Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1400: Liwei

RB, Wang Yitong who arrived in Tokyo overnight, after meeting with the negotiation team of 4D Space, did not even go to the room, and had a small meeting directly in the hotel conference room where he was staying.

"Everyone, I was temporarily transferred from London by the boss this time to solve the problem. Then, who can tell me now, who is the biggest stumbling block that prevents us from winning Westinghouse?"

Wang Yitong sat in the first place unwillingly, facing a team composed of a group of white elites including lawyers, financial and negotiating experts, and his aura did not fall in the slightest.

"Um~ beautiful Ms. Wang, first of all, it is nice to meet you. I am Fernando, the person in charge of the Westinghouse Electric project this time~" This bald hunk, who has a 7-point look with the protagonist, said to Wang Yitong. It's like teasing a girl in a bar.

Wang Yitong frowned and folded her shoulders subconsciously. She explained from the field of micro-expression that this is a self-defense action. She had a detailed understanding of the members of this team. This man named Fernando was not a good bird.

Wang Yitong, who has worked hard in the United States for many years, is also well-informed. He has never seen a three-legged toad, and a two-legged scumbag has seen no one thousand and eight hundred, so it is not surprising that the other party's frivolous words and deeds.

However, the basic etiquette must be guaranteed, "Hello, Mr. Fernando, then, can you give me an answer?"

Wang Yitong's iron defense did not give Fernando a chance to use words, so he could only helplessly say, "I'm sorry, we are facing more than one stumbling block, so I can't give you an accurate answer."

"Name, at least give me a name, otherwise I think it is necessary to report to the boss, your work in RB during this period has failed."

On the plane to RB, Wang Yitong was also fully prepared. She did not sleep for a second. Not only did she carefully read all the information of Westinghouse Electric, including the current situation of the management and the controlling party Dongzhi Group, but also did enough. To understanding.

Of course, she also inquired from the side about what the negotiating team had done after arriving in Tokyo. It was precisely because of a certain understanding that she would be troubled when she came up.

Including Fernando, they didn't look pretty when they heard that the new "rookie" denied their work.

But after all, it is the new person in charge who is directly appointed by the boss. You can't express your opposition too directly without looking at the face of the monk. Fernando said softly, "Ms. Wang, you can easily destroy the team by doing this. Chemical effect."

Wang Yitong showed a smile for the first time after showing up, but the hidden meaning behind this smile was somewhat ironic.

"Mr. Fernando, your chemical effect is to commute to and from get off work on time every day, and then exchange life with the RB modern girl at night?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the conference room. Apparently everyone hadn't expected that Wang Yitong would come up to reveal Fernando's old bottom.

This white man from the Caribbean is a born swinger, young and more golden, and has a muscular figure that European and American women like most. It can be said that there is no disadvantage in the flowers. Timely enjoyment is his life motto. Never let work delay him. The friendship of beautiful women is the principle he has adhered to for half a lifetime.

Of course, the premise is that after he has done his job well, no one will care about his private life.

However, in this important project of Westinghouse Electric, Fernando's performance is still very disappointing. It is just that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the members of the team are in the same boat. This did not cause him a problem. Put it on Yang Cheng's desk.

But now Wang Yitong's arrival means that Fernando's good days are over, and the ugly mask is revealed without mercy, and the result is naturally anger into anger.

Fernando slammed the table and stood up, and opened his mouth to Wang Yitong, "Apologize, you must apologize to me."

Wang Yitong calmly touched his face, as if wiping the saliva from the other party, "Apologize? Why?"

"You slander me~"

"Are you fake going to clubs at night?"

"That's my private life, and it's after get off work~"

"Then, you and the female publicist are exchanging life with the female publicist, and the fact that someone took the fruit photo is also fake?"

Everyone looked at Fernando subconsciously, with a sense of exploration in their eyes. They didn't expect there to be such a play.

Look at Fernando's uncertain face at this time. They are all human beings. How can they not tell the truth?

Obviously, Fernando, who was caught off guard by Wang Yitong, couldn't even find a slightly logical excuse.

So, is the Guozhao incident real?

The members of the negotiating team headed by finance have enough expressions on their faces to write 10 episodes of TV series, which is a wonderful one.

Wang Yitong seemed determined to take Fernando's operation. He took out his phone and opened the gallery to find a photo, and threw it directly in front of Fernando.

"Crack ~" With a sound, Fernando's chest was hit with a heavy hammer.

Picking up the phone with his last hope and looking at himself as the protagonist in the photo, Fernan looks like a dead face.

"If you still want it, I don't mind to find out more photos to show you. By the way, do you want to show it to everyone? Such an interesting art of photography should be seen by everyone."


Fernando pressed the phone on the table. The poor kidney machine was obviously not as anti-fall as the old Nokia You know the screen is broken without looking.

Wang Yitong glanced faintly, "Remember to pay for my mobile phone back, it's quite expensive."

Fernando gritted his teeth at Wang Yitong, then yelled at the team members, "Go out, it's a private conversation now~"

Wang Yitong said lightly, "No, I'm worried that you will threaten my life safety. If you have something to say, I will speak in front of everyone. If you have nothing to say, shut up, obediently make up for the funds you misappropriated during this time. If you take the initiative to resign, I will assume that this has never happened, and you still have the opportunity to go to other companies to have a meal.

By the way, there is money for my mobile phone. "

Fernando looked at Wang Yitong and then scanned his comrades one by one. Everyone bowed their heads or avoided his sight. No one was willing to plead for him. What jokes did he not see the newcomers.” Boss' is standing up?

At this time, I’m facing her, and I can’t do my future work. Now the four-dimensional space is booming, and many people are watching the missions of overseas business trips. Not only do you get rich rewards when you go out, you can also accumulate merits. It's too late to want a good thing, who will push it out?

Help Fernando? Who is Fernando? Everyone is an adult, don't be so naive!

Wang Yitong did not let the silence last too long, "Mr. Fernando, can you go out by yourself? Want me to invite you myself?"

Fernando's teeth are almost broken, what can we do? Beat Wang Yitong? Forget it, he can't afford it.

Seeing everyone looking at him as if looking at a dead person, what else can Fernando do besides honestly admitting the plant?

At this time, he regretted very much why he wanted to be that early bird. If he wasn't the one who resisted first, wouldn't it be the case?


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