Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1406: Yulu Tea

Yang Cheng picked up the transparent tea cup. Not only was there no temperature, but because of the heat from Yang Cheng, a thin layer of mist was applied to the surface of the tea cup.

The tea soup is clear and the color between yellow and green has a refreshing feeling. You must know that Yang Orange has not had time to taste it.

Koji Ito said proudly, "Brother Yang, this tea is unusual."

Yang Cheng glanced at him speechlessly, and said to Mitsui Jiro before he had tasted it, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the famous RB Yulu tea, and it is not a regular version, it should be a royal version. Emperor of the Kingdom."

Koji Ito's eyes widened for an instant, and he asked in surprise, "Brother Yang also knows about RB tea ceremony?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Although I am very reluctant to argue about this issue, RB's tea ceremony originated in China, and even this Yulu tea that you are proud of actually originated in country Z, probably in the area of ​​HB's teacher. Moreover, this tea is different from other country Z green teas. It is a steamed green tea that uses steam instead of the roasting method used in most teas in country Z.

If you don't believe it, you can send someone to the place of origin to find it. If you're lucky, you should still meet old people hand-made. "

As soon as Yang Cheng’s voice fell, Ito Koji flushed as if he was insulted, and said, "Brother Yang, I don’t need to argue with you about other things, but Yulu tea is a national treasure of our country. RB Empire."

The disdainful Yang Cheng didn't bother to waste his tongue, just picked up the teacup and took a sip. The refreshing and moisturizing tea soup swirled in the mouth, leaving the mouth full of fragrance. This is a thorough taste that is difficult to experience for ordinary green tea.

Looking at Mitsui Jiro, the man with the best name of RB, shouldn't be as naive as Ito Koji?

Sure enough, Mitsui Jiro scolded him in dismay, "Koji, don't be rude, apologize to Xiaoyou Yang."

Koji Ito gave a wry smile, "Uncle Mitsui, isn't it?"

Mitsui Jiro nodded calmly, "Yang Xiaoyou is right. Yulu tea originated in the HB province of country Z. Because of the cumbersome craftsmanship and other reasons, this skill was lost. Now the tea-making skills in the place of origin are very rough.

Fortunately, this kind of production process has been completely preserved in RB, otherwise, humans will lose the opportunity to taste Yulu tea. "

Yang Cheng nodded secretly, setting aside the factors of the opponent's war criminal family, this ancient well was not waved, and his willingness to recognize history was commendable.

With Mitsui Jiro's approval, Ito Koji did not dare to question Yang Cheng's words. He immediately knelt up to Yang Cheng, leaned his thighs with both hands, and bowed vigorously, "Brother Yang, please forgive me for my recklessness!" "

Yang Cheng accepted the small RB's gift in peace, and smiled faintly, "It's nothing, I also learned from the older generation."

Mitsui Jiro said, "Young young people from Ito’s generation deserve to learn from the family.

What you just said is quite right. The RB Yulu that you tasted today is for the imperial use, which is a premium version for the Emperor to drink.

The tea leaves are picked entirely by young girls, and only the gentle hands of women will not damage the extremely delicate leaf tips.

The most important thing is not the picking process, but two to three months before picking. In order to reduce the bitterness of the green tea itself, tea farmers will use semi-shading black curtains to block the sun, so that there is less sunlight. There will be relatively less anthocyanins inside, and the bitterness will decrease. "

Yang Cheng listened carefully, these are all knowledge points, which can be used by pretending to be 13 with people who don’t understand in the future!

Koji Ito seemed to make up for his stupid mistake, and hurriedly answered, "Brother Yang may not understand. The biggest feature of Yulu tea is its brewing process, because it is very delicate and tender than all other green teas.

Not to mention the use of 100 degrees boiling water for soaking it, even the normal temperature water that ordinary people drink will make it old, thus missing the best taste of Yulu tea.

Therefore, this tea has to be brewed with ice cubes. After the tea is put into the ice cubes, the ice cubes melt within two to three hours, and the ice water gradually makes the tea out. There is very little tea soup, and the drink is not addictive. But it is this kind of meaning that is still unfinished to reflect the preciousness of Yulu tea. "

Yang Cheng nodded in agreement. Naturally, good tea should be brewed in the most suitable way. Otherwise, brewing green tea by brewing dark tea would be violent!

Why is this tea called Yulu?

Generally, only nectar from the sky can be called jade, just like jade, it is not an ordinary thing.

Don’t care about what tea, even if the price is over tens of thousands of a catty, don’t dare to taste it after drinking high alcohol or tasting spicy food, and Yulu tea doesn’t care what you drank or eat before, you can use it. Covered by the unique charm, this is Yulu's magic, but also very domineering, just to cater to the arrogance and tyranny of the little RB's bones.

Mitsui Jiro once again gave Yang Cheng a small cup of jade dew a soup color between yellow and green, because of the cold temperature under the cover of mist, it exudes a touch of green, with The obvious fragrance seems to have a freshness from the ocean. The entrance is smooth and soft, clear and cool, like a forest after the rain. The freshness brought by opening your mouth and taking a deep breath instantly spreads throughout the body.

The tea soup went around in the mouth and the belly. Starting from the stomach, the body gradually became the same temperature as the outside world, as if it was perfectly integrated with this bamboo forest. The rustle of the breeze over the bamboo leaves became clear and audible. , Wonderful.

Three people each took a sip of tea, and no one drank much. At the same time, they closed their eyes and tasted this rare mood.

After a long time, Jiro Mitsui slowly opened his eyes, changed the conversation, and said, "Koji told me about the dilemma you are facing, how does Yang Xiaoyou want to solve it?"

Yang Cheng opened his eyes immediately, and his brain seemed to be immersed in the previous mysterious realm, temporarily in a standby state.

He took a deep breath and spit it out slowly. Then he replied, "Mr. Mitsui, Westinghouse Electric is an extremely heavy burden and burden to the Dongzhi Group. If you throw it off one day earlier, you can have one more day of breathing time, and now Sato What Youzhi did is tantamount to putting Dongzhi Group to death. I don’t know why you just ignored it. Did the Mitsui Consortium fail to report any expectations for Dongzhi?”

At this time, Ito stopped talking, lowered his head and didn't know what he was looking at, he was very engaged.

Mitsui Jiro still maintains a cross-sit posture, the same as the old monk enters Dane, there is no change in expression or emotion from beginning to end. If it is not for blinking occasionally, he can't even feel his breath. There is a kind of martial arts master with long inner strength in a costume drama. Unpredictable!


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