Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1369: Navy dispatched

   5 dollars can do a lot of things, in addition to buying a real photo, you can also buy real reviews, it looks like they really experienced the food in your restaurant.

   For example, "There are so many choices of food, which is incredible."

   "If you want to eat, there is no better choice than this restaurant."

   If you give some hints, you can even make up more stories, including examples of their colleagues and children going to the restaurant to enjoy food together. Everything seems very natural.

Another advantage is that in order to give the group army a deeper advantage, Fever has specially recruited many foreign immigrants or international students, and uses their language advantages to make your reviews look more international. Think about it, and evaluate a restaurant. At that time, what could be more convincing than attracting diners from all over the world?

Fever’s naval group is not only rich in race and language, but also in many details. Below a comment, there will be masseurs in Arizona, hairdressers in London, car sales in North Carolina, and real estate in Texas. Brokers, Florida crews, and even as long as you pay more, you can get likes from real corporate officials from Europe, Central and South America!

  Zombie fans are easier to handle. For example, on Twitter, $10 can provide 5000 zombie fans, and IP addresses can come from all over the world. Of course, this is created by scripts, and the cost is infinitely close to zero.

There is an international student from India, Dinesh, who has a lot of money in his family. In order to make his Twitter look more popular, he did not hesitate to spend 200,000 US dollars in the fever company to make his Twitter more than 1 million followers. At the same time, each status has thousands of comments and reposts.

However, the effect of such investment is also remarkable. After fever helped to stir up his account popularity, many real users gradually followed this account, and sometimes he would pick up the fever list and help forward some news. , Participated in the operation of public opinion and earned a lot of money. Although it is still far from his investment cost, at least the rich second generation in India found a sense of accomplishment in making money.

   In addition to recruiting full-time naval forces, fever also makes full use of groups that need money but don't have time to come to work, recruiting a large number of naval players, but these amateur players without in-depth training have also brought a lot of trouble to fever.

A housewife living in California is called Mary. She is a mother of two children. In order to supplement her family, she was introduced by a friend to work as a part-time job in fever. During the six months of employment, she usually spends about 15-20 per week. hour.

   Although she just graduated from high school and doesn't know where the university door opens, thanks to her natural literary cell, she read a lot of books on weekdays, and published two cookbooks and two romance novels in the past few years.

   Of course, this is still not enough for her to live, so she chose to become a navy army, writing more than 100 seemingly authentic comments every week.

However, just last month, after she wrote a review for a company that operates RV rentals, she was approached by a reporter. When the reporter asked her why she wrote a fake review, she was panicked at first and denied it. When told that the RV rental company only had one RV, Mary was silent for a while, and then said: She thought it was true because the company had a website.

   She also emphasized that she sympathizes with entrepreneurs who need fake reviews to find their first business.

   and said that she didn't mind helping a new entrepreneur, or a company that lacks the praise of the Internet, even if she has not actually used it.

   Because she was exposed, the Fever company received a development of up to 100,000 U.S. dollars. Of course, for a company with a current revenue of more than 20 million U.S. dollars, this is not a big deal, but it is all about exposing Fever to the eyes of the media.

   For this reason, there has also been a lot of controversy in the media of the new era. Some people think that what is fake is fake and cannot be faked by disguising to fool the public.

   Including Twitter and Facebook, they have formulated strict rules prohibiting the purchase of fake fans. Of course, this is mainly for restrictions on competitors. They also operate many navy accounts in private.

   This is also the reason for the opposition to refute. Since everyone is operating the navy, why should we eliminate it? What should you do when someone else attacks you with a navy army?

The two parties within the company were arguing. In the end, Eddie got Yang Cheng’s "suggestion" and said in a final word, "Solving the problem of the flooding of naval forces cannot be solved by one person, two people or a company. People have a herd mentality. , It is easy to overestimate the authenticity of social networks.

   Many people listen to the opinions of others more than they think and discriminate on their own.

   This directly leads to the living space of the navy, and existence is reasonable. Now that the navy industry has been formed, don't discuss its right or wrong. As long as the navy can provide us with benefits and help, let's acquiesce in their existence! "

   Of course, the company will not invest too much resources to operate the fever company, but choose to let it adapt to the market situation and fend for itself.

   However, judging from the current situation of all-people mercenaries, this industry will continue to flourish.

