"Eddie, two things, first, public opinion oppresses Morey to formally apologize for tweeting features;

  Second, let the celebrities who are cooperating with us express their views on this matter. "

Although Yang Cheng did not give clear instructions on what views to express, Eddie knew very well in his heart that the boss was of Chinese origin. If these celebrities expressed the same views as Morey, then the result would be completely blocked by the new era media and there is no second choice. .

   But Eddie thinks more about it. In his opinion, guiding public figures to speak up is not a bad thing. To some extent, it will further increase the traffic of Toutiao app, which is what he values!

   So Eddie suggested, "Not only the celebrities who are working with us, but other celebrities who have cooperated or have never cooperated, can speak up on this matter.

   And they must be allowed to express different opinions. Of course, the general direction must be Morey's apology. This will not change. "

   Yang Cheng understands what Eddie wants to do. With contradiction, he has the conditions to maintain the heat. However, Yang Cheng is worried about playing with fire and self-immolation. Public opinion is very mysterious and it is easy to go beyond his control.

Eddie added, "And Morey belongs to the NBA. In the past few years, Clippers owner Sterling was forced to sell the team because of the problem of discriminating against blacks. Then for Morey's words and actions, the NBA will again What kind of response?"

   Yang Cheng sighed, Eddie is ready to make full use of this news to make a wave of publicity for the Toutiao app. From the perspective of a businessman, he should undoubtedly support Eddie.

   But as a member of the Chinese community, his compatriots have been discriminated against and become a hot spot in society, but he wants to use the harm his compatriots have suffered for his own benefit and ask himself, is this right?

   Yang Cheng couldn't give the answer by himself.

   Seems to have guessed the boss’s embarrassment, Eddie took the initiative to say, “Boss, in fact, you can post your opinion on Twitter or even our headline app in your own name, even if you directly call Morey a female cousin.

   But in the operation of this matter, you can pretend to be unaware. "

Yang Cheng looked sluggish and seemed to be a way. He criticized Morey's behavior in his own name, and he was able to speak for his compatriots without disturbing his conscience. The business activities were left to Eddie to operate and make full use of this. The second social contradiction, profiting for the company, can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

   Well, he admits that this is a bit hypocritical, and he wants to set up a torii as a female cousin, but who is not hypocritical in this world, everything is for profit.

After making a decision, I no longer hesitate, and immediately ordered, "I will leave this to you. I will post comments on Twitter and Facebook later. Remember to pay attention to it and arrange to spread it out. At least let the entire United States see it. To my attitude."

   Ediron said, "Understood, I will arrange it now."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng directly logged into his Twitter account with his mobile phone, considered it, and typed a string of text, "Freedom of speech cannot be used as an excuse for some people's ugly heart. Morey must be responsible for his actions. And make a sincere apology!"

   copy and paste, the same thing was posted on Facebook, of course I did not forget my platform.

   In New York, Eddie nervously makes arrangements in his office.

Yang Cheng’s Twitter account was displayed on the screen, constantly refreshing. When the latest status was released, he immediately turned the screen to the secretary and said sternly, “Quick, use the fastest speed to spread the status of the boss to the United States, focusing on the Chinese. District and black district."

   Eddie’s previous secretary was promoted to a subordinate company as a department leader. The new secretary was not very old, just after the internship period, and his face was young and tender.


   "In addition, inform the reporters on the newspaper and the headline app to initiate their relationship to contact familiar public figures, express opinions on Morey's remarks, and then aggregate them and screen them before publishing."

  The little secretary asked timidly, "Where is the summary?"

   Eddie stared, "What do you mean? Of course it is summarized to you, and then shown to me."

   The little secretary has a waist and hurriedly said, "Understand~"

   "Finally, the navy we raised at the same time made efforts to guide public opinion in the direction of'request Morey's apology.'"


   After a series of instructions, Eddie took a sigh of relief and watched the little secretary run out of the office, turned the computer screen back, and continued to shop on Twitter.

   At present, in response to the'Morey incident', public opinion on the Internet is showing a state of polarization. It can be seen that this is an unguided real situation. However, as the event ferments, various interest groups will start a game for their own interests.

   When a large number of naval forces enter the arena, public opinion no longer represents public opinion, but represents various interest groups.

   Don’t be naive to think that the United States does not have a navy. On the contrary, the U.S. navy market is more mature and regulated.

   For example, a website controlled by New Era Media, headquartered in Silicon Valley, claims to be a website that specializes in operating "creative markets and professional services", but in fact this website was established specifically to operate zombie fans and naval forces.

But in the law, no loopholes were found. Yang Cheng named this website "fever". The predecessor was a private navy hired by the Toutiao app. Later, as the number of people surged, in order to facilitate management, they consulted After legal counsel, a formal Internet company was established in Silicon Valley.

After the establishment of fever ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it looked at freelancers who absorbed the Internet, and for the operation of the company, began to provide customers with a variety of strict services: from adding fans, hiring naval forces, writing soft articles that meet US Internet standards, and albums Cover design and other businesses, the charging model of each business is different, but it can be guaranteed that it will not be attacked from the legal level.

   As soon as these services were launched, they received good responses from the surrounding Internet companies, because the quality of the zombie fans and naval forces provided by the fever was much higher than that of the retail investors operating privately.

   It can be said that fever is a normalized group army, and those small workshops are just stragglers and can not make it into a climate.

For example, in order to avoid the increasingly strict user review of Amazon and Facebook, the sailors of fever will go through systematic and standardized packaging, which can be said to be prepared: they have pseudonyms, fans, photos, and addresses. Perhaps it is to strengthen persuasiveness. In the personal introductions of many navy forces, it can be seen that they claim to be "experienced writers."

Even if you pay the price of a burger set meal-$5, you can buy two photos with a real person. For example, the navy will provide a photo of a real person that meets the customer's requirements. If the customer is in the catering industry, The navy can provide real photos of eating at your restaurant, and can't fault it at all.

   As long as you make a request plus payment, any need can be met.


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