Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1379: No need to pay?

   As one of the smallest countries in the world, Monaco is not a big place, but it is crowded with tall buildings. There is a kind of rush to stay in the Xiangjiang River, but the sky above your head is even wider.

  Because of the tax-free policy that attracts the rich, the real estate business here has been very good. In order to sell more properties, in the limited geographical area, we can only open up space as much as possible.

Basically, the places that can be used to build buildings are occupied by buildings. This has also led to the narrow streets of Monaco and the steep slope. The people who live here are all rich. Naturally, there are more cars, more cars, and more people. , Roads are narrow, so from time to time there will be congestion on the streets.

   often appears, because a pedestrian has to cross the road, a dozen cars will immediately stop and squeeze into a group, but when someone crosses the street, it will be smooth as before.

Yang Cheng and the others were sitting on top of the Rolls Royce, and they were also very troubled by the stop-and-go road conditions, especially Emma, ​​who drank a few glasses of red wine on the plane, and now they are looking for signs of motion sickness. , Rolls-Royce said: I am too difficult.

  Most of the roads in Monaco are one-way streets. There are no traffic lights. There are only zebra crossings. Only at busy and complex intersections, such as the Monte Carlo Casino, are traffic lights and management personnel responsible for evacuation of traffic.

Nevertheless, the cars here do not drive slowly. Ferraris and Lamborghini worth hundreds of thousands of dollars are banging the accelerator on the street at every turn, whizzing by, this situation is especially frequent on the eve of the Grand Prix. But these supercars can quickly slow down when they encounter pedestrians, and let the pedestrians pass by gracefully.

   In the face of this kind of situation, pedestrians will also show their thumbs, and the whole society will become extremely harmonious.

Turtle drove through the congested road and finally came to the Fairmont Hotel. Yang Cheng and the others first asked people to carry the luggage to the room, and then went directly to the Monte Carlo Casino. Yang Cheng has not forgotten the main purpose of going to Monaco. what.

It is worth mentioning that because the Grand Prix is ​​approaching, all hotels in Monaco are in full capacity. Yang Cheng’s room was booked for the night and was snatched from others. Besides, there are no vacancies, so Daniel can only They live in a suite with Yang Cheng. Fortunately, the suite has two bedrooms. Otherwise, they will sleep on the sofa, which is embarrassing.

When driving on the streets of Monaco, you can see the staff building up the stands from time to time. They come here once a year. They repeat, dismantle, install, and dismantle. These workers have a wealth of experience. Live very quickly and will not hinder the normal life of citizens.

Monte Carlo is the symbol of Monaco. After the fall of Atlantic City, it is one of the only three remaining casinos in the world. The Rolls Royce they rode in Yang Cheng stopped in front of an antique palace-like building. Against the backdrop of the landscape, this century-old building has a unique and charming temperament.

   There is a large square flower garden in front of the gate, all plants and trees are neatly trimmed, and flowers bloom in all seasons.

   The entrance to the steps is guarded by guards. They look like elites. In order to prevent the rebellious and rich people from making trouble after losing money, the casino's importance to the security personnel is self-evident.

   The law of Monaco stipulates that nationals are not allowed to enter the casino, and only foreign guests are welcome. The magnificent interior decoration is not allowed to take pictures. The camera must be stored in the depository at the door to enter the casino.

All casinos in the world can be described with style, and Monte Carlo is no exception. Whether it is wall decorations and curtains, crystal lights flashing like diamonds, or red carpets on the ground, the waiters in neat dresses let People think it is extraordinary, but even though it is called a big casino, in terms of scale, it is not a bit worse than Las Vegas and Macau.

  It’s not the first time Yang Cheng has come to Monte Carlo. It’s a familiar place for him. Although he is not a good gambler, he is willing to end the game, and his handwork is not small. Such guests are the favorite of casinos.

  Don't think that the casino wants to drain every penny in your wallet, wrong! What casinos like most is the long flow. As long as you have money and are willing to entertain in the casino, then as the owner of the casino, you can always make money, which is far more profitable than emptying your wallet at once.

   Therefore, guests like Yang Cheng who spend money from time to time for entertainment are the favorite VIP guests of the casino!

As soon as he walked in, he was recognized by the lobby manager on duty at this time. There were stilettos 10 cm high. There was no difference between the heels of this beautiful manager and the flat shoes. Ten meters away, with his bright smile, he greeted Yang Cheng the most'affectionate' greetings, "Welcome to Monte Carlo again, Dear Mr. Yang~"

   Yang Cheng glanced at the nameplate on her chest and smiled, "Thank you, Miss Camille~"

   The name is French.

   "What can I do for you?" Camille's blond hair was put up high and looked very capable, but his words and deeds were full of aristocratic sense of ritual, without losing the unique feminine beauty.