Not long ago, Fever received a financing offer from a venture capital company in Silicon Valley, and $10 million was exchanged for a 20% stake. This means that the outside world’s valuation of Fever has reached the level of $50 million, which means that Fever’s own value has been obtained. Recognized by the society!

  On this point, there is no need for the group to abolish martial arts by itself, and abandon a large-scale, organized network army for nothing. If it really abandons, it is not a noble, but stupid X!

Going too far, returning to the topic, the fever received the order from the group CEO and immediately dispatched the whole army, and launched a vast voice on the Internet-asking the fat man Morey to stand up and apologize, racial discrimination should not occur In the free and democratic United States of America!

   Of course, the comments of the navy are varied. If the text is unified, it will only be regarded as a joke and will also cause disgust. Therefore, the strategy of fever is to demand quality rather than quantity.

   So, the full-time and part-time naval forces raised by the company flocked to Morey’s Twitter and posted ‘positive’ comments.

   Of course, he also allocated a part of his power to leave messages under the accounts that support Morey.

  As soon as the group army took action, the wind direction of the network changed abruptly. It was originally the east wind and the west wind. The two sides could not help it. However, with the guidance of the big forces, the east wind immediately overwhelmed the west wind and took a very obvious advantage.

The herd mentality is at play at this moment. The public opinion is forcing Morey to apologize. Those who want to support Morey died down and chose to be silent. However, those who were undecided saw the situation and simply joined the persecutors, standing on the side of the larger number. It's always right.

   At this moment, Morey's mood is complicated. He was blocked by reporters at home and dared not go out. He had to rely on the Internet to pass the time. Naturally, he saw countless comments and messages cursing his ancestors.

   Of course, he also saw the public's need for him to stand up and apologize to quell this dispute, but he really can't do that. If he apologizes when the interest groups are not paying attention, maybe it will be nothing.

   But since the incident happened, many ‘white supremacy’ congressmen in Texas have personally called him to pressure him, resolutely not apologizing and encouraging him to continue his views.

   Damn, Morey felt that he was regarded as stupid 13. Now he is on the cusp of the storm, and he just shuts up without saying anything. If you really say anything violent, what awaits him is definitely the erratic bullet of AK47!

   Can’t say, absolutely can’t say, of course, it’s impossible to apologize. He can’t afford to offend public opinion, and those groups of parliamentarians are not the objects he can resist.

   He is now squeezed in between two walls. He can't move or run away. The taste is so sour and refreshing!

   Yang Cheng, who was far away in the UK, didn't sleep either. He followed the progress of the incident through the Internet. When he saw almost one-sided comments on the Internet, he knew that the fever had started to act.

   is like lighting a match on a pile of dry firewood, bursting out hot energy instantly.

   After watching for a while, Yang Cheng was very satisfied with Eddie's efficiency. He was the first to form a public opinion position, and he was the first to have an unbeaten foundation.

   Now it's up to Morley's reaction.

   "咚咚~" The door of the room was knocked.

   Yang Cheng shouted in and saw Carson come in with a cup of hot milk and put it on the desk.

   "Thank you, go and rest soon~" Yang Cheng said.

   Carson did not leave, "As people get older, they feel less and less."

   "Then you should rest more."

   Carson smiled, "I think too, but Recosta called just now, please give him a chance to explain."

   Yang Cheng sneered, "I still wonder why he hasn't moved at shook his head, "I don't want to see him. "

   Carson said, "I responded in the same way, but his attitude is very firm, claiming that as long as you don't see him, he will not leave."

   Yang Cheng was stunned, "He came to the manor?"

   Carson smiled bitterly and nodded, "Yes, just outside the gate, blocked by our security."

   Yang Cheng cursed shamelessly, her face was pale, "Can't you drive him away?"

   "Unless violence is used."

   Yang Cheng knew that this was the only way, but he didn't want to let others talk about it, so it was not appropriate to use violence. No matter how he was an incumbent member, the most annoying thing was that this position was given to him by himself, and now he disgusts himself.

   "Then let him dry, and stay at the door for a lifetime if you have the ability~" Yang Orange said in a **** way.

   Carson hesitated, "This is not a solution. It will be troublesome to be seen and posted online."

   "Then what do you say?"

   "Why don't I meet him? Pass your attitude completely, I promise you won't let you see his face."

   Yang Cheng hesitated for a while, but there is really no good way, so I can only ask Carson to try, "Then you go, remember not to talk nonsense with him, it is a waste of time to reason with people who have lost credibility."


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