Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1370: Not welcome here

Outside the gate of Beihai Manor, in a black Jaguar, Recosta's face was uncertain. He still underestimated Yang Cheng's anger. It has been an hour since he arrived at the manor, and the people who entered the manor seemed to go. Hell, never come back.

   As for Carson, the butler who hung up his phone, there was no news at all, and the phone could not get through.

   This makes him very annoyed, but there is no better solution. I can't force it to go, right?

   Secretly glanced at the security guard with live ammunition, Recosta swallowed secretly, regardless of whether he was in the United Kingdom or the United States, the consequences of breaking into private houses would be very serious.

   Just when he hesitated whether to go to a hotel in Shoreson City to rest for one night, and then continue tomorrow.

   In the depths of the private road of the manor, there is a faint light, which looks like a car light.

   Recosta refreshed, thinking that Yang Cheng agreed with him, got out of the car, and at the same time, he adjusted his suit and tried to face Yang Cheng with the best mental appearance.

   Carson drove the battery car slowly along the winding road, and the street lights on both sides of the road lit up the dark night.

Not long after, Carson parked the battery car on the open space next to the gatehouse, got out of the car and informed the security guard, and then came out of the small door. Before speaking, he saw Recosta walking in three steps and two steps. Bowed respectfully, "Mr. Carson~"

   Carson accepted it calmly, and said lightly, "Mr. Costa, it's very impolite to be at someone's house so late."

   Recosta dare not refute, but can only apologize, "Sorry, it was my mistake, but please understand my difficulties. I value this meeting very much."

   Carson simply cut off his thoughts, "Master will not see you."

   Recosta's face was as gray as death, and he shouted unwillingly, "Why?"

   "You know the answer better than me." Carson's grim voice came into his ears, and Recosta shivered.

   was silent for a while, biting his posterior molar and said, "I just want a chance to explain, 10 minutes, no, 5 minutes is fine."

   Carson sighed and shook his head, "It is impossible to meet, but I can remind you."

   "What?" As if grasping the last straw, Recosta's eyes renewed hope.

   "If you still want to keep your current position, then show your sincerity, at least let the master believe that your betrayal is just a momentary impatient."

   Recosta understood Carson's suggestion, the starlight in his eyes gradually extinguished, he didn't want to give up the Bout family line, but he finally caught it.

   Of course, I can't say this, but he doesn't know how to respond to Carson, it feels more uncomfortable than eating shit.

   Carson said as if talking to himself, "His Royal Highness suddenly visited the manor yesterday."

Ok? Recosta was still puzzled at the beginning of what this sentence meant, but after thinking about it, he realized that the Duke of Carson should be William.

  Is Prince William a casual guest at home?

   Obviously not, it can only show that Prince William and Yang Cheng have a very good personal relationship, which can make the two abandon social etiquette.

   Is Carson implying that Yang Cheng has deeper connections at the top? Recosta secretly guessed.

   However, he didn't know that Carson had already decided not to talk nonsense when he was lost in thought.

   The first reaction of a wise man when the olive branch appears in front of his eyes should be to grasp it desperately, not to think and weigh the pros and cons!

   Obviously, Recosta’s behavior has proved that he is a person with a bone in the back of his head. For such a person, even if he is capable, it is difficult to win the hearts of people.

   So, Carson turned around without saying a word, and didn't stop even though Recosta yelled behind him.

   After entering the door, he again told the bodyguard on duty, "Remember, this person has been listed on the manor's blacklist. If he steps into the manor, you will resign and leave."

   The bodyguards were stunned. They didn't know what kind of taboo the man had committed, which caused the housekeeper to be so unhealed. But in this manor, the housekeeper is the most powerful person except the owner. His words are imperial decree, and no one dares to resist.

   Then, Recosta became the thorn in the eyes of the bodyguards. This is an enemy who might make them lose their jobs. It is considered polite to treat the enemy without shooting.

   "Go away~ You are not welcome here, be careful of your legs, I will shoot one step further!" The bodyguard sternly said, looking at Recosta with extremely cold eyes.

   Recosta was very angry, and his anger was about to ignite him, but what? The muzzle of the black hole seemed to emit firelight in the next second.

  'S deep fear prevented him from trying hard, and he knew that his calculation had failed.

   In the castle, Yang Cheng went down to the living room, waiting for Carson to return.

   "Master~" When Carson saw Yang Cheng, he hurried forward and shook his head.

The meaning of    is self-evident, that person is hopeless.

   Yang Cheng didn’t react, either, her expression was neither sad nor happy, but she said indifferently, “Notify Withello, don’t be merciful.”


  . . . . . .

The next day, not only "The Sun", almost all mainstream media in the United Kingdom, also published the news of MP Recosta. It is strange to readers that the news is different from each one. Taken together, this new MP is simply Toxic, unforgivable sin.

   Then the angry crowd called on Recosta to step down through various channels, not to take up his position as a moth!

   Recosta is lucky to be another zheng guest drowned by Unfortunately, he is not the last.

   In the castle, Yang Cheng who had breakfast was walking around in the garden. In spring, everything grows and the sun is soft. Rarely, it doesn't rain today. Yang Cheng takes the opportunity to bask in the sun, otherwise the bones will really get moldy.

Carson landed a few meters behind Yang Cheng and followed quietly. In the distance, there were two maids carrying food boxes with drinks and snacks. When Yang Cheng needed them, he could provide service as soon as possible. .

   Yang Cheng stopped in front of the fish pond, holding dried fish food in his hand, throwing it into the pond from time to time, watching the scene of colorful fish vying to jump out of the water, and smiled.

   Without looking back, he said to Carson, "I heard how many fish died a while ago?"

   Carson stepped forward and replied, "Yes, I have invited someone to see it. There is no illness, and the water quality is pretty good."

   Yang Cheng nodded, "That's good~"

   was silent for a while, closed the fish food box and gave it to Carson, carrying his hands on his back and walking forward, "You said I would like to meet someone from the Bute family?"

   Carson thought for a while, and said meaningfully, "The Bute family has no direct conflict of interest with us."

   Yang Cheng tilted his head, "So your suggestion is that there is no need to meet?"


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