Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1381: Qualifying

   I originally thought that there were not many people on this secret route, and there were not too many people to go to the palace attractions. Who thought of the palace square, only to realize that the entire Monaco tourists seem to be here.

   It was almost 12 o'clock at noon. Tourists flocked here from all over the city when the soldiers changed their guards, and the square was full of people in an instant.

   Various shooting tools were held by people, ready to record this special moment.

   But compared to the solemn and sacred flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, the changing of the guard ceremony here seems to have evolved into a performance program designed for tourists.

   After all, tourism is the basis for the survival of this city and this country.

   Yang Cheng and Emma didn't stay here too much, they are always public figures, easy to expose.

   As the two walked back, Emma suddenly said, "I knew that Monaco didn't have to pay taxes, and I also immigrated here."

This is because the old man I just met. He is dual citizenship of Monaco and Canada. During the chat, he talked about the benefits of immigrating to Monaco. Monaco does not need to pay personal income tax, thus attracting a considerable amount of wealth. Tax avoidance immigration.

   These immigrants mainly come from European countries. They earn most of their income through business outside Monaco. For example, many famous F1 racers are immigrants here, and of course most immigrants are mainly businessmen.

   also because of the arrival of these rich men, Monaco has become one of the richest countries in the world.

   Yang Cheng tilted his head and smiled, "You are not afraid of being scolded as a dog by the British, then apply. I believe Monaco will definitely welcome you."

   Emma was also on a whim, and said casually, "Forget it, Monaco is too young, it is more suitable for elderly care, wait until I am 60 years old to consider.

   At least there is no need to consider the issue of social integration. "

   Yang Cheng nodded. It is true that the entire population of Monaco is only more than 30,000, of which only more than 6,000 are the natives of Monaco. Monegasques have become a true minority in their own country.

The most populous is French, accounting for 32%, followed by Italians with 20%, Monaco with only 19%, and the remaining 29% of the population comes from 125 other countries. English and French are all applicable here, so don’t worry about you. Rejected by the locals.

   However, the residents of Monte Carlo can enjoy the beaches of the Côte d’Azur, the fascinating nightlife and the benefits of a tax haven, but they also have to pay for it.

  As the country with the highest house price in the world, the average house price is as high as about US$50,000 per square meter.

In the next two days, Yang Cheng and Emma walked almost every inch of Monaco's land with both feet. This may be a fantasy in other countries, but in Monaco, it is just a few days of work and even physical strength. You can also finish shopping.

On this day, the annual F1 Monaco Monte Carlo Grand Prix finally came to the race day. Yesterday’s practice session has already attracted wild cheers from the public. When the qualifying starts officially, Monaco’s annual carnival The curtain was officially opened.

   At one o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Cheng, Emma, ​​and Daniel, who arrived in advance, were sitting on the balcony of less than 10 square meters. Champagne, snacks and desserts were placed on the table beside them.

   The guests on the neighbor’s balcony were also yelling while holding champagne, and the children put on the Ferrari team T-shirts and looked like a car fan conquered by the red prancing horse.

  Similar scenes can be seen everywhere in Monaco. Many people call friends and watch the game on their balcony. Only at this time did they realize that there are so many people in Monaco.

Qualifying will start in an hour. On the LCD TV standing on the side of the balcony, the live broadcast of the event has begun. The host is introducing the weather, track conditions and pre-match interviews with the star drivers to the audience. heat.

Yang Cheng wore sunglasses and raised his legs, chatting with Emma from time to time, "Fortunately, we robbed the room in time. Look, wherever the car passes by, it has long been crowded with people watching the race, and there The top of the mountain is almost trampled on."

   As he said, the tourists who flocked to Monaco were quickly occupying favorable terrain and setting up long guns and short cannons. Any closer location would cost dozens or hundreds of dollars in tickets.

   But it doesn’t matter if you can’t get in. There are several large-screen live broadcasts on the street. If you can occupy a condescending position, you can still see an uphill and a flat road.

   Today is not just a grand event for car fans, but also a joyous day for countless people who like to join in the fun. Yang Cheng holding a binoculars and seeing a group of girls in bikinis on the stands outside the yacht harbor seem to be waiting for the race to start.

For such a grand occasion, God is also very generous, not only did not appear rainy days, there is not even a cloud, thousands of miles of clear sky, the blazing sun steamed a layer of sweat on the skin, but for Yang Cheng and the others drinking iced champagne , This heat is nothing.

But for the drivers wearing fire-resistant suits, it will be a small test. The hotter the weather, it means that they will lose more water during the race, which is a very big test for the physical strength of the drivers. .

   Fortunately, today is just a qualifying match, the impact is not too big.

