Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1375: Shopping and eating

   Corey’s envy, jealousy and hatred are not mentioned. Regarding Yang Cheng’s question, he almost gave the answer without hesitation, "Velidor Renewable Energy Company."

   Yang Cheng repeated the name, "Velidor Renewable Energy?"

   "That's right, Velido currently processes 2.18 million tons of waste annually, accounting for about 21% of the market share, and is the second largest garbage recycling service provider after Veolia."

   "So this company can be acquired?"

   Corey said firmly, "There is a possibility that more than 80%, 90% of Velidol's shares are in the hands of banks and investment institutions, and the chairman and individual major shareholder has less than 10%."

   Yang Cheng understands that Corey means that mergers and acquisitions can be forced. For investment institutions, as long as they give an appropriate premium, nothing cannot be sold.

   "I see, I'll go back and arrange an investigation, thank you for your suggestion."

   The visit can be over here. She declined the invitation of the Corey and his wife to eat. Yang Cheng left the factory by car and was going to meet her old lover for a while.

   has been in the UK for so many days, he also needs women to adjust his physical and mental stress.

   Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of the guard ceremony of the Royal Guard; Baker Street to visit Mr. Holmes; Hyde Park to feed the pigeons; to watch a play in the West End of London. There are a thousand ways to visit London in the eyes of a thousand people.

Yang Cheng is rare to be leisurely, not in a hurry, and specifically instructs the driver to drive slowly, along the Thames River scenery all the way to the Tower Bridge in London, today is the famous Mottby market under the Tower Bridge, Emma Watson even asked him Meet here, for fear that the British won't know her?

   "Boom boom boom~" Yang Cheng was hesitant to call Emma Watson for a date when the car window was knocked.

   Turning his head abruptly and looking out, he saw Emma Watson, dressed in a plain white sweater and jeans dress, with a pretty face with a little makeup appearing out of the car window, waving at him, and pulling in the car door in the next second.

   "Hey, **** bastard, let the lady wait for you so long?"

   Emma complained while delivering Xiangwen, turning a blind eye to the driver in front.

   Yang Cheng responded with enthusiasm, but in the next second, the big red lips had already left. Emma was spitting out her tongue playfully, looking at Yang Cheng's stunned expression, she smiled and said, "Deserve it~"

   Yang Cheng helplessly, "I'm not late, you made an appointment at 11:30, and it's only 11:15 now."

   It turns out that women all over the world don’t like to be reasonable, "But I’m here first, that’s your mistake, very ungentleman!"

   Yang Cheng spread his hands, "OK, you won."

   Emma triumphed over yeah, and then excitedly pulled Yang Cheng to get off the car, "go, go, go, let's go to the market."

   Yang Cheng hurriedly pulled her hard, "Are you crazy? Just go out like this? Are you going to test your popularity in the motherland?"

   Emma struggled free, blinking begging eyes, and said, "Comeon, I haven't visited Mottby for a long time."

   Yang Cheng couldn't stand the girl acting like a baby, and felt soft, "Okay, okay, I'll explain it after the big deal."

   "It's great, let’sgo!"

   Emma still knows how to converge. She didn't dare to be too arrogant. The big sunglasses that can cover half of her face, the masks necessary for celebrities, are difficult for others to pay attention.

   The two stood outside the car, Yang Cheng reached out to help her pull the mask under her chin, "That's good, otherwise it's too conspicuous."

Emma Watson can’t wait, pulling the oranges and rushing to the market. As the most authentic food market in London, there are 31 international foods here, and there are many dining trucks that flow all the year round, food and wine, everything you need .

   It is also fortunate that Mottby concentrates on delicacies from all over the world. If it is the name of a British snack, it will not come if you kill Yangcheng. What tricks can fried fish sticks make?

   Emma brought Yang Cheng to a dessert shop. This restaurant specializes in salted caramel brownies, which attracts countless foodies to taste. Emma is no exception.

   At this time, no matter how big the stars are, they have to line up. Looking at the more than ten-meter long dragon, Yang Cheng took off his sunglasses and held his forehead, "OK, when the queue reaches us, I am hungry~"

   Emma is full of brownies, so she is still in the mood to analyze whether Yang Cheng’s words are ironic or not, but she just replied casually, "Isn't it just enough to eat more?"

   Yang Cheng staggers in place, these words are poisonous!

   "By the way, you announced in February that the shadow will be closed for one year. This news is quite shocking."

  Speaking of this topic in public, you must not speak too loudly, otherwise you will not confess.

Emma turned her head and said indifferently, "After so many years of filming, physically and mentally exhausted, and recently found a new direction for work, I think it would be better to take the opportunity to participate in lectures and activities at the United Nations. , Take a good rest for a period of time and adjust the state to have better works.

   This is also a buffer time for fans, otherwise I will always be visually tired when I see it. "

   Yang Cheng doesn't believe that this is Emma's own thoughts, "Your agent taught you?"

   Emma asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

   Yes, Yang Cheng knew that he had guessed right when he asked this question.

