Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1386: ri is about to end?

   "If the 80 million is not lost in vain, how good is it to go to RB to collect some useful technology and assets?"

   When I mentioned this stubble of Yangcheng, I felt suffocated and my breathing was not smooth.

   Ryze was embarrassed and didn't know how to respond. Could he inexplicably douse the boss's heart, and it is not him who will suffer?

Yang Cheng thought for a long time, "Why don't we talk to Dongzhi that we don't want to give a discount. Of course, it is valuable to replace those several hundred million with Dongzhi Group's assets, such as medical treatment and camera business. "

Ryze doesn’t think so. "Boss, in my opinion, the company of RB people is the same. There are not many technologies that are truly world-leading. Even if they have them, they can’t sell them, and the ones that can sell are not top-notch. Technology is also cumbersome to buy, unless the boss is determined to enter a certain industry, such as manufacturing."

   Yang Cheng blinked, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Ritz had no choice but to continue to persuade, "It is not without reason that RB companies are collectively sluggish now. Although Toshiba's current situation is completely self-made, what is behind it is the collective dilemma of RB companies.

Once known as the six giants of RB home appliances, Sony, Xiapu, Songxia, Rili, Dongzhi and Sanyang, now only Sony is still profitable, and almost all other companies have been acquired seven or eight, and they have taken over. It is the country Z manufacturer that replaced them in the market before.

In other words, apart from the technology that individual RB people are proud of, these companies have absolutely no value in acquisitions. They are at best used as icing on the cake to perfect the industrial chain. Just like the people of Z, they are technically still Some are missing, and are very eager for the technology of RB established companies. "

Yang Cheng's brows moved insignificantly. "It's nothing more than manufacturing. Labor-intensive industries are not suitable for starting from the middle. What I am after is those high-tech technologies, such as LCD screens and camera lenses. Only these current mainstream technologies can sell for a price."

"Don't think about it, these technologies have long been divided up by other RB brands, but we can make arrangements in advance. In my opinion, RB is not far from the next wave of bankruptcy." Ryze vowed to predict, which aroused Yang Cheng's curiosity.

"Why do you say that?"

Ryze spread his hands, "Following what I said before, the collective decline of RB enterprises cannot be separated from the keywords of'big enterprise disease','overly cult of technology', and'institutional rigidity'. Of course, this is just The root cause of the skin trauma that is floating on the surface is far from simple.

Before the 21st century, the key words of the world’s manufacturing industry were cost and quality. After World War II, RB learned American production management methods, and integrated with the serious and collectivistic characteristics of RB people to create its own A set of production system has achieved the perfect combination of cost, quality and efficiency in the manufacturing industry.

However, in the 21st century, the focus of manufacturing has already shifted from technology and quality to innovation. A product can only be used for one year, because there will be better new categories after one year. South Korea’s san star specializes in For this reason, the "sashimi theory" was created: the fish that was just caught is the most valuable for making sashimi, and it is discounted in half if it is left for one day, and it is worthless if it is left for two days. The same is true for products.

   This is unimaginable for RB companies that have been on the ground for decades, so even if RB companies have a bunch of seemingly gorgeous and top-notch technologies in their hands, it is difficult to apply them to high-speed iterative products.

Even if you reluctantly incorporate new technologies for the sake of competition, there will always be problems like this. Over-emphasis on top technology but neglect of safety. The two cannot be considered. If you do not fundamentally change, RB products will gradually become Third-rate goods.

   And the most frightening thing is that RB's theory of the supremacy of large companies has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, resulting in an extremely poor entrepreneurial atmosphere, and further weakening the ability of innovation and hematopoiesis.

   Innovation is something that RB people are proud of. If even this ability is lost, I really don’t know how dark the future of RB will be. "

   Yang Cheng nodded slowly, and then sighed, "Your analysis makes sense, so it seems that at this time, it is not the best time to buy RB."

Ritz said, "Unless we are involved in related fields, just like the people of country Z do, the enterprises of country Z have led the development of manufacturing in the 21st century. This is a fact recognized all over the world. This is an era of economic globalization. Therefore, even when the technology is far inferior to the RB companies, the Z companies can still carry forward their limited resources, create a large number of products that meet the needs of users in the new era, and grab all the markets belonging to RB high-tech companies.

   But the next step for the Z enterprise is to kill people. It is not enough to take away the market of RB people. The next step is to take away the brand and technology that RB people have carefully polished for decades and hundreds of years.

   It can be seen that in recent years, several large-scale mergers and acquisitions in the global manufacturing sector have occurred between country Z and RB companies.

   and so on, the Z people took over and slowly digested the technology that the RB people have studied for many years, and used it, which will surely create greater value.

   Speaking of this, I have to add, if you have to pick up the boss from Dongzhi, it is better to try to ask for the price of Dongzhi’s semiconductor business. "

   Yang Cheng was surprised, "Dongzhi even has to sell its semiconductor business?"

  Ritz smiled bitterly, "Dongzhi Group can't wait to sell the company headquarters together. What is the semiconductor business."

   Yang Cheng laughed, "That's right, then why do you suggest that I buy the semiconductor business?"

Ryze's face is straight We are an investment company, occasionally as a middleman, it is normal to buy low and sell high. Nowadays, the most interested in Dongzhi semiconductor technology is undoubtedly the Z company, but RB People in life are afraid that the people of Z nationality will take advantage of the situation to grow bigger. You must know that the scope of application of semiconductor technology is not only for civilian use.

   So even if the Z people made a crazy offer, Dong Zhi, who was about to be poor selling pants, still shut his mouth tightly and refused to let go.

  We can completely take it over, wait for it to be sold at that time, resell it at a high price, and at least make back the loss of 80 million US dollars. "

The last sentence amused Yang Cheng. It seems that Ryze is also very unwilling, but she can understand that if the money is not made back, it will probably become the heaviest stain in his career, and it will be impossible to erase it. .

After    laughed, Yang Cheng's fingers tapped rhythmically on the desktop, and the sound of 咚~咚~咚~ was like pressing a loudspeaker in the heart.

   "Will the RB people impose restrictions in the contract? For example, can't we resell to the Z enterprise?"

Ryze frowned and thought for a long time, "I can't guarantee that this requires the negotiation team to work hard, but from a normal perspective, Dongzhi will almost be driven crazy by the money, as long as it is not sold to the public People from Country Z, they can't control the rest of the matter. Anyway, get the money in your hands to get through the current difficulties."


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