   The roar of car motors resounded through the streets. This is just the test drive of the various teams.

   At this time, the waiter who has been serving, answered the phone and came to Yang Cheng and said, "Sir, the Monte Carlo has been opened. If you are interested, our hotel can place bets on your behalf."

   Of course I am interested. Wouldn't it be boring to watch the game without playing two hands?

   "Emma, ​​what do you think?"

   Emma said directly to the waiter without looking back, "Buy me Hamilton to win the pole position, $100,000."

   Doesn't even ask about the odds, rich and willful.

   Yang Cheng is not surprised. For entertainment, of course you have to buy a patriotic note. Although Hamilton is black, but the honest citizens of the British Empire, who does not support him?

   Daniel is the same, but he just bought a gambling loss, he only bought 10,000 US dollars, a small gamble.

   Yang Cheng is a little more professional. He took a bunch of data and analyzed it. He didn't know what he really knew. Anyway, he bought it the same as Emma, ​​but he bought it for $500,000.

   Hamilton's odds to win pole position are around 1.93 to 1. This is the second place among all drivers, with Verstappen of Red Bull Racing in the first place.

   However, Yang Cheng believes that Hamilton's performance in practice is not worse than Vettel, and as the driver with the most potential after Schumacher, Hamilton should definitely win the Monaco Grand Prix.

   From his pre-match interview with confidence, Yang Cheng is willing to place a bet on him.

  The waiter rushed out excitedly to place an order, and he could get a lot of rake rewards for this order.

   Qualifying officially started at 2 o'clock. After a brief speech, the thunderous roar sounded again and several cars filed out of the pits. However, in the first stage of qualifying, the drivers of the big teams were more restrained.

   A total of one hour of qualifying is divided into three stages: 15 minutes + 15 minutes + 20 minutes.

In the first two stages of the qualifying, some slow cars were eliminated. They were 6 cars in the first stage and 6 cars in the second stage. The remaining ten cars in the third stage decided the starting order of 1-10 and competed in their respective stages. Riders can freely decide the time and number of driving laps.

   For big-name drivers and giant teams, the third stage is the time to exert their strength. They only need to ensure that they rank in the top ten in the first two stages.

Therefore, the audience will find that in the first stage of qualifying, only the drivers of the small teams are desperately stepping on the accelerator, but due to the particularity of the Monte Carlo circuit, even if they leak the accelerator, the speed will be high. Can't get up.

On the balcony of the Fairmont Hotel, you can clearly overlook the car passing through the most famous Roth hairpin of the Monte Carlo circuit. This is also the slowest corner in the entire F1 circuit. It is also one of the few that requires drivers to corner. When the steering wheel was beaten to death.

   Watching the scene where F1 racing cars at high speed are braking wildly here, Yang Cheng couldn't help but sip a small drink and shout cool!

After lap by lap, Hamilton, who came out from behind, started to warm up the tyre for two laps, and then began to accelerate, showing the style of a world champion, refreshing today's fastest full speed with light and joy, but everyone knows this. It's not the limit. The third stage is when the drivers start to move to the limit in order to get a better starting position.

   But no matter what, after the first lap was released, the three of Yang Cheng still clinked glasses and drinks happily. This result proved Hamilton's excellent state.

   The noise of F1 was too loud, and it was not lightly shaken even when wearing earplugs. At the end of the first stage, Yang Cheng and the others went into the room quietly for a while.

   "This is the first time I watched It's so exciting!" Emma was very excited, her face flushed.

   Yang Cheng smiled, "It is only in Monte Carlo that there is such a comfortable watching environment."

  Daniel nodded in agreement, "Yes, I have been to the Silverstone circuit before to watch the game, it was very boring."

   Yang Cheng stretched her waist and buttoned her ears, "Tomorrow's race has 78 laps, and some have survived."

   Emma disagrees, "I don’t feel bored. You must book in advance next year. It’s best to rent a yacht and watch it on the yacht. The sea breeze is more comfortable."

   Yang Cheng also felt that she was too frustrated on the balcony, "Good idea, I have a chance to be together next year, and call more friends."

When they were chatting, the second stage of the race had already begun. It was obvious that the overall lap speed of this stage was up to a higher level than that of the first stage. The most obvious scene was that some drivers started to brake in order to get a good lap time. The points are getting late, the lines are more extreme, and the number of times the shoulders are used has become more frequent.

The positions of the first place are also changing. The big-name drivers such as Verstappen, Vettel, Hamilton, etc. seem to have competed in the air. They often set the fastest speed by themselves, and were overtaken by the next within a few tens of seconds. Then go ahead.

   Such fierce competition is the scene that audiences like to see most.


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