Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1373: Tidy garbage factory

   Today’s afternoon tea specifications are obviously on a higher level than before, which is mainly reflected in the servants who serve.

   Normally, Yang Cheng enjoys the afternoon tea by himself, and it is served by Carson alone. However, when a guest visits today, Carson can't be busy alone.

  The maids who had been depressed for a long time were finally able to show their talents and comfort the guests.

  Carson even took out the set of Wedgwood tea sets that had just been discovered, and installed it for Yang Cheng. 13.

   Even William lamented Yang Cheng's extravagant life, drinking tea with hundreds of thousands of pounds of antique porcelain, which Windsor Castle is afraid to do now.

  British men gathered together, football is the best topic, and Yang Cheng is the owner of Liverpool, naturally becoming the center of the topic.

   Corey said, "I once wanted to buy a team to play with. Of course, as long as a Premier League team is good, I never have any extravagant expectations in the Premier League."

   William laughed and teased, “Who in the UK has never dreamed of owning a team? But the cost of raising a team is enough to pay off all the debts of the energy company, and there is room to continue research and development.”

Yang Cheng was deeply moved, "Yes, I don’t know the situation of the English Championship team, but I have bought Liverpool for almost two years, excluding the acquisition, and invested 500 million pounds before and after, only to barely give Liverpool the ability to be self-reliant. ."

   Corey smacked, "So many?"

   William echoed, "Only Jason can achieve this number. His connections in the business world make it easy for him to win many high-sponsorships."

   turned his head and said, "I heard that Liverpool signed a contract with an e-commerce company in Country Z? Chest advertisement?"

  Yang Cheng affirmed, "Yes~ but it still hasn't caught up with Manchester United's sponsorship fee."

As Liverpool’s mortal enemy, you have to compare everything with your old opponents. If you didn’t have any money before, now the team has ushered in a local boss, and the fans’ enthusiasm is immediately raised, and they don’t have to compete with Manchester United. Finished!

So that it aroused Yang Cheng's eagerness. Now that Liverpool is in his hands, he has to step on his mortal enemy by any means, otherwise the food will not taste good, not to mention the bald head of the Glazer family, the owners of Manchester United, offend him. Although it is not a fight to death or death, but at the club level, you must win!

  William added, "I now look forward to the arrival of the Premier League sooner next season. I don't know how many years, the Premier League will finally usher in a superstar. I believe that the Premier League next season will definitely be an unprecedented event."

   Speaking of Yang Cheng this time, he was upset again, "William, as the honorary chairman of the alliance, why don't you give more rewards to those who have contributed."

   William looked dumbfounded, "A worthy minister? Who?"

   Yang Cheng pointed at himself and said angrily, "Of course it is me. I have brought super stars to the Premier League. The arrival of Messi will bring more attention to the Premier League. This is all golden gold!

   Shouldn’t it be more leaning towards me on the broadcast division? "

   William couldn't laugh or cry, Yang Cheng made sense. This is human nature, but how many human relations are there in the business world?

   "Jason, you should understand that this is impossible. The sharing agreement is signed and agreed by the clubs, and it is impossible to change it at will.

   Of course, in order to thank you for your contribution to the Premier League, the Premier League can give you some resources. "

   Yang Cheng's eyes are bright, "I don't need resources, or you should say hello to the referee committee, and take care of Liverpool as much as possible next season. You know Messi's skills and playing style, I am afraid it is difficult to adapt to the rough fighting of the Premier League.

   If it is injured, not just me, but the entire Premier League. "

   William hurriedly coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and at the same time motioned Yang Cheng to shut up with his eyes. How could he say such things nonsense.

   Yang Cheng disagrees, who doesn’t know who the football circle is?

   Before Sir Alex Ferguson was still there, you just need to blow the whistle. They are all retired. It would be too much to lick Manchester United's **** again!

   Liverpool is the real son now!

However, the words are spoken, and they can be heard. No matter how William winks, he can't prevent Yang Cheng from being heard by everyone present. In desperation, he said in a slightly accusing tone, "Didn't we say it? Messi must We will be properly taken care of and we must not let the image of the Premier League be damaged."

   Yang Cheng tilted his head and thought for a while, as if he had indeed said this, so he made an extra effort.

   But he didn't apologize either, instead he nodded as expected, "It's pretty much the same."

   was depressed by Yang Cheng's cheeky, William drank the black tea in the cup in one sip, unhappy, the baby was upset, and he couldn't coax him anymore!

   Sarah saw that the atmosphere was not right, so she quickly changed the subject, "Mr. Yang, if you have time tomorrow, I hope I can invite you to visit Corey Energy."

