Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1367: Fatty and demon again

   Ian El was sprayed by Recosta over the phone with a green face.

How to do? Spray it back? Still bear it?

However, before he could react, Recosta said beggarly, "Ian, child, you grew up as I watched. I know I did something wrong, but it is not irretrievable. ?

   I only need one chance to meet, one chance to explain. "

   Ian El hesitated, remembering how well Recosta had treated him in the past, he couldn't help but slapped himself fiercely, trying to arouse the anger in his heart, but failed.

   Of course, it is impossible for him to just rush to Yang Cheng to intercede for others. He has a strong fear of Yang Cheng.

   After thinking about it, I finally came up with a solution that is barely the best of both worlds. "Uncle Costa, I tell you very clearly that I will not take the initiative to speak for you, but if the boss wants to see you, I can't stop it."

   In fact, he secretly changed a concept. Originally, what he meant was to let Recosta find a way to get Yang Cheng's forgiveness.

   Recosta didn't think much, subconsciously thought Ian El would be willing to help, and thanked him again and again.

But after hanging up the phone, he immediately realized that this kid seemed to have not agreed to anything. He was tricked, fk, yelled and called back. The busy sound of Didi was like a soul joke from hell, making him feel as if he had fallen into The ice cave shivered uncontrollably.

  . . . . . .

   In the evening, the red sunset glows all over the sky. This is the case in England. The ever-changing colors, like that shit-like weather, are unpredictable.

Yang Cheng, accompanied by Carson, paced slowly on the lawn in front of the door, and heard the chirping sounds of birds in her ears. Listening quietly, the sound of the North Sea waves faintly came, everything was so natural and beautiful .

   But the maid’s hasty footsteps interrupted the silence at the moment, Yang Cheng stopped and turned his head, and saw the maid saying something in Carson’s ear, and then leaned forward and left.

   Carson walked over quickly and reported, "Boss, Your Highness is on the way, and there are ten minutes to reach the manor."

   Yang Cheng was startled, Your Highness? William, why did he come suddenly? You know it's very impolite to go straight to someone's house without saying hello.

   Is it because of his uncle?

   had some guesses in his heart, but his mouth was not slow. No matter what, it was the prince's visit. There should be no negligence, "You go to arrange it, and you go to the entrance of the manor to meet you in person."

   Carson responded immediately, and immediately pressed the call bell he carried with him, which meant that all the active servants in the castle had to gather at this moment, and the housekeeper had to talk.

   Yang Cheng did not join in the fun, but continued to walk on the lawn alone, guessing William's coming.

   Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Yang Cheng saw Carson driving the golf battery cart with his servant towards the gate. He also returned to the living room without changing his clothes.

   didn't take the person back for a long time, and the process of greetings was omitted. After all, I only met a few days ago.

   Yang Cheng asked directly, "What happened to me so suddenly?"

   William didn’t smile and asked solemnly, “Jason, are you honest, are you not going to acquire Corey Energy?”

   Yang Cheng's noodles didn't change the color, and he had guessed it. Apart from this incident, he really couldn't think of anything that would make William so impulsive.

   pressed his hand and motioned him to calm down, "Don't worry~"

   turned his head and told Carson, "Go to my study and take down the investigation report on the table, the one that Ms. Wang brought."

   "Good lord, please wait a moment."

   Carson went upstairs to take the report, Yang Cheng was not idle, and he poured a cup of tea for William himself, and slowly said, "Did you receive the news?"

   William's face eased a little, "Yes, your man quoted a pound, and Corey's face became pale. When he ran over to tell me about it, he was still uneasy.

   At first I didn’t believe it, thinking he had heard it wrong, but my aunt was also there. It’s impossible for both of them to hear it wrong, right? "

   When he said this, William's eyes were always fixed on Yang Cheng, as if expecting him to say something that would make him feel at ease.

   However, Yang Cheng simply admitted, "Yes, I agree with the price of 1 pound. As for the reason, you will be clear after reading the report after a while."

   Anyway, he has a clear conscience. In fact, if he changes his person, Yang Cheng may turn his face directly. You introduced the company. If there is a problem, you still ask Xiaoye Xingshi to inquire? Are you crazy?

   Carson moved quickly, without making William wait any longer, after handing the report to Yang Cheng, he stepped aside.

   Yang Cheng turned the report to the page on the debt problem and handed it to William, "Look, then you come and tell me that I was right when I paid 1 pound."

