Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1407: Cheating conditions

"I remember that in your country Z, there is a sect called'Tao', which pays attention to the natural way. The decline of the Dongzhi Group is its destiny, and it is inevitable."

For an RB person who can speak Chinese fluently, Yang Cheng doesn't find it strange at all to talk about the rather esoteric vocabulary of Taoism.

However, he was not even prepared to quarrel with the other party, "Mr. Mitsui, Brother Ito invited me to meet someone who can solve the problem. If you can solve the problem, what are the conditions? Say if you succeed or not.

If it can't be resolved, I will thank you very much for inviting me to drink this precious Yulu tea, and then don't let it go. "

Yang Cheng's meaning couldn't be more obvious. There are only two ways in front of you, to help or not to help, don't talk about other useless things, even if the Tathagata is moved out, he is not in the mood to listen.

Mitsui Jiro's expression management is still in place. Yang Cheng even thought that the nerves controlling the expression on his face were broken. Otherwise, why did he always have such a face, except for the occasional blink of the eyelid, there was no movement.

Koji Ito stood up to ease the atmosphere, "Brother Yang, give Uncle Mitsui some time to think about it. After all, the other party is a member of Parliament."

Yang Cheng sneered in her heart, thinking that who doesn't know the virtues of your RB people? Member? Annoyed by the big chaebols, the prime minister has to be dismissed, and the parliamentarians are a shit.

In his opinion, the other party's evasiveness is nothing more than to put forward higher terms.

"Of course, there is plenty of time, but I want to remind that our negotiating team and Dongzhi have already talked about it. If it weren't for your country's ZF to obstruct it, the transaction would have been completed.

I think that transactions at the commercial level should stay at the commercial level. ZF frequently comes out to obstruct it. This will not only destroy the credibility of your country’s business community, but also affect the future commercial investment of foreigners in your country. Everyone will worry about the same thing. , Will it happen again. "

Business and ZZ are not separated. It is a truth that even children understand. Yang Cheng will naturally understand it, but he just used such a “unnecessary” behavior to warn the other party in a rogue way, if this transaction fails. Completed on schedule, he is capable of destroying the business reputation of entire Japanese companies overseas.

As to whether it will really affect some cooperation, it is unclear. In short, the threat must be amplified first, and achieving the goal is the first thing.

Koji Ito was young and couldn't hold his breath. Hearing the threats implicit in Yang Cheng's words, he couldn't sit still, and tried to explain something. From him, you can see how good the RB people are.

Mitsui Jiro suddenly raised his hand to signal Ito Koji to shut up, "Yang Xiaoyou, in fact, you don't need to use such inferior methods."

Yang Cheng didn't feel embarrassed, and smiled calmly and shook his head, "The situation is compelling, Mr. Mitsui, please forgive me."

Mitsui Jiro finally raised the corners of his mouth, seeming to be laughing, but this kind of smile looks oozing, and if he is a naive child, he might be scared to cry.

"Then, please allow me to make a small request. For Xiaoyou Yang, it should not be difficult to make it."

Only if Yang Cheng believes it will be a ghost, a small request? Hehe~

Of course, the generosity still needs to be there, "Please say~"

"In 2012, several RB LCD panel manufacturing giants such as Dongzhi, Sony, Rili, etc., divested their related businesses and jointly reorganized and established a brand new company-RB Display Company (JDI). This company can be said to be integrated The pinnacle of RB LCD panel technology.

But recently, for various reasons, JDI has fallen into a very bad situation. I hope you can help JDI after acquiring Westinghouse Electric. I believe that JDI will repay you with multiple benefits in the future. "

Koji Ito thoughtfully took out a document from nowhere and put it neatly in front of Yang Cheng, "Brother Yang, here are the details of JDI, you can make a decision after reading it."

Yang Cheng had already learned the level of reading the report. With a glance at the ten lines, he easily found the key content of the report. After browsing it roughly, he knew it in his heart.

As Mitsui Jiro said, JDI integrated the entire RB's LCD panel technology. When it was first established, because of its deep technical accumulation in LCD screens, the product quality was recognized by Apple and became its exclusive mobile phone screen provider. Therefore, a period of moisturizing lived by the east wind.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. As South Korea's Sanstar and LG successively launched OLED screens with better display effects, JDI suffered a huge impact almost overnight.

But even so, it is still full of self-confidence in its own LCD screen. It is a little bit procrastinated in the development of OLED screen. In the end, Apple suddenly announced the end of cooperation with it. After turning to Sanxing, JDI suddenly panicked because of its high degree Relying on Apple, half of its revenue comes from providing LCD panels to Apple mobile phones.

As a downstream supplier in the industry chain, JDI has almost no right to speak in its business dealings with Apple. If the other party does not give you an order, you can only pinch your nose to recognize and fight back?

Stop joking, what's the counterattack? The whole world is waiting to supply Apple to the queue from Hawaii to Tokyo!