Yang Cheng was stunned, thinking of the assets he wanted to acquire, and never thought of the idea of ​​taking a look in person, it was ridiculous, so he said, "This is a good idea, why don't we set off now? After a short turn Have dinner together in London."

   This meant to leave, but William refused, "It's tomorrow, it's too late to go now."

   Yang Cheng is just a whim, and there is no meaning to go now, shrugging, "Listen to you~"

   Carson also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The kitchen had prepared the ingredients for the whole afternoon. If he was suddenly told not to eat at home, I wonder if the chef would collapse.

  . . . . . .

   Early the next morning, Yang Cheng drove to London by car, avoiding the morning rush hour, and arrived smoothly all the way to the Corey Energy Company on the banks of the Thames, which is also a garbage recycling center.

When Rolls-Royce drove into the factory, Yang Cheng’s first feeling was clean. It was completely different from the impression that the **** piled up in the mountains and smelled like the sky. The roads were clean and tree-lined. People who didn’t know thought they had entered a house. Purified water production plants that require a high degree of hygiene.

   The main building of the recycling center looks like a huge silver ball from a distance. It is more than 30 meters high and an aluminum dome with a diameter of about 10 meters. It is very beautiful and has a hint of science fiction.

   The chimney not far from "Silver Ball" is 100 meters high, but there is no trace of smoky fire, like a sculpture used for exhibition.

At this time, Rolls-Royce slowed down slowly and stopped at a fork in the road. Corey and his wife Sarah stood beside an environmentally friendly battery car with a smile. After the car stopped, Corey came first. Pulling the door for Yang Cheng, he said diligently, "Mr. Yang, welcome to Corey Energy. I hope today's visit will make you feel worthwhile."

   Yang Cheng got out of the car gracefully, shook hands with the other party, and said with a smile, "I'm already looking forward to it~"

   At the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Corey, Yang Cheng got into the eco-car. A young man dressed upright was responsible for driving the car. It should be Corey's assistant. However, there was no introduction and Yang Cheng did not say much to him.

Corey and Yang Cheng sat in the second row, and the eco-car started slowly. Corey began to say, "In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, waste management policies are formulated by the ZZ entities in the Commonwealth, except that England will implement the United Kingdom. For waste management strategies developed by ZF, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also formulate their own strategies.

   This means that certain technologies and standards of garbage recycling plants are not applicable in the other three regions.

   And because of the different zheng policies, the specific methods of waste management in different regions are also different.

   But the waste management objectives of all regions are the same-reducing the amount of landfill disposal, focusing on the prevention, reuse and energy recovery of waste, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the waste management process.

   The regions are similar, if Mr. Yang is interested in the future, he can also purchase one or two garbage recycling plants in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. As long as they are properly modified, they can still make money. "

   Kory, who seems to be engaged in the garbage recycling business, should be classified as an environmental fighter, but this environmentalist is full of money, and the smell of copper is heavier than the smell of garbage!

   Of course, Corey didn’t know that he was despised by Yang Cheng. He was still introducing, “The Ministry of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the United Kingdom re-classified and defined the UK’s urban solid waste the year before, in mid-2014.

According to the new definition, the scope of'waste generated by residences' is smaller than the previously used definition of'domestic garbage', and does not include garbage collected by local authorities from street garbage bins, road sweeping, and garbage collected from parks and other places In short, it does not include any waste that is not directly generated by the house.

  In recent years, the amount of residential waste generated has been between 26.4 million tons and 27 million stable. "

   Yang Cheng suddenly asked, "These are all garbage that can be used for recycling?"

   He didn't understand well, so he asked. Naturally, Corey wouldn't be despised because he didn't understand it. Such a question came from the insider, that's stupid.

   But obviously, Yang Cheng does not belong to this list.

So Corey replied patiently, "Of course not. In fact, 50% is a very impressive figure, and even 50% is not even reached. In the UK, organic waste and kitchen waste are mixed into recyclables. Waste is one of the main reasons why it cannot be recycled by garbage collection centers.

British nationals always make various mistakes when sorting them out. For example, some people throw diapers as recyclable waste; some people throw garden waste and kitchen waste as recyclable waste; and Pizza box, although the pizza packaging is cardboard, it is recyclable waste, but if it is stained with grease or food, it cannot be recycled, and many people have not noticed this;

There is also polystyrene plastic that cannot be recycled, but nearly one-fifth of the British will put it in the recyclable waste collection point on the street. Plastic is a big problem in the sorting and disposal of organic waste, and it is often Wrong delivery

   There are even many people who throw soil and rock as organic waste. "


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