   William maintained his patience. He believed that Yang Cheng would not play tricks on himself, so the problem might really appear in this report.

   I calmed my mind and looked down. The report was not long. Although the issue of debt was highlighted, there were less than two pages in total, which seemed to be fast.

   William looked up in disbelief, "Is this true?"

   Yang Cheng spreads out, "McKinsey's partner personally made a report."

The meaning of    is self-evident.

   William put down the report in shame, "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand it clearly."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I wonder why your uncle and aunt have to pretend to be ignorant, as if they have been wronged by the heavens. Can the company mortgage without them knowing? All fixed assets?

   I dare not make such a joke. "

   William smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don't even know me, motherfker."

   His Royal Highness Prince made a rare swear word.

   Carson in the back couldn't help but twitched his mouth, but he didn't dare to preach.

After scolding, I was not so confused. William picked up the report again, read it from beginning to end, and then shook it in his hand, "Can I take this report away? Or help me make a copy? "

   Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, and slapped his chin at Kasennu. "Go and make a copy."


   After Carson left, William picked up the teacup and drank it in one gulp, slapped his lips, and said coldly, "I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

   Yang Cheng raised his hand to stop, "No need, this is the end of the matter, don't let these things affect the relationship between your relatives.

   And the reason why I agreed to the 1 pound offer was not to humiliate the other party, but to really feel that Corey Energy is still saved. I am willing to bear all the debts, but in terms of the purchase price, it is not satisfactory. "

   William nodded his head, "I understand, if this is the case, it is indeed inconvenient for me to say anything to Corey."

   Yang Cheng patted his thigh, "Okay, solve the misunderstanding, shall we stay in the castle for dinner at night?"

   William shook his head and got up to leave, "Stop eating, I have to pick up Kate and the child. Time is running out."

   Yang Cheng didn't insist, "Alright, you don't know about this, let my people contact Corey."

  . . .

  The prince also hurried to and fro. After getting the copy of the report from Carson, he got in the car and galloped out of the manor without saying a word.

   Yang Cheng and Carson, who stayed at the door and watched them, showed helplessness in their eyes.

   When he learned that William was coming, Carson specially ordered the kitchen to make a formal dinner for his Royal Highness to enjoy.

  Who would have thought that the prince would be uneasy, and he would leave without eating.

   "Master, what about the extra ingredients?"

   Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Don't cook the dishes that are not in the pot. It's a waste. If you kill me, I can't eat so much."


   After the meal, as usual, I went to the study to check the briefing sent by Susu and the summary of real-time hot news from the United States. It turned out that the fat Rockets guy was acting as a monster again.

   After spraying the candidate directly last time, this time he targeted the Chinese American.

  The cause is this: an old woman suffering from racism, swearing at a young Chinese mother on the bus, her words are vulgar, and her behavior is ugly.

   In order to protect the child, the Chinese mother chose to swallow her breath, but the scene was recorded and posted on Twitter by Haoshi Brother.

   As a result, Morey even liked it and left a message, "Free speech is everyone's legal right."

One stone caused a thousand waves. Originally, this guy has been on the cusp recently, but scolding candidates, even if it rises to the level of personal attacks, is not an irreparable mistake in the eyes of Americans. Yes, let alone a candidate?

   But this time the incident is different. It is true that Americans advocate freedom of speech, but it does not mean that there is no red line, and this red line is racial discrimination.

   Morey actually let the social media support this kind of If he is just to be famous, then congratulations, he succeeded.

   In just a few hours, the tweet and message he liked became the center of the conversation in the United States.

   Houston and Texas local media rushed to report, even directly on the local news section.

   The Chinese community was so excited that they rushed to Morey’s Twitter, leaving behind a "more free and unrestrained" language.

   But there are good racists who praised Morey's behavior, and bluntly called Morey the "people's fighter" and dared to speak up for freedom.

   The media also madly contacted Morey himself and the Rockets, trying to force them to express further views.

   But this guy is acting like a tortoise, hiding at home and is not ready to make a sound. The Rockets are also unexpected. It is estimated that they are in internal discussions and have not yet dared to speak up.

   After all, people generally sympathize with the anger of Chinese Americans, but do not take it seriously. In their opinion, Chinese Americans are the object of weakness to be deceived. After the rumors pass, life has to go on.

   However, everyone has forgotten one thing. Nowadays, the media field in the United States is not all dominated by white people, but Yang Orange's new era media has a large share. . . . . .


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