Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1385: Ryze punished

   When Ritz hurried to the office in a hurry, it happened that Yang Cheng had finished reading a briefing.

   There is no need to repeat the content of the briefing. Just looking at his uncertain face through the crack of the door, you know that Yang Cheng's mood at this time is extremely bad.

  Ryze had to be careful and careful. Before the half-hidden door, she carefully arranged her head and suit, and Susu was a little bit sad when she looked carefully.

   When he finished finishing, he gestured to the boss's personal secret with a slightly flattering look, and Su Su gently knocked on the wooden door.

   Yang Cheng, "comein~"

   Susu came in with Ryze, and as soon as he was about to talk, Yang Cheng said without raising his head, "Susu first go out, close the door, and don't bother if you are in a hurry."

  Ryze felt bitter in his heart, got up this morning and clearly saw a magpie standing on the windowsill~

   Yang Cheng still said nothing. On the desk of several square meters, apart from the necessary office equipment, there was only a blank sheet of paper in front of him, which was the one he was reading at this time.

   It doesn’t seem to have many words in the distance, how can it last for ten minutes?

   Ritz sweats coldly on his forehead. Although the kind-hearted Miss Susu reminds him vaguely that the boss call is related to the acquisition of Westinghouse Electric, Ritz feels that the problem is far more than that.

   Finally, Yang Cheng raised his head, expressionless, unable to see the joy or anger, his eyes were cold, and the tie hanging loosely around his neck seemed to be a realistic portrayal of his anger.

   "Is it you or me?" Without giving Ritz time to continue thinking, Yang Cheng's calm voice sounded.

   It doesn't seem to be a big deal to listen to the sound, but with the face of silence like the Dead Sea, you can imagine how Ryze felt at this time.

   I drank a glass of water before coming, but why did I still feel my throat was dry?

  As the president of Four-Dimensional Space, the whole group can make Yang Cheng angry. He can't not know. If he dares to say that he doesn't know, the next second he will face him is fire!

   So Ritz is very aware of the things that can upset Yang Cheng recently, except that the progress of Westinghouse’s acquisition is nearly stagnant, and the four-dimensional space securities investment team’s losses last month.

Under the pressure of successive acquisitions by Yang Cheng, the nerves of several investment teams were almost taken to the extreme. Last month they were finally stretched and broke with a bang. The direct consequence is that 4D Space’s book activity funds lost nearly 40%. !

   How much is 40%? Full of 80 million US dollars!

   Yang Cheng didn't do it directly, he was already restrained.

Ryze thought about it, and it's better to take the initiative to admit his mistake. With his head hanging down, the whole person is like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, and he speaks in a torn voice, "Sorry, boss, this is my responsibility. I didn't do it well. The work of supervision."

   Yang Cheng shook his head slightly, "I don't want to hear an apology~ Give me an explanation, why didn't stop the loss in time, but let the position be liquidated? This makes me have to doubt the professionalism of the entire team and your CEO!"

  Ritz organized a wording, "It was too sudden, no one would have thought that the target company suddenly broke out in a scandal. We had no time to react, and it was too late to stop the loss because no one was willing to take the order."

   This time the target is a pharmaceutical stock with a market value of up to 30 billion U.S. dollars. Because the target company has received news in advance that the target company will have a special drug ready to go public through an on-site experiment, it will invest a large amount of money to enter the market.

It’s a pity that I do not know that a drug that this pharmaceutical company listed a few years ago had a problem and caused the death of the patient. As soon as the news broke, the stock price plummeted. In just a week, the market value evaporated by nearly half. As a result, Siwei Space lost 80 million U.S. dollars. If it weren't for the major shareholder of the other party to finally protect the market and let the securities investment team throw out all the orders it held, the final loss would be far more than that.

   Although Yang Cheng knew that such an accident was unpredictable, he lost 80 million US dollars overnight, and no one could bear it.

   I don’t want to talk about the unnecessary nonsense, "Let the head of the securities investment group resign by himself. I have to think about the punishment for you and Allen."

  Ritz and Allen, who are CEOs and investment directors, absolutely cannot escape joint and several liability. If they do not take severe punishment measures, they will not be able to play a role in killing chickens.

  Ritz is also very clear, so there is no complaint, and solemnly said, "I am willing to give up half-year salary and year-end dividends as punishment for this accident."

   It is much better to take the initiative to aggravate the punishment than Yang Cheng speaks. At least, it will make Yang Cheng recite.

   Sure enough, Yang Cheng's expression was a little slow, "Are you sure? This is quite a heavy punishment."

   Ritz looked solemn, "I'm sure, as the CEO, I will be responsible for any problems with the company. This time, I did not perform my supervisory duties well."

  Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, "I know, the punishment will be announced to the entire group. You are mentally prepared. As for Allen, please fine him the year-end dividend."

Ryze sighed. Yang Chengken agreed to the heavy penalty this time, which means that the seat under his **** is very stable, which is more valuable than half a year’s salary. You must know that the last CEO in the United States who lost so much money , Now I don’t know which small ditch to fish in.

