Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1401: RB weird 2nd house

No one would have thought that the first thing that Yang Cheng sent to the capable officers after arriving in Tokyo was not to eat or sleep, but to fire the former person in charge.

Although everyone had witnessed the process with their own eyes, after the meeting, everyone was in a trapped state, and it seemed that they did not believe it.

This anticlimactic meeting did not reach a substantive conclusion, except for the hapless Fernando, who happened to hit Wang Yitong's gun.

After returning to the room, Wang Yitong removed the disguise of a superwoman, opened the most expensive bottle of red wine in the wine cabinet, poured a glass out rudely, and poured it into his mouth like a thirst quencher.

"Cough~cough~" It may be that I was choking too hard. I coughed several times, pressing on the violently undulating chest, coughing up tears.

Kick off his high heels, Wang Yitong held a wine glass in one hand and a cell phone in the other. After hesitating for a while, he still called Yang Cheng, but forgot that it was four o'clock in the morning in New York.

Yang Cheng watched a fierce playoff game last night. Taking advantage of his interest, he chatted with his parents for more than an hour after coming back in the evening. Then he took a bath, played with his mobile phone, and listened to music. Come down and fell asleep almost two o'clock.

At this time, I was sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard the phone ringing, thinking that I was dreaming, I reached out and was pulled up to cover my head, changed the position and continued to sleep.

But the invisible ringtone was the same as the soul chasing song. It rang for a full minute. Yang Cheng finally sat up, like a corpse, touching the black hook to the phone to connect to the channel, "Who?"

Wang Yitong, who was far away in Tokyo, was frightened by Yang Cheng's voice and evaporated the little alcohol he had just ingested. There was no trace of drunkenness.

Wang Yitong's brain was agitated, and he quickly organized his words, but still said in a trembling voice, "Boss~It's me, I'm sorry to disturb you. I think it is necessary to notify you as soon as there is something."

Yang Cheng half-sitting, her head drooped, her eyes closed, and she was silent for a while, trying to wake her brain.


Wang Yitong swallowed instinctively, "Fernando, the person in charge of the negotiation team, was fired by me because he delayed his work because of his behavior."

There was another silence, "Reason?"

"Private misappropriation of funds, except for the necessary negotiation time, has never taken the initiative to find a way to solve the current dilemma, and he took a fruit photo with the nightclub female PR. I am worried that if it is exposed, it will affect the entire negotiation team and even the four-dimensional space. Reputation."

After a few minutes, the brain finally started to work, "Did you buy the photos from the female publicist?"

Wang Yitong felt relieved. She heard the change in Yang Cheng’s tone, “Yes, on the plane, I got the latest trend of the negotiating team through McKinsey’s RB branch. Sure enough, I found the problem, Fernando. It's the most."

Yang Cheng turned on the speakerphone, threw it on the pillow in his ear, opened his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling, encouraging, "Well done, you can’t be merciful to this kind of scum, but I hope you focus on In this acquisition case, don’t be obsessed with people."

Even though he agrees with Wang Yitong's actions in his heart, he still warns slightly to prevent the other party from being overwhelmed and arrogant. This is a means of controlling. As a superior, when facing his subordinates, he must hold the monkey and raise the monkey. The mentality is treated.

How to raise monkeys? When you wake up in the morning, don’t care if you have anything to do, just give it a fight. After a long time, the monkey will be scared when it sees you. Let it subconsciously regard you as the monkey king, and then teach him some interesting actions, or teach it to **** and pee. It will be much easier.

Don't think monkeys are pitiful, skin is the nature of monkeys.

From a certain perspective, some subordinates who have the ability and ambition to be the "Monkey King" are not rare, so beating them every few days is more conducive to maintaining the relationship between the superiors and subordinates.

Wang Yitong did not have any extra thoughts and responded honestly.

Then I talked about the main purpose of her trip, "Although the first meeting in RB came to an end, I still used limited time and information to come up with a fairly clear clue."

Yang Cheng cheered up, "Well, tell me in detail~"

"The leader in opposing the sale of Westinghouse by Dongzhi is a member of the RB House of Representatives named Yuji Sato. Although he belongs to the wild, he has considerable reputation among the You wing forces."

Like many countries in the world, the RB Congress is also bicameral, almost the same as the United States.

In fact, the earliest RB system, that is, after the Meiji Restoration, RB's legislative bodies are the House of Representatives and the House of Nobles. The members of the House of Representatives are elected, and the members of the House of Nobles come from the royal family, nobles and high taxpayers.

As a result, the Fax of Gou Ri was defeated in World War II, and the little RB became a running dog of the Americans. The famous MacArthur intervened in the new RB Congress, almost in an orderly manner, and declared that the RB Congress could only be divided into the first. The first house and the second house, the members of both houses were elected by election, and then the Senate was born, even with the same name as MacArthur’s home country.

But unlike the power status of the two houses of the United States, judging from the relevant provisions of the RB Constitution, the position of the House of Representatives is clearly above the Senate.