   At this level of business, Yang Cheng also gave her a compliment.

   Yang Cheng glanced at Daniel with the remaining light. This guy became nervous as soon as he entered the door, rubbing his hands together, his knuckles turned white due to excessive distortion.

   shook his head secretly, this guy won't be scared, right?

   Putting aside the distracting thoughts, Yang Cheng hesitated and said, "Just go around and talk about it when the time is up."

The casino does not open until 2 pm. Most of the people who enter the casino now are tourists. Perhaps because of F1, the surge of tourists into Monaco in recent days has caused the sight of people flowing in the casino before noon. .

   The lobby manager immediately greeted him, "No problem, if Mr. Yang has a need, please call the waiters at any time. If they can't solve it, you can also ask them to call me and be there on call.

   In addition, the super private gaming room is always ready. "

  A big customer like Yang Cheng, as long as he speaks, the casino can immediately open a private gaming room for him and organize a high-end game with a 7-digit entry amount.

   But he didn't come to the casino to have fun. He went to the terrace. The tables here were like gambling tables, and he could start gambling anytime, anywhere.

   ordered something to eat and drink, the three of them sat down, and Yang Cheng asked, "Daniel, who is giving you money?"

   Daniel glanced at Emma and said embarrassingly, "A gambling girl~"

   Emma didn't want to speak angrily, she drank the juice to herself. She wanted to order some wine just now, but Yang Cheng stopped her and vomited on him after drinking for a while. This woman's amount of alcohol is in question.

   Yang Cheng couldn't help frowning, "Not from the casino?"

These gambling girls occasionally act as Junket Operators, introducing customers to the Gaoli Dai company behind them, and every transaction has a lot of money. If you are lucky enough to run into a prodigal, draw a few more than her. Accompanying shui to earn more in a year.

   Obviously, Daniel suddenly owed 8 million pounds, not only as simple as the above, but also confused by the **** girl.

   Yang Cheng rubbed his head irritably. If the casino lends itself, they can still negotiate instalments, but there are not so many rules for private lending. In order to drink your blood, they are almost unscrupulous.

   ate the champagne, beckoned to let the waiter not far away come over, and asked, "Is your casino's public relations manager at work?"

  The waiter responded quickly, "I'll help you ask."

   Yang Cheng nodded, "If you go to work, let him come over."

   "Okay sir, please wait a moment~"

   About ten minutes later, a fat man with a greasy face ran over, with sweat on his face, and he kept wiping with a handkerchief.

   "Mr. Yang, good day, what can I do for you? By the way, my name is Wuft." The fat manager was sweating, and he didn't know what he had done before and why he sweated so much.

However, he has a very good attitude. As a public relations manager of a casino, good looks is their basic quality. It is also a must-have skill to watch people serve dishes. For VIPs like Yang Cheng, his usual tricks to scare small customers simply cannot Use, not only can't use, but also pretend to be grandsons and treat VIPs as ancestors. This is their performance.

   Otherwise, the VIPs go out and say bad things about the casino, that is, you, the public relations manager, did not do the job well.

   "Good day, Wolfter has worked hard for you to run, so that's it, my friend Daniel borrowed 8 million pounds from a gambling girl."

   Before he finished speaking, Wolft's face changed and he whispered, "I'm sorry, sir, this is the negligence of our casino, so the criminals can find a chance."

   Yang Cheng was taken aback and didn't react for a while. What does this fat guy mean? Doesn't Monte Carlo allow private lending?

He never knew about this information so he didn't know it at all. In fact, he guessed it correctly. Monte Carlo aims to build the most high-end and most elegant casino in the world. Dai broke the order?

   In other words, how can you let outsiders come in and grab your own cake?

   You must know that the gambling industry is the backbone of Monaco's economy. This is the business of other people's meals. If you let the crumbs ruin your reputation and you can't eat, you can't be blamed.

   Just listen to Wuft, "I also trouble your friends and help us find the girl who broke the rules. Our casino will take full responsibility for this matter."

   Yang Cheng is in a state of sorrow. He was still thinking hard before, not knowing how to solve this troublesome matter. Who would have thought that it would be solved like this?

   "Um~ no problem, so you don't need him to lose money?"

   Wuft wiped the sweat from his forehead, arched his waist and whispered, "I can't give a guarantee yet, but if things go well, your friend does not need to pay an extra cent."

Yang Cheng's mind turned quickly. After calming down, he immediately understood what Wolft meant. No matter how the 8 million pounds had been in the hands of the casino, it was impossible to spit it out. Daniel had his own face and would not face being caught. In the case of recovery, the only bad luck in the whole thing may be the gambling girl and the Fangdai company behind her.


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