As soon as I opened my mouth to spit out, I saw the boys passing by, looking at Yang Cheng and Emma with surprise, curiosity and a hint of uncertainty. Yang Cheng secretly said badly, hugged Emma in his arms and held her at the same time. Buried her small face on her chest, startled her, and muttered, "What's the matter?"

   Yang Cheng pressed her throat, "Someone found you~"

   Emma tightened, wrapped her hands around Yang Cheng's waist, and buried her head deeper.

   In the eyes of outsiders, this is a couple in love who don't want to separate every minute.

   Sure enough, the boys passing by no longer doubted, maybe because he wanted to come, Emma could not make out with men in the street.

   After waiting for the person to pass for a long time, Yang Cheng gently patted Emma on the back and said softly, "Okay, it's over."

  Who knows that Emma doesn't want to separate, "Just hold on for a while, safe."

   What can Yang Cheng say, she can only continue to hold her, and the two people stick together like a Siamese baby, and move a few steps forward from time to time to avoid being cut in line.

   "How many days have you been in London? Why did you call me?" Emma asked, raising her face slightly.

Yang Cheng couldn't hold back, lowered his head and pecked on the red lips, smiled satisfied, "A few days after I came, I have been busy with business affairs, so I didn't call you. Did you contact you as soon as you are done?"

   Emma blamed Yang Cheng with her chin, and then buried her face again, "Not bad answer, don't you hurry?"

   Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, and said ambiguously, "I should stay for a few more days."

   "Be with me tonight?"

"of course!"

   The two chatted freely and talked sweet words of love. Time passed quickly, and they were queued in the blink of an eye. Emma didn't say anything, and Yang Cheng took charge of the order and payment.

   Yang Cheng doesn't have much love for brownie cakes, and even many girls can't stand the sweetness of brownie.

   But the brownie cake with the addition of sea salt is salty and sweet, rich in taste, soft and glutinous, and full of happiness after eating, which makes Yang Cheng feel that the team is not in a row!

   After a bite, Emma said, "How about? Is it okay?"

   Yang Cheng nodded frankly, "It's really good. I didn't expect that this level of brownies could be made on the street, surprise."

   Emma gave a large fork and stuffed it into her mouth, "I fell in love with the salty and sweet taste the first time I ate it, and I don’t have to worry about getting fat."

   Yang Cheng didn't show any mercy, and directly complained, "You are a psychological effect!"

   Emma slapped her face sloppily, "You care about me! Humph~ go, go to the next house."

   Yang Cheng followed closely, "What do you want to eat?"

   Emma thought for a long time with her fork in her mouth, her eyes lit up suddenly, "How about eating curry?"

   Yang Cheng was speechless, "Can you pursue it a bit? It takes so many brain cells to come up with a curry?"

   Emma is dissatisfied, "How could the curry I said is the normal version? Shut up, stop talking nonsense, come with me."

   Yang Cheng laughed and shook his head, followed her left and right, and came to a yellow dining car. There was also a long line. Emma took the last position with one arrow. Yang Cheng followed. Not long after, there were a few more people behind.

   Emma was smarter this time. When there were a lot of people, she hugged Yang Cheng and turned her face to her chest as much as possible to reduce the risk of exposure.

   The air is filled with the unique aroma of curry, let alone those who don't eat it often, occasionally smelling this special aroma, it is really easy to drain water.

   Emma keenly caught the action of Yang Cheng swallowing saliva, and smiled, "Scent? This food truck leaves London every August and goes to Leeds to participate in the Caribbean Carnival. It is a big hit every time.

   Their curry lamb and curry grilled chicken are the most popular dishes among diners. Later, you can order a set meal with some salad to relieve your greasiness. "

   Yang Cheng couldn't help being surprised, "How do you know so much?"

   You can see Emma’s dissatisfied eyes through the Cheng quickly begged for mercy, "When I didn’t say~"

   As we all know, because the Caribbean is near the sea, the humidity is relatively high, so the locals like to eat some spicy food to remove the moisture in the body. The curry with a hint of spicy and complex aroma has become the favorite seasoning of the locals.

   Curry lamb, curry chicken, curry and various seafood. In terms of their love for curry, the Caribbeans do not lose to India's Asan.

And different from Indian curry, the Caribbean people like to add coconut milk and various fruits to the curry, which makes the Caribbean-style curry, slightly spicy with a hint of coconut milk sweetness and various fruity aromas, both It is delicious and nutritious. As immigrants bring this flavor to all over the world, it gradually begins to be accepted and loved by people all over the world.

   After about 20 minutes, Yang Cheng finally bought a set meal, curry lamb and grilled chicken salad platter.

   Large chunks of mutton are simmered in curry sauce for a long time and become extremely soft. The taste of curry penetrates into the meat, which not only masks the smell of mutton, but also stimulates the unique flavor of mutton.

With one bite, more than ten kinds of aromas explode in the mouth at the same time, the aromas rush straight to the forehead, and the lamb melts in the mouth, without much chewing, it naturally slides down the throat into the stomach, and at the same time rises a warmth and flows all over the body. .

   must use one word to describe the feeling at this time, that is-beauty!


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