Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1384: No unexpected champion

   Halfway through the race, the 78-lap Monte Carlo circuit is undoubtedly a long test for drivers and cars.

   Currently, Hamilton, who started from pole position, firmly occupies the top position, but he does not run easily. Verstappen behind him is closely behind like a ghost.

   neither rush to overtake nor to be thrown too far, and always maintain a distance of about 7 or 8 meters. This distance is just like face-to-face on the F1 track.

Yang Cheng was standing on the balcony at this time, overlooking the cars passing by the Roth hairpin. Compared with yesterday’s qualifying, the Roth hairpin of the race was more thrilling. On several occasions, Yang Cheng personally saw it. Seeing that the front and rear two cars almost collided with each other, but in the end they all passed unscathed, which made Yang Cheng admire him, and he deserved to be the most capable driver in the world.

This year's Monaco Grand Prix GC was repeated. The two cars collided at the start, and then on lap 25, a driver had no choice but to retire due to a car breakdown. The second group, who was thrown off for nearly 10 seconds before, used the pit stop. The chance of catching up with the first group, of course, the gap has not been smoothed, but at least the sixth place car taillights.

   "Damn it, why didn't Hamilton get rid of the Dutchman?" Emma pressed her head with her hands and said angrily.

   Daniel also said, "I heard that he is still a rookie, just being promoted to the Red Bull team, it is really surprising."

Yang Cheng put one hand in his pocket and one hand with a cigar in her hand. She was a little empty and pointed, "This kid was born in 1997. He only played for Toro Rosso last year. He was promoted to the first team this year and he has such an outstanding performance. I'm afraid No one thought of it."

  Daniel joined the discussion, "His technical style is very calm, a bit too mature, and he doesn't look like a 19-year-old kid at all, saying that he is believed by anyone at 29!"

   Emma questioned, "Will you change your age?"

   Yang Cheng laughed, "Impossible~"

   He sat down again, hooked his fingers, and motioned for the waiter to pour the wine.

   bit his cigar and said, "Don't worry, Hamilton is bound to win today. You can see that his current alignment of more than 30 laps is almost the same, which proves that he has not been affected by Verstappen at all.

   Moreover, both the Mercedes-Benz team and the Red Bull team have adopted a more conservative three-stop tactic. As long as the car does not cause major problems, Verstappen has basically no possibility of overtaking. "

   After hearing Yang Cheng say this, Emma was a lot happier. Today, she bet 300,000 dollars on Hamilton, so she naturally didn't want him to lose.

   did not disappoint her in the end. As Yang Cheng analyzed, Hamilton did not give the young people behind him a chance to overtake from start to finish, and won the Monaco Grand Prix with almost zero errors.

   Yang Cheng all made a small profit, and it can be said that everyone is happy.

   After the game, Yang Cheng and the others did not stay in Monaco, so they left the room and took the Jason back to London.

   Carson personally greeted Emma at the airport, and after sending Emma home, he went straight back to the castle.

   This trip was fairly smooth, Yang Cheng didn't feel tired, but Carson was afraid that Yang Cheng was tired, so he warmly prepared a nutritious dinner to make up for it.

   As night fell, the quiet Beihai Manor was far away from the main road and was hidden by the jungle. There was no sound of the engine at all.

   After hearing the roar of the F1 car for two days, Yang Cheng still felt a little uncomfortable in such a quiet environment.

   asked Carson to take a shawl and put it on his shoulders, walk around in the back garden, and felt relieved when he heard the sounds of insects and birds.

   "I'll be back to the United States tomorrow, take good care of you here at the castle."

   "Yes, sir, this is my duty~"

   Yang Cheng walked in front with his hands in his pockets, Carson kept a synchronized pace and followed obliquely behind, stretching Yang Cheng's shadow.

   "It's almost May before you know it, time flies so fast."

  Carson didn’t answer~

   "By the way, I almost forgot, I haven't visited Earl Carnarvon."

   Carson said immediately, "Should I tell your Excellency the earl to visit tomorrow?"

   Yang Cheng hesitated and shook his head, "Forget it, no need. After he returns to Hikerlier, give me a gift. It doesn't need to be too expensive, about £20,000. Congratulations on his recovery."

   Carson took the order, "I will arrange, sir~"

   The two masters and servants walked around the back garden for about half an hour with just one word. Yang Cheng couldn't stand the cool breeze and returned to the castle late at night.

   The remodeled castle is equipped with a 24-hour constant temperature system, which maintains a mild 23 degrees all year round, making it extremely comfortable to stay in it.

   No words for a night~

   Early the next morning, Yang Cheng took the Jason across the vast Atlantic Ocean and flew back to New York.

   It was morning when I set off, and whether I arrived in New York in the morning, there was a sense of instant movement.

   After coming out of the airport, he went directly to the company. Before sitting down, he told Su Su, "Forbes 400 Rich Charity Summit, I am going to attend, you inform the organizer."

   Susu lit his head, "Yes~"

   "Where is this summit held?"

   "New York City Library~"

   Yang Cheng sneered when he heard it, "have these guys who are good at catching fame learn?"

In the past, similar charity events were held in star hotels or art galleries, and they were often criticized by the media for pseudo-charity. A group of rich people who drank tens of thousands of dollars a bottle of red wine and smoked thousands of dollars a cigar were talking about it. How to help the poor is extremely ironic.

   But this time the organizer has figured it out. Since it is to fight for fame, they simply do a full set of dramas, and put the venue in the library, such a bookish and elegant place, will they not be made irresponsible?

  Ran and Yang Cheng has already predicted how the media will ridicule this hypocritical summit by then.

   But this has nothing to do with Yang Cheng. If you agree to try Emma, ​​you have to act.

   "Remember to inform you Sister Luo Yue that she needs to attend the summit with me at that time."

  Susu means understanding.

   Yang Cheng finally sat down and loosened his tie, "When I'm not in New York, don't you call me in a hurry?"

   Susu shook his head, "Most of the appointments were pushed by me, but a few of those that couldn't be pushed off were all recorded."

   Yang Cheng said, "Then make arrangements, I will come to the company these days."

  Susu knows what to do.

   "Go ahead and call Ryze up. I want to ask him about the Westinghouse acquisition case. After so long, there hasn't been any breakthrough progress. Why did he do it."

   The upset in Yang Cheng's tone can be heard by fools, and Su Su couldn't help shivering, and silently mourned Ritz.

   Susu didn't hear Yang Cheng's mutter because of distraction, "Don't Ito help?"

"what did you say?"

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It's nothing, you go call someone, let him put down the matter at hand, come up and report to me immediately!"


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