Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1402: The title is spicy and spicy

Again, there are not many people in RB who can really restrict members of the House of Representatives.

People in the Senate can't count on it, but the cabinet can do it?

Judging from the in-depth understanding of RBzheng in Yang Cheng's mind, the answer is no.

Because the RB cabinet must be supported by a majority of members of the House of Representatives, who would go against the person who holds his own ZZ life?

Anyway, as Yang Cheng himself, it is impossible for him to provoke a congressman on his own initiative, unless the two sides feud.

Yang Cheng scratched her hair, looking very depressed.

Or was Wang Yitong’s sudden reminder that he was oss in front of him. Can we find someone from the Ito family and find someone from the party’s party to pressure Sato? "

Nowadays, the majority of dang in the RB House of Representatives is the product of the control of the RB chaebol. Obviously the Ito family has this ability to instruct the dang to use it.

But the problem is that the Ito family is unwilling to waste their own ZZ resources for outsiders, otherwise the other party should have made the phone call between Yang Cheng and Ito Koji.

As a result, the problem is still stuck there, which proves the reluctance of the Ito family, at least until Yang Cheng has not offered a high enough price, the other party will not make any consideration.

What about Dongzhi? Since it is so urgent to get rid of the burden, why not use the resources of the Mitsui Consortium behind them to put pressure on Sato Yuji?

I'm afraid these little RBs still have deeper plans in them, Yang Orange doesn't know.

But no matter what, he has to give it a try. Westinghouse Electric has to get it and can't continue to drag it. The ghost knows how long Matthew Mellon's dying body can last?

If he fulfilled his promise and took Westinghouse Electric back, but Matthew couldn't support going to Elysium, what about those favors?

Yang Cheng only got the contact information, but without Matthew's notification one by one, even the ghost didn't know how effective these favors were.

Yang Cheng didn't want to waste his efforts, so she had to take down Westinghouse as soon as possible, before Matthew stopped breathing.

"Hang up first, I will contact Koji Ito."

. . .

After thinking about the conditions for being able to come up with it, I dialed Ito Koji's phone.

"Brother Yang, it should be early in the morning in New York?" Ito Koji was surprised.

Yang Cheng said helplessly, "Yes, it was past four in the morning."

"Should you not be in Wenrouxiang at this time? Why do you have time to call me?"

"Of course it's because of Westinghouse's affairs that I couldn't sleep, so I can only ask you for help."

Koji Ito smiled bitterly, "Brother Yang, I am willing to help you. We are friends, but in this matter, the Ito family can't go beyond and have no discussion."

Yang Cheng said nonsense that she didn't believe in herself, and resisted disgustingly, "Since I'm a friend, I have to come forward in times of suffering, right?

Although we have not known each other for a long time, brother Ito and I hit it off right away. Now, I really need your help. "

Little RB is good face, from top to bottom, and in the face of the strong, they have always been very humble and don't mind using a lower attitude to face them.

"Brother Yang, what do I need to do?"

"I have found out that the central figure opposed to the sale of Westinghouse today is Yuji Sato of the House of Representatives."

Koji Ito blurted out without even thinking, "I know he is a conservative **** who put all RB to shame!"

"That's right, it's this **** who wants to destroy our friendship. Doesn't Brother Ito want to do something? At least I have to teach him a lesson. He is not qualified to talk about everything."

Ito Koji sternly said, "Brother Yang, don't worry, even if it is to help you vent your anger, Sato Yuji will never have another chance in the next House election."

His words are equivalent to depriving Yuji Sato’s life of ZZ. Yang Cheng never doubted the strength of the Ito family. Any big chaebol in RB has the ability to pinch a congressman to death. Where are the ants?

However, this is not helpful to the acquisition of Westinghouse Electric. What Yang Cheng wants is now, not future results.

On the surface, Koji Ito showed the feelings of the brothers and brothers to the fullest, but in fact, without any substantial help, he wanted to take the opportunity to exchange for Yang Cheng's favor. This guy had a bad conscience!

Good things can still make you accountable?

Yang Cheng sneered in her heart, but she said, "Why don't it be right now? Sato Yuji's term of office has not been left for a few years. The Amberwan people are ready to choose ju in advance, so why don't we show kindness and let Sato Go home early for the elderly?"

Koji Ito stopped talking, and he didn't know how long he was silent, and finally he said, "Brother Yang, why don't you come to RB yourself? Can we talk in person?"

Yang Cheng frowned, "Go to RB? Are you going to let me and Sato Yuji face to face?"

Koji Ito quickly denied, "Of course not, it's just that there are some things that are not convenient to say on the phone."

Yang Cheng sighed, and thought about the recent arrangements. It's not a big deal. It's okay to go to RB, but the question is, is it necessary?

Koji Ito added another Yang, you also met my friend, Mitsui, maybe he can help you. "

Mitsui? Yang Cheng recited the surname silently, and then said, "I see, I will go to RB after the arrangements are made here."

"Ito welcomes Brother Yang to come."

. . .

Before Ito Hiroshi waited for too long, Yang Cheng flew to Tokyo in less than 24 hours.

Once again in this city with the same name as New York, Yang Cheng feels like a world away. At least, the cool short skirts of female students on the street are a beautiful scenery no less than Mount Fuji.

Wang Yitong went to the airport to pick up the plane in person. She was surprised and a little depressed about Yang Cheng's arrival. Originally, she still wanted to turn the tide on her own. Who would have thought that the big boss would appear directly on stage, what else could she do?

As if seeing Wang Yitong’s depressed feelings, Yang Cheng smiled and soothed, “I’ll talk to the Mitsui family this time, and you’ll be responsible for the specific matters. I won’t intervene and don’t have the time Focus on the details."

Wang Yitong immediately adjusted his mentality, "I will not let you down."

Yang Cheng patted her hand, there was nothing bad in it, just pure encouragement.

The Mercedes-Benz Maybach they were riding in was heading to Chiyoda Otemachi, an urban area that was connected to the famous daimyo residence in the Edo period.

Since its development, Otemachi has become a central urban area with countless tourist attractions and important transportation hub Tokyo Station.

The unimpeded traffic allows people living here to easily go to the RB bridge and enjoy shopping. The destination of this trip is Tokyo Amman, which is located in the modern buildings of Otemachi!


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