Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1382: Charity shady

   An hour later, the qualifying finally came to an end. Hamilton successfully won the pole position in a Mercedes-Benz car, which also made many fans who supported him happy.

   At the Monte Carlo circuit, the significance of taking pole position is that the probability of winning is greatly increased.

Because it is a city street race, there are not many places for drivers to overtake. In many narrow streets, only two cars can pass at the same time. At this time, as long as the leading driver has a good position, unless the car behind has wings, Otherwise, it is impossible to exceed it.

   The roar of the engine is still lingering in the ears, no wonder some people say that F1 cars are not seen with eyes, but with ears.

   After today’s race day, the track was not immediately lifted. Monaco and F1 jointly organized a variety of activities to interact with fans and let more people know and know F1 cars.

   I even had the opportunity to drive the F1 car in person under the coach's explanation, and ran two laps on the track to feel the speed of the wind.

Of course, this kind of racing car used to interact with fans is specially tuned. It is slightly different from the drivers, but it does not hinder the driving experience. After all, no amateur fan can have the guts to speed up to 300 or more. .

   In addition, there are opportunities to take photos and talk with big coffees. In short, for the F1 Monaco Grand Prix, it is much more than just watching the race.

   At night, Monaco was brightly lit, all the streets and alleys were talking loudly about today's qualifying, all dancing and dancing as if they were driving a car on the track and winning the championship.

  Daniel returned to the Balenciaga Hotel, while Yang Cheng and Emma took advantage of the night to go to Nice. Compared with the luxurious hustle and bustle of Monaco, Nice was set against the backdrop of a paradise-like tranquility.

   A good friend of Emma's childhood is now married and has settled in Nice with her husband. Emma is fascinated to see a happy family of four.

   so much so that on the way back to Monaco, the whole person was immersed in a feeling of resentment.

   Yang Cheng couldn't help asking, "Want to get married?"

   Emma shook her head, "I'm just envious, but I still can't afford the courage to get married."

   Yang Cheng can understand. In fact, if Luo Yue hadn't been a satisfactory blind date partner, the word marriage would still be far away from him.

Just about to say a few thoughtful words, Emma suddenly turned her head back and said, “I went to Africa last month and saw the children who couldn’t eat a full meal for a month. How do you say, maybe our charity foundation does Too little."

   Yang Cheng sighed, women are the easiest to move compassionately, "So what do you want to do?"

   "As the spokesperson for the charity fund of New Times Media, should I have the right to make suggestions?"

   "Of course~"

   "Can we set up an exclusive fund specifically for poverty-stricken areas in Africa?"

   Yang Cheng thought for a while, and said sternly, "Emma, ​​first of all, you have to be clear that the big environment in Africa cannot be solved by how much we invest."

After a pause, I searched for a piece of news on my mobile phone and handed it over, "These news reports are not fake. People from the WFP mobilized a batch of grain seeds and gave them to the locals, hoping that they could solve the root cause with their own hands. The problem of not having enough food.

   But the seeds have been eaten up before they can be planted. Can you say that they are not saved?

   Not all, they are just too hungry, so hungry that they can't wait for the seeds to germinate, they must fill their stomachs first, and those who are hungry are not qualified to talk about the future. "

   Emma knew what Yang Cheng was talking about without watching the news at all, and shook her head helplessly, "But I always feel that I need to do something.

   must at least be worthy of my speech at the United Nations. "

   Yang Cheng laughed, "The feminism you advocate now is your core interest. The quality of life of Africans is not your turn to worry."

After a pause, I felt that my words were not convincing enough, so I simply moved out of the richest man. "The charitable funds of Bill Gai and his wife Melinda are mostly used to fund institutions and organizations in developed countries, while poor African countries can only be divided into a small amount. Cup of soup.

   They are more willing to give money to organizations in the northern hemisphere to study how to fight hunger in the southern hemisphere. "

   Emma looked disbelief, Yang Cheng directly retrieved a briefing from his mobile phone that his foundation sent to him, which mentioned the capital flow of the Melinda Foundation in recent years

  " In recent years, of the US$3 billion allocated by the Melinda Foundation, 80% of the donations went to the United States and Europe, and only 10% benefited Africa.

   Among them, the countries that benefit the most are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands.

   In addition, of the 669 million US dollars used to fund research on agriculture by non-ZF organizations, 75% of the funds were collected by American institutions, and African organizations only received 4%.

North American organizations have money to study the unreachable agricultural issues in the southern hemisphere. It is very difficult for the average person to understand. Moreover, I can guarantee that most of the funds are used to develop high-tech equipment and ignore African farmers. A solution that I came up with based on my own experience.

   The final result is that African farmers only become consumers of other people's scientific and technological achievements, waiting for some technology companies to sell them the latest research and development results.

   To put it bluntly, Africans have no choice at all.

  Whether the Melinda Foundation is dedicated to helping Africa is also debatable. "

   After a pause, he straightened out the dark side, "It is better to say that these European and American foundations unite and use the donations to indirectly exert influence on the ZF of African countries, rather than helping Africa.

These foundations have established powerful non-ZF organizations in Africa, such as the Green Alliance, and then they will use the authority of some experts to directly intervene in the formulation and revision of African agricultural policies. You should be very clear that you have a grasp of a country’s food rations. It is equivalent to controlling the entire country.

As long as you successfully intervene in the ZF of a country, you can help the foundation to successfully realize the results of the research and development projects funded by the foundation. As for whether these results can really help Africans, or empty the last coin in their wallets, there are two opinions. The wise see wisdom! "

Emma didn’t give up, “But I heard that the Melinda Foundation once donated a batch of chickens to Africa? Isn’t this a good project? Africans can use this to eat eggs and chicken, and use chicken to increase income."

Yang Cheng laughed out loud, "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten it. This is a big joke. It's more lethal than the project that turns **** into water purification and the super small umbrella project that reduces the probability of AIDS transmission. People want to laugh."

   Emma frowned, "You can't do this, Jason, this is a good thing."


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