Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1374: New plant

   Corey got more upset as he talked about it. He slapped his thigh angrily and cursed, "I really don't know these common sense questions, why don't those idiots know."

   Yang Cheng looked at Corey from the corner of his eye, really wanting to say, "Waste sorting is a big problem for everyone!"

As the environmentally friendly car slowly approached the "Silver Ball" building, Corey readjusted his mentality and said, "This factory was designed by a French designer. You know that romantic genes are flowing in their bones. God knows why a The design of the garbage recycling plant is so beautiful, for which I paid an extra £2 million budget."

   Corey curled his lips while speaking. Although the words were disdainful, the implied pride is hard not to be noticed.

He waved his hand and pointed the'silver ball'. "The diameter of the hemispherical bottom is about 100 meters. The original intention of designing the hemispherical roof is to make the layout of the factory buildings concentrated, reduce the visual perception of the chimney, and reduce the sense of industrialized factory buildings. Designed to achieve harmony and unity with the surrounding environment."

   Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "The design of the spherical roof can indeed distinguish the factory building from the surrounding industrial facilities and achieve a harmonious unity of architecture and aesthetics. This is a good case of integrating industrial buildings into local communities.

   At least on the way I came, I did not find any disharmony between the factory building and the surrounding living communities, and I think the surrounding residents do not seem to exclude living near the garbage treatment plant.

   This is unthinkable in other regions. "

   Corey affirmed, "Yes, since this plant was built, there has never been a complaint."

   When the eco-car stopped in front of the main entrance at the bottom of the ‘Silver Ball’, Corey invited Yang Cheng to get off the car and enter the factory.

  The huge opening allows the garbage truck to pass directly into the factory building, avoiding exposing the garbage to the outdoors and emitting foul smell.

   In fact, Yang Cheng was handed out a mask before entering the door, and the smell inside was really not good.

   But what is unbelievable is that there is no smell outside.

Corey led the way. Because the machine was working and making a huge noise, Corey had to raise his voice to speak, "The flue gas purification system of this processing center includes a semi-dry reaction tower, a bag filter, an activated carbon injection system, etc. , The flue gas emission value is lower than the limit value of the EU waste incineration emission standard, so there is almost no unpleasant smell outside.

After the heat generated by incineration is recovered for energy, it will be used for power generation and heating of nearby residents. The **** and ash produced are used to extract metals and then sent for further regeneration or treatment. The residue that actually enters the landfill is only small. Part. "

Although the smell is not very good, the internal environment of the factory is still clean and bright. Countless silver metal tanks and pipes fill the internal space of the entire hemisphere, but the layout is neat and there is no mess. The workers wear blue uniforms. Staying in the area under his responsibility in an orderly manner, the garbage trucks entering the factory will follow the planned route and speed, and the process is very rigorous.

   This is what a modern garbage disposal center should look like.

   Yang Cheng added more confidence in this acquisition after watching it in person.

   Everyone crossed from the center of the factory building and exited the gate on the other side, leading directly to the River Thames. Not far away was a pier under construction.

Yang Cheng and others took off their helmets, Corey wiped the sweat off his forehead, pointed to a place a few hundred meters away and introduced, “The processing center we visited just now can handle 684 tons of garbage in a single day, but it’s still far away. Not enough, so the company planned and designed the seventh waste treatment center one year ago, but stopped construction due to funding problems.

   This new garbage recycling and processing center named "Riverside" has a planned total investment of 350 million pounds and has a wharf for the connection of garbage recycling ships.

   There are 3 incineration lines inside. It is estimated that a single line will process 763 tons of waste per day and 584,000 tons of waste per year. Once completed, it will be the largest waste incineration plant in the UK.

   In addition to providing electricity, it also provides heat to the surrounding residents, and transports garbage through the river, which will reduce the congestion of about 100,000 heavy trucks in London every year.

   Garbage is loaded and unloaded through the wharf, and then transferred to the unloading hall by tractor or trailer.

  The flue gas purification system includes denitrification, semi-dry reaction tower, bag filter, etc. The flue gas emission index is better than the EU waste incineration flue gas emission standard, which is about 15% higher than the standard of the ‘silver ball’ behind us.

   Finally, the **** is transported through the river to a treatment plant 5 kilometers away for treatment, and is further recovered from the metal after the **** is used as a road construction material through a metal separation device. "

   Yang Cheng asked bluntly, "How much money is needed to restart the project?"

   "320 million pounds~"

   Corey’s answer almost caused Yang Cheng to spit out a bit of old blood. After he accepted it, he would not only have to repay the high debt, but also have to invest more than 300 million pounds to start the construction of the seventh factory?

   Seeing that Yang Cheng's face became ugly, Corey said quickly, "Once the new factory is completed, the garbage disposal capacity will reach a new level, surpassing the Suez Group and becoming the country's third largest garbage recycling service provider.

   The market share is approaching 15%, and revenue will increase further. "

   Yang Cheng replied in a cold voice, "These are all figures on paper. You are investing and your competitors are investing. Everyone is running. How can you ensure that you run faster than others?"

Corey slumped I understand that it is not enough to build a new factory to enhance the waste treatment capacity. That's why I borrowed heavily to develop new technologies. If the new technologies can be implemented, the current waste treatment The capacity has to be doubled at least. By then, we will be the largest garbage recycling service provider in the country. "

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, he didn't want to hear hypothetical answers such as if, if, once, etc.

  He is thinking about a possibility, what if the field of garbage collection is integrated?

  Curry is the largest garbage recycling service provider in London. Yes, it has reached a semi-monopoly. However, a city in London does not represent the entire country. Only when the monopoly is larger can it have the capital for bargaining.

   "Is the Suez Group you just mentioned the French water company?"

   Corey nodded, "Yes, the garbage recycling plant is a subsidiary."

   Yang Cheng was helpless, "Now among the top five garbage collection service providers, which one do you think can be acquired?"

   paused, and added, "It's better to have a certain share in London~"

   Corey guessed Yang Cheng’s intentions, and couldn’t help but stun him, just because of concerns about future income, should he integrate a market?

  Z people are really rich!


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