Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1380: It's that simple

   The matter was resolved in this way, resolved in a very strange and smooth manner.

   Uh~ At least, this is what the public relations manager named Wuft said. His words should be trusted.

   Yang Cheng thought this way, and saw that Wuft had already talked to Daniel. He needed to figure out the details of the gambling girl in order to find out the family behind her.

   But these have nothing to do with Yang Cheng, and the troubles are solved satisfactorily, without much effort on their own, and the mood has improved a lot.

  Even Emma smiled, and she was in a good mood to travel, ready to spend a few days in Monaco.

   After Wolff had finished talking with Daniel, Daniel came over with a relaxed expression, "Thank you, I think I will keep in touch with Wolff myself."

   Of course Yang Cheng wouldn't say anything. He was so happy. As for whether the money lending company would trouble Daniel, that is not what Yang Cheng should be concerned about.

   Emma said next to him, "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, but it's always a good thing, so what are you going to do next?"

Daniel shrugged, "I don't know, but I passed through Wolff, and there are still vacancies in the Balenciaga hotel opposite. I will move out first without disturbing the world of both of you. Then I will stay in Monaco for a while and cooperate with the hotel to find it. A money lending company, let this completely settle this matter and return to the UK."

   Yang Cheng smiled more happily. Although it was a suite, there was an electric light bulb in it. Some things couldn't be done.

   Emma hesitated, and agreed with Daniel's decision, and said, "You open the room and text me and tell me that I will let the hotel people send your luggage."

Daniel is completely relaxed now, the expression on his face is much clearer, "No problem, then I will go with Wolff first, by the way, remember that when the F1 race started, you invited me to your room to watch the game. "

   Emma got up and hugged her friend, "Of course I won't forget you. In short, you have to be more careful in the future. If this happens again, we won't help anymore."

   Her words are equivalent to blocking Daniel's back. Yang Cheng saw that it was enough to help her face once, and she couldn't have a second time! She can't afford to lose this person!

   Daniel also understood, so he was not angry, and laughed at himself, "Don't worry, there won't be any more, this time I will be scared to pee my pants, and good luck can't come on me every time."

   Hearing him say this, Emma finally breathed a sigh of relief. After watching the two leave, Emma also sent Yang Cheng a warm message of gratitude, "Thank you dear."

   Yang Cheng has no merit, "I didn't do anything, Daniel's luck is good, I didn't know that Monte Carlo didn't have private dailies."

Emma doesn't think so. In her opinion, if there is no face of Yang Cheng, the casino cannot be so talkative. She is not stupid and sweet. She occasionally goes to the casino to relax and entertain. Even if she does not understand the darkness behind the casino, Many, you can guess a bit.

The trouble is resolved, Yang Cheng and the others will naturally no longer stay in the casino. They walked briskly out of the gate, and the endless stream of tourists rushed in, and wanted to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, but they were stopped by the security at the door and used them. The blunt but polite tone reminded him not to take pictures inside.

Yang Cheng and Emma didn’t ride in the car. They walked aimlessly along the periphery of the casino arm in arm with a pair of sunglasses. They came to the casino and sat on the terrace facing the sea for a while and enjoyed the casino. A peaceful sea view against the backdrop of the garden.

   Okay, tranquility is just imagination, the loud voice is reality, the tranquility of the Mediterranean coast has become restless because of the arrival of F1.

   couldn't bear the noise of the crowd, got up again and walked along the coastline towards the palace.

   Passing by the largest port in Monaco-the Port of Hercules, the port is densely packed with yachts and sailboats of various types, large and small.

   There is a rare silence here. There are only a few sailors taking care of the yachts in the port, and there are few tourists.

  The view of the palace from the Port of Hercules is particularly beautiful. The palace and the entire old city are located on steep cliffs. The steep cliffs plunge straight into the blue Mediterranean sea. The waves hit the cliffs, making loud and strong sounds.

   Along the winding mountain road, there is a beautiful large garden on both sides, and every turn has an exquisite lawn dotted with flowers.

   It seems that this is a route that most tourists rarely choose. There are only a few passers-by on the beautiful mountain road. Looking at their leisurely appearance, it is likely that they are local residents who come out for a walk after brunch.

   When passing by, the other party greeted Yang Cheng in a friendly manner. Emma came and wanted to take pictures here. Yang Cheng couldn't bear it, so she had to ask the kind-looking old white man to help take pictures.

I thought that the other party was French and didn't like to speak English. Who would have thought that the other party had a very positive English accent. After a few brief conversations, I learned that the other party is a retired businessman from Canada and has his own real estate in Monaco. Stay here for a few months vacation.

   Needless to say, he is a billionaire again, but looking at him in HM underwear that adds up to less than 100 Euros, who would have thought he has billions of wealth?

   The old man is very cute. Not only did he take pictures of Yang Cheng and the others, he also pretended that he would keep it secret.

   It turns out that he recognized Yang Cheng and Emma Watson a long time Although they are both still young, they have been the targets of media attention in recent years.

   Especially Yang Cheng, as a rookie in North American business, because of his special skin color, it is easy to be remembered.

   Although the old man retired, he never gave up his attention to the business world, and he naturally recognized who Yang Cheng was.

   As for Emma, ​​in the words of the old man, his grandson is a big fan of Emma Watson. As a reward for helping taking pictures, I hope Emma can sign for him, ready to be used as a Christmas gift this year for his grandson.

   Emma Watson certainly won't refuse, and he gave a free passage: You have an angelic grandfather!

   Seeing this sentence, the old man smiled very happily and even wanted to invite the two home to be guests, but Yang Cheng and Emma declined, and they were still going to continue shopping on the street.

   The old man had no choice but to say goodbye, looking back three steps at a time. He didn't know that he thought the two were his saviors.

  The Royal Palace is regarded as the most important attraction in Monaco, and almost everywhere signposts point to it.

Even if you don’t need to navigate, you don’t have to worry about getting lost. The biggest feature of the palace’s exterior is its dovetail roof decoration and the cozy cream-yellow exterior walls. It’s not even as majestic and luxurious as the North Sea Manor’s castle, but it’s more. In the atmosphere of a fairy tale, who has never imagined a fairy tale facing the sea and blooming in spring?


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