Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1383: The prospect of raising chickens

   "You can't do this, jason, this is a good thing."

This involves the issue of the values ​​of the people of the East and the West. Yang Cheng did not argue, and returned to the issue of raising chickens. "Yes, yes, Bill did put 100,000 chickens in Africa in an attempt to help Africans improve their living conditions. It’s a genius idea to put it in any normal country. In fact, I don’t think any investment can be as rewarding as raising chickens.

   But where is it? Africa currently has a population of more than 1.2 billion people and produces 800 million tons of food every year, but each person needs 1 ton of food every year. If so, there is still a 40% food gap.

   However, this is not a simple mathematical problem. Calculating the average value is basically a scam of self-deception and self-deception. The rich earn a little more and the average value immediately becomes very beautiful. Similarly, if a few more poor people die, the average value will be very beautiful.

   So the food gap in Africa is far more than 40%.

You know that most people in Africa only have a living cost of US$2 a day. I can say that among the 1.2 billion people, 1 billion people are facing the problem of lack of money every day. If there is no money, there is no food, and then it appears. You often see Skinny children, hungry women staring at Venus, and skinny old people waiting to die.

   In this situation, do you think they are still in the mood to raise chickens?

It’s better to calculate the simplest account: if a chicken in Africa sells for about 5 dollars, if Bill donates 3 hens and 1 rooster to a poor household, then the family can hardly spend a few dollars, only 4 A chicken can have 12 chickens in 3 months. It is 250 chickens in one year. Selling chickens alone can earn $1,250 in a year, which is roughly equivalent to 62 times the return. 100,000 chickens can make 2 Five thousand families can benefit from it~

   sounds very optimistic, but also a very promising future, right? "

Emma has completely entered Yang Cheng’s thinking and nodded subconsciously, “Of course, my math is not that bad, more than 1,200 US dollars. On average, this item of income alone will cost 4 US dollars a day for living expenses, which is the original two. It can solve many things.

   In this way, raising chickens can really help West Africa out of poverty. "

   Yang Cheng smiled faintly and reminded him, "Did you forget what I said before? Some things can't be considered average!"

Emma had the same smile on her face, and then she frowned deeply. She realized that letting Africans raise chickens and letting them farm the land is essentially the same. Even if the effect of raising chickens is higher than that of farming, it is also It takes months to wait for the chickens to grow up, but can Africans afford to wait a few months?

   I am afraid I will starve to death in a few days. I have to spend time taking care of the chickens, feeding the feed, consolidating the chicken coop, and other processes. Is the energy and physical exerted for this consumption that can be supplemented by the extra 2 dollars of income?

Emma’s thinking fell into an infinite loop again, and Yang Cheng laughed. “Country Z has long said that if you don’t give people a fish if you give someone a fish, everyone knows that donating money can’t solve practical problems, so you can raise chickens. ?

   Not to mention the physical strength and cost required to build the chicken nest first, even if the cost is very low, only a few sticks and wires are needed, but chickens also need to be vaccinated. How much does it cost? Dozens of cents a chicken? What if there are 10 chickens?

Chickens seem to be relatively easy to take care of. They can be freed and allowed to go out for food, which can save feed money, but chickens are not controlled when they are released. There are not only people living on the African continent, but there are countless beasts that need to survive. God knows How many chickens can be returned?

   I have been raising chickens for several months, and I saw that they were about to be harvested. As a result, the leopards and hyenas were all cheaper. Then I couldn't cry even if I wanted to cry, it would waste a few water in my body.

   Instead of letting Africans raise chickens, it is better to invest in a chicken farm and hire more local employees. Anyway, the locals are cheaper than food, and it can help more families. "

Yang Cheng’s last sentence was just a casual ridicule with a bit of ridicule, but who would have thought that Emma took it seriously, staring at Yang Cheng with those bright eyes that seemed to see limited Hermes, "We just Do this?"

   "What?" Yang Orange didn't react.

   "Invest in chicken farms in Africa, hire local employees, and you can build an ecological industry chain to help more Africans get rich."

   Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Have you taken the wrong medicine? Did you get a dream from an African last night? Why do you bother so hard."

Emma slapped him, "Just after I was idle suddenly, I thought a lot, and I felt bored whether to join a feminist organization or become the spokesperson of your charity foundation is too utilitarian. Even if you tell ten lies, There are a few truths in the middle, right?"

   "Um~ Having said that, but you have to know that investing in chicken farms is not a big problem if you simply consider the issue of poverty alleviation and charity, but once you consider profitability, the problem is not that simple."

   Emma didn't know much about business operations, she frowned and asked, "What do you mean? Didn't you just say that investing in chicken farms in Africa has low labor costs?"

