this one? "

   Carson said that he was innocent, he was just a messenger to deliver news.

"According to reporters’ investigations, after successfully entering the lower parliament, Recosta, a ZZ star in the ancient city of Liverpool, seemed to be overwhelmed. He not only published columns in the Sunday Times, but also appeared on ZZ commentary programs several times. , He is regarded as a potential new star of'conservative dang'.

   It may be that this name gave him the illusion that he could control everything, but he forgot that the eyes of the people are discerning.

   It is reported that Recosta and his wife have been married for more than 25 years and have a happy marriage family.

However, according to the wire report, this polite ZZ star actually started to have fornication with a social star in Liverpool's upper class and the wife of a billionaire since 4 years ago, and has been in Paris, London and other places for many times. Class hotel tryst.

The insider broke the news that the husband of Recosta’s underground lover is a banker and industrialist with a net worth of nearly 200 million. He is well-known in Liverpool. He is kind and helpful and has helped many poor students complete their studies. Respected entrepreneur.

   However, it is a pity that he does not know people well, and married a dissatisfied wife, which makes the original perfect life appear stained. "


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