Because once the two houses have different results, such as disputes over the passage of the budget and related treaties and the appointment of the prime minister, there is almost a 99% probability that the results of the House of Representatives shall prevail.

Therefore, the majority party in the House of Representatives will naturally become the ruling party. Basically, the election of the RB House of Representatives can be regarded as the RB leader!

Moreover, the prime minister of RB is a senior member of the House of Representatives without exception, because all important resolutions are first considered and voted in the House of Representatives. If the Prime Minister is not a member of the House of Representatives, then he is doomed to fail because he cannot even control the Zheng Bureau.

Not only the prime minister, but the general officials who want to enter the cabinet must also have the qualifications to be elected to the House of Representatives multiple times, otherwise there is no play at all.

For this reason, the RB Senate is often regarded as a "copy of the House of Representatives."

Of course, even for superficial effort, RB must be in line with the world, so on the surface, the RB Senate should be more valued, because the opening ceremony of the RB's annual routine and provisional congresses is held in the Senate without exception.

The reason is actually very simple. It is to sell to the Tianhuang family who has no real power and is purely a mascot. After all, the predecessor of the Senate was the pre-war aristocratic house. The royal family members were all senators, and the House of Representatives was called at that time. "The Lower House".

All in all, this small RB named Yuji Sato has the strength to add to this acquisition.

If he confuses it, it is very likely that this acquisition will not be recognized by legal principles. Even if Siwei Space and Dongzhi Group agree to the transaction, they will be stuck in not letting you go through the procedure, and you have no move!

"The negotiating team has been to RB for so long, just got a name?" There is no way to get a small RB for the time being, Yang Orange can only send the evil fire to the negotiating team.

As a result, Wang Yitong added fuel to the fire, "This is still the name I got from the information and McKinsey's relationship. In fact, they didn't even give me a surname."

Upon hearing this, Yang Cheng's heart was soaring~ soaring~ soaring up, the kind that couldn't be suppressed, I wished to kill it immediately, slap this bunch of trash snacks, and let them slap them away. , Get out!

Of course, this is just a small animation in his heart. Even if the moment has passed away, he can't do such a frivolous thing.

"Sato Yuji, this person is a big trouble, do you have any ideas for solving him?"

"I want to try to find his enemy. We support him behind the scenes. At least we can't let him idle."

Yang Cheng is not commenting on this. The enemy's enemy is a friend. This method is not wrong, but it will not achieve very good results. If the enemy directly defeats Yuji Sato, Yang Orange can't afford this time.

However, Wang Yitong’s direction of thinking is right. When facing Sato Yuji, the four-dimensional space cannot directly stand on the opposite side. It must rely on the hands of a third party. The enemy is not reliable, but what if he can check and balance Sato Yuji?

First of all, this person must be a colleague of Sato's boss in the House of Representatives, and institutions outside the House of Representatives cannot influence Sato.

The two houses of RB are wonderful works all over the world. According to the original assumption in the small RB constitution, the purpose of the Senate's existence is to correct the House of Representatives and prevent the House of Representatives from passing wrong legislation.

To this end, restrictions have been made. The lower limit for the House of Representatives is 25, but the Senate is 30;

The term of office of deputies is four years, but the term of office of senators is as long as six years;

The election period for the House of Representatives is As long as the incumbent prime minister seizes a favorable opportunity, he will dissolve the House of Representatives in advance and hold elections;

The Senate is elected every three years, and half of the senators are re-elected each time, and the elections are all held in June or July, without advance or postponement.

The Prime Minister has the power to dissolve the House of Representatives, but he cannot dissolve the Senate.

And although the term of office of members of the House of Representatives is four years, if the House of Representatives is dissolved, they will immediately lose their membership.

Comrades from Amberwan often do this. The House of Representatives election was held at the end of 2012. Within two years, the members of the House of Representatives were disbanded by the Amberwan before half of their term, and the election was held again.

Recently, I heard that in order to consolidate their position, the Amberwan people are preparing to hold the House of Representatives election again in advance. The term of the last elected member of the House of Representatives has been missing by more than a year.

Of course, during the period when the House of Representatives is vacant, if there is an urgent bill that must be reviewed immediately, it can only be reviewed and passed by the Senate alone.

Looking at it this way, does the Senate have the same power as the House of Representatives?

In fact, it is not. After the House of Representatives passes the relevant resolution, if the Senate does not pass the same resolution within 60 days, it is deemed to have vetoed the relevant resolution, but the House of Representatives can pass the resolution with a two-thirds majority.

Speaking of fundamentally, the RB Senate only has a certain balancing function for the House of Representatives, and cannot play a restrictive or even control role.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng couldn't help but have the idea. Since the Amberwan people have already announced that they want to make an early election, does this mean that Sato's power is about to expire?

If this window period is used to make a devastating blow to it, without the tiger skin of a congressman, Yuji Sato will lose the qualification to express his views on Westinghouse!


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