Because of this blow, today's JDI company has not only suffered a sharp decline in revenue, but also has to face the squeeze challenge of production capacity and price from South Korea’s Sanstar, LG, and several low-cost companies in country Z. It is in the development of OLED screens that the companies of China and South Korea have been left far behind and have lost their long-standing technical advantages in the past.

In Yang Cheng's view, this company can be treated as recycling garbage. Still thinking about investing?

If there is really investment value, would the Mitsui family give up such a big delicious butter cake?

They are not doing charity, of course they would not do it.

That’s why I tried to get Yang Cheng to take action on this condition and did this bullying. The abacus was crackled, but I have to say that the little RB was treacherous enough. This pole happened to hit Yang Cheng’s seven inches. Westinghouse? If you want to, just close your eyes and be a fool, don't yell, yell is useless.

Or don't even Westinghouse Electric, you can make friends by drinking tea and chatting.

Yang Cheng calmly put down the report, and gently pushed it to Ito, closing his eyes and thinking.

From the beginning of the world into the era of LCD panels, RB enterprises have become the king and overlord of this industry. Companies such as Xiapu and Dongzhi have rushed global mobile phone companies. Now they are closed and sold. The only survivors are also in the lingering stage. Had to be embarrassed.

However, this is only the epitome of the decline of the entire RB manufacturing industry. In the past, the brilliant RB manufacturing carried the "artisan spirit" spread all over the world, which made countless people sigh, but now there are frequent problems, no money, no technology, no talents, Gradually reduced to competing with others, and then being surpassed by opponents, had to force the major shareholders behind them to use unpretentious means to continue their lives.

As an angry young man, Yang Cheng had to cheer up while he was secretly happy. He didn't want the same scene to appear on him one day.

However, it was not the time for random thinking. When Mitsui Jiro returned to his silent expression, Yang Cheng tapped a few fingers on the report and said bluntly, "Why doesn't your country's ZF rescue such an important company?"

In chaebol countries like Japan and South Korea, chaebols seldom use their own money to solve problems, and more will oppress ZF to take action, or use taxpayer money, or borrow low or even interest-free loans from banks, and use other people’s money. Solving problems for yourself is the rogue method used by chaebols.

Yang Cheng did not believe that the Mitsui family had not put pressure on ZF, and the result was an obvious failure. He wanted to know the reason.

Mitsui Jiro knocked on his numb thigh and said, "ZF can't help, because every year there will be a large financial gap and there are too many places to spend money. How can we spend more money to help those who are about to go bankrupt? What about the business?"

Damn, this reason is equivalent to not saying, in a word, just no money!

Yang Cheng also wanted to use the same reason to deal with each other, but unfortunately not.

"How much is it?"

"US$600 million for 20% of shares~"

Yang Cheng almost spit out the Yulu tea that had just been swallowed and had not been digested. If calculated at this price, would Yulu tea be the number one tea in Tianzi?

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and I wanted to drink a few more sips of Yulu tea to be shocked, but unfortunately I hadn't brewed it, and smiled a few times, "Is a company that is about to go bankrupt worth 3 billion?"

Mitsui Jiro was very talkative and took a step back, "550 million US dollars 25% shares~"

Your sister! Is this Chinese cabbage?

It's 800 million dollars cheaper in less than 1 minute! Cheating your father?

"Let me first listen to what you can do for me? Packing up a Sato Yuji can't cost 550 million U.S. I am now going out to find a club, and spending $1 million is not enough to buy Sato Yuji a life?

If it doesn't work, I add a zero, it's almost enough! "

Human lives become worthless in the face of interests involving hundreds of millions and billions. If an ant is trampled to death, Yang Cheng will be sorrowful for others, but Sato, who has caused countless troubles for himself, owes no mercy~

As a result, Mitsui Jiro was tougher than Yang Cheng thought, and said domineeringly, "As long as I say a word, no club in the entire RB dare to take this task."

Yang Cheng sneered, "Then I will find someone from America!"

Mitsui Jiro frowned slightly, "Isn't Yang Xiaoyou too extreme?"

Yang Cheng took a deep breath. He didn't want to tear his face directly, and the tone was as calm as possible, "It's not that I am extreme, but the conditions you put forward are unreasonable. If JDI is still valuable, I don't mind much for Westinghouse Electric. A few hundred million is considered a premium for acquisition!

But the dilemma of JDI itself will not be mentioned. It has basically lost its competitiveness in the market. Can I re-cast after buying a pile of scrap iron? What can JDI do? Give the employees of this company an old age for nothing? "

Ito Koji interrupted, "Brother Yang, JDI is not as worthless as you said. The LCD technology they master is very mature, and it is still an epoch-making technology in many second and third-tier countries in the world!"

Yang Cheng hurriedly waved his hand, "In terms of cost control, RB companies will never catch up with Country Z! With the same technology, the products of Country Z will always be cheaper than what you sell. If it is you, do you want the cheaper or the more expensive?"


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