"Yes, but what about the safety issue? I invest in a chicken farm. Whether it is for charity or profit, safe operation is fundamental. But to achieve this goal, it is necessary to hire a security guard. You also know that I hire a team of professional bodyguards every year. How much is it.

   Especially in Africa where birds don’t shit, there must be additional subsidies. "

   "Why don't you find it locally in Africa?"

   Yang Cheng spreads out his hand, "I mean the local defense company in Africa, headquartered in South Africa, all of which belong to hyenas. I want to drain the last drop of blood from you."

   Seeing that the Fairmont Hotel is in front of him, Emma sighed, "Is there really no way?"

   Yang Cheng shook his head, "The main reason is that it is not worth it. With this money, investing in difficult and miscellaneous disease research projects can also help more people."

   Emma nodded disappointedly, "Okay~"

Yang Cheng didn’t understand why she was so disappointed. She thought for a long time. In order not to make her too sad, she had no choice but to say, “Well, this year, I will also participate in the 400 Rich Charity Summit held by Fufu Magazine. I will meet Bill and Warren and the others, can discuss this project, we may be able to achieve bigger things together."

   His words were ambiguous and did not give a 100% guarantee, but for Emma, ​​it was undoubtedly a kind of hope.

   After Yang Cheng said this, he couldn't help but smile again and again, and he was a big spender and just smiled for Bo Hongyan!

  . . . . . .

   The following day, the main race of the F1 Monaco Grand Prix arrived. Early in the morning, a mighty crowd of people passed by from the street. The crowded scene was no less than the football World Cup final.

  All kinds of long guns and short cannons gathered, and the volume of the shutter sound burst into pieces, not inferior to the roar of the F1 racing engine.

In the morning, the teams are intensively preparing for the final race. At this time, the busiest ones are the media who are active in various positions. Some media have invited celebrities to make predictions about today’s race. .

   Yang Cheng and the others live in a hotel, and they can enjoy the top-notch service without leaving home. Due to the large number of people outside today, Yang Cheng and Emma decided not to go out to join in the fun.

   Woke up in the morning and went to the restaurant to enjoy a wonderful brunch, and then enjoyed a top-notch spa, and time passed by.

   At two o'clock in the afternoon, after passing the tyre warming lap, 22 cars squeezed into the narrow starting point, and the battle was about to start.

The engine at idle speed creates a terrifying sound wave, igniting the enthusiasm in people's hearts. With the 5 indicator lights extinguished at the same time, Hamilton in the pole position stepped on the accelerator without thinking, and directly oiled the floor to seize the first cut. The route, the Red Bull Racing team's Vesta Panlao, was behind the car.

   The first six drivers passed the first corner one after another, and then accidents happened.

In fact, it can’t be called an accident. At the Monaco circuit, the first corner after the start is a very big challenge. In order to take the lead in getting the most perfect alignment, the drivers speed up, but on the narrow streets , The control that F1 drivers are proud of has been maximized, even if the steering wheel shakes insignificantly, it may collide with the car next to it.

Not to mention that this time ranked 7th on the grid, the Spanish driver Sainz of the McLaren team did not know whether he blocked the car on purpose or did not notice the Renault car rushing up behind him. The latter took advantage of the former’s slightly slower start. Trying to speed up and squeeze, the upper shoulder takes the lead through the first turn.

But who would have thought that Sainz suddenly changed lanes when the latter’s front nose just passed his right rear, causing the car’s right rear wheel to collide with the left front wheel, and the car in front of it would inevitably spin. The Renault racing car behind also slanted into the guardrail that was only tens of centimeters away because of its strong inertia.

   The McLaren car made two laps on the spot, almost stopped in the center of the track, blocking most of the road, and the driver behind had to brake hard and barely squeezed through the roadside buffer.

   The Monaco Grand Prix offered a crash at the beginning, which undoubtedly ignited the adrenaline of fans. The accident is one of the biggest attractions of F1 cars. Before the accident, it is better than Senna and Schumacher, and it is difficult to change their fate.

The McLaren and Renault teams retired one after another. The drivers who were affected by them had no time to scold them. They had to desperately stepped on the accelerator and tried to keep up with the first group, but the first six drivers were originally masters of the game, plus the car The performance advantage, the gap with the second group will only get bigger and bigger.

  The driver who is temporarily ranked 7th can't even see the afterimage of the taillights of the 6th car.

   Yang Cheng was on the balcony, drinking champagne while excitedly commenting on the collision.

In his opinion, the main responsibility for this accident should be awarded to Sainz of McLaren, who maliciously changed lanes when the car behind him was in an overtaking position. It was difficult to make sense. Of course, he could argue that he did not see it. , After all, there is no big difference between F1 car rearview mirrors or not.


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