   This matter can be turned over at this point. Although Yang Cheng is still very upset, it is a full 80 million US dollars. His expedition yacht that has not yet completed the design draft is worth 80 million!

   spit heavily, and brought the topic to Westinghouse Electric.

  Ritz also looked helpless. Recently, it was really a fleeting disadvantage. He lost 80 million US dollars. The RB people had one after another problem, and they also gave him a few big bags on his head.

   "Boss, now we are facing two main problems, one is RB's conservative guan members to stop, and the other is the contradiction between Westinghouse employees and management."

   Yang Cheng rubbed his temples, "What's the matter? Tell me more specifically~"

   "To put it simply, Dongzhi can't wait to dispose of the hot potato of Westinghouse as quickly as possible, but employees do not agree with Dongzhi Group changing hands at will, at least until the salary and job prospects are not resolved, employees do not agree with the company to change hands.

While the management has been in the middle of the mud, on the one hand, they promised us to fully cooperate with the equity transfer and excessive work, but on the other side they did not stop the employees from making troubles. They ignored the drastic measures such as strikes, protests, and demonstrations by employees, and they thought of the problem. Throw it on the group and our negotiating team.

   Now the whole Westinghouse Electric is messed up into a pile of shit, no matter who enters, it will get dirty feet, Fkjapan~ese. "

   can make the good-tempered Ryze utterly vulgar, which shows the anger in his heart.

   Yang Cheng can understand, “RB workers are about to face a career crisis. In the world’s most pressured RB, unemployment represents the defeat of a family. No wonder they are so excited.”

  Ritz calmed down and agreed with this point of view, "Yes, RB conservatives are also taking advantage of this to spur the radical workers to resist."

   Yang Cheng asked suddenly, "Ito Koji did not move?"

  Ritz was already standing there at this time, Yang Cheng only then reacted, beckoning him to sit down and say.

   "Mr. Ito helped us directly contact the Mitsui family. The other party's attitude is very positive, consistent with the attitude shown by the Dongzhi Group. If they can get rid of the burden as soon as possible, they are willing to bear part of the economic loss.

   According to the news from the front negotiating team, Dongzhi was willing to sell Westinghouse Electric for US$4.5 billion after receiving hints from the Mitsui family. "

Yang Cheng was not happy because he saved hundreds of millions of dollars. He never thought that RB people would have any kindness. On the face of it, it seemed to save you hundreds of millions. But if the other party just let it go, let Yang Cheng deal with it. For ordinary workers with passionate sentiments, Yang Cheng will need to spend far more than a few hundred million in capital and energy.

   It is precisely because he knows the little RB's style that he can calmly face the news.

I closed my eyes and meditated for a moment, remembering that the competent cadres I had just recruited were still in the UK, so he said, "Well, this time because of the acquisition of Corey Energy, I had a very happy chat with Ms. Wang Yitong, a partner of McKinsey, and invited him to join. our company.

   Leave this trouble to her, and see if this famous strong woman can take effective measures in the face of the chaos in front of her. "

  Ritz has been informed by Yang Cheng before, so he is not unfamiliar with Wang Yitong's name, "This is no way, I hope the newcomers can bring new ideas."

  Yang Cheng nodded, "We can't be a shopkeeper. We always have to have a record. Once Wang Yitong is helpless, wouldn't we be completely blinded?"

Ritz squeezed his chin and said, "Actually, I have been thinking about the solution, but no matter how you look at it, this is an endless loop, unless Dongzhi is willing to take over Westinghouse Electric after the withdrawal of RB lost his job. senior employee.

   And the current situation of Dongzhi Group, let alone supporting the old employees, the people of their group are almost unable to support it. "

Yang Cheng smiled gleefully, but Dongzhi was really killed by himself. The nuclear power industry was booming that year, and Dongzhi, which was undergoing reform, was also very optimistic about this field. He spent more than US$5 billion ambitiously. At the price, we grabbed Westinghouse Electric.

   As a result, a dozen nuclear power plants have just received orders from Country Z, the United States, India and RB.

   Before the completion of the construction, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant leak occurred. I was scared by the leak and completely RB wet the bed. Soon after the earthquake, Japan's ZF began to restrict the development of nuclear power, and Westinghouse Electric’s business shrank sharply.

   In addition, the headquarters of Westinghouse Electric is thousands of miles away. It is very difficult for Dongzhi Group to solve it in a separate space. The contradictions have accumulated little by little, and it has only erupted now, which is considered lucky.

Of course, the employees who are making trouble now refer to the people from the RB branch. After Yang Cheng takes over, these employees will definitely not take over again. Even he has already planned to retreat from RB first, after RB's restrictions on nuclear power are relaxed. , Make a comeback again.

Prior to this, he could not solve the food problem of hundreds of families for RB people for no reason. He was not kicked by the donkey. What's more, he just lost 80 million. It was just when he was short of money. Life and death?


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