Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1417: Profiteers! I like

"What do you think of this? We traded at a lower price, but privately, I will make up for you $176,000. Of course, only you and I know about this."

People who work as intermediaries and sales agents can never do this job without a brain that responds quickly.

And not only do you have to react quickly, but you must also have the courage to act decisively, otherwise it will be difficult to get ahead in this business.

Yang Cheng's proposal was understood very clearly by the gold medal agent. Seeing his hesitating expression, he knew that he was in deep entanglement.

I agree, I earn a lot of points, but I might risk losing my job. Even though the probability is very small, after all, Yang Cheng and the others will not be free to trouble themselves and take the initiative to expose this time. Private transactions, but this does not mean 100%!

Can you disagree? Yang Cheng is very likely to abandon this transaction and find other intermediary agents. Los Angeles lacks everything, but there is no shortage of houses. As long as you can find a good house, you can find it sooner or later. Say, does it matter early, day and night?

If Yang Cheng knows his ideas, he will definitely answer that it is very important. Luo Yue and Lin Ximan can't wait to formally start their own businesses.

Of course, there is no need to say these words. Yang Cheng took a cigar and spit out the smoke gently, "Sorry, I made a mistake just now. It is 200,000 dollars to make up. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I can’t listen to scattered numbers. Is 200,000? More wonderful?"

Now there is no need for the agent to hesitate, and he echoed loudly, "Successful people have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I like this obsessive-compulsive disorder~"

Yang Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand, and the agent stretched out his hands and shook his hands firmly, everything was silent.

However, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan, who witnessed this transaction, had completely different looks. Luo Yue's slightly admired love and Lin Ximan's contempt for a touch of helplessness formed a very sharp contrast.

At this time, Yang Cheng and the agent, who were obviously already in the same trench, naturally talked about the transaction price.

And the agent's performance was worse than Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng's original intention was to press down to 3 million, so it shouldn't make people feel too much, so that the agent can go back and have an explanation.

As a result, the broker said directly, "US$2 million is enough, Mr. Yang, believe me, I am confident that the company will agree to this transaction. For this, you only need to pay an additional US$50,000."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Where is the orphanage?"

The agent first looked disdainful, "No one cares about the benefits of the welfare home. In fact, $2 million is enough for them to use it for a long time, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, the agent who had long been accustomed to observing his expressions and expressions immediately noticed a trace of dissatisfaction on Yang Cheng’s face, and the voice changed abruptly, “Of course, I know that Mr. Yang is a caring person, or you can use another one. Way to make up?

For example, donate 500,000 US dollars privately to the orphanage? "

Yang Cheng glanced at the agent in surprise. It seems that there are not many people who can exert their brazen spirit to this level.

"Well, do what you said, listen, I don't want any twists and turns after this incident, otherwise I will only hold you accountable, understand?"

Yang Cheng's tone was serious when she spoke. The agent knew this was a reminder and a warning. If there is no special reason, it is better not to try to provoke him.

"Of course, people in our profession should learn to keep their mouths shut, otherwise there will be no good fruit."

Yang Cheng was very satisfied with the other party's current affairs, and this not-so-important transaction was completed.

He was in a good mood, and took Luo Yue and Lin Ximan to a feast, of course, the agent who helped him out.

Arranged to go to the brokerage company the next day to deal with the documents, and separate from the broker at the entrance of the restaurant.

On the way back home to Lin Ximan, Luo Yue hesitated, "Are we really going to ignorant of the orphanage money?"

Yang Cheng smiled at the kind girl, "Of course not. After your architectural office is listed, find a name to form a helper with the orphanage, and donate some money to them every year. It doesn’t need to be more than 20 per year. Ten thousand dollars is enough. In this way, the benefits of the orphanage will not be snatched away by the black-hearted people, and we are also named, the best of both worlds."

Lin Ximan murmured in an angry voice, "A profiteer~"

Yang Cheng is too lazy to be familiar with her, if it weren't for Luo Yue, this girl's **** would have blossomed~

Luo Yue heartlessly covered his mouth and laughed, and then agreed, "Manman is right, you are a profiteer, but I like it~"

Yang Cheng rubbed her little head fondly, and concentrated on driving.

After sending Lin Ximan home, the two returned to the manor on the top of Beverly Hill to spend the world together.

. . .

The next morning, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan were sent to join the real estate agency to sign an agreement. After that, Yang Cheng went straight to the New Era Film Industry. He needed to talk to Donna Lande about the Columbus graduation film industry.

"Good morning Donna~" Yang Cheng gave a warm hug as soon as she saw her capable man.

"Good morning boss~" Donna responded enthusiastically.

"On, Donna, just call me jason in private~" Yang Cheng said helplessly.

"But this is the company, isn't it?" Donna smiled and rejected Yang Cheng's proposal.

Sometimes Yang Cheng would wonder why there are some stodgy guys around him.

"Well, it's up to you, how are you doing?"

"Awesome. This is a happy time I have never had in my career. Although I have said this more than once, I still want to say that coming to the New Era Film Industry is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life."

Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, "This is my honor~"

After a brief chat, Yang Cheng asked, "About Columbia Pictures, I believe you and I have the same views. If you have a chance, you must win it."

"Yes, it's just that I am worried about the issue of shares and dominance. Even if we put all our Asian business under the name of New Age Pictures, we cannot compete with Columbia Pictures in terms of volume."

"What if CW TV network is added?" Yang Orange asked back.

Donna hesitated for a moment, "It's hard to say, the banking institution needs to give an authoritative valuation."

"Plus Fox's local sports channel?"

"It must be enough, and far beyond."

Yang Orange nodded, "Let’s do it this way. After merging the TV network, you will form a new entertainment group. You personally serve as the CEO of the entertainment group. Then you will acquire Columbia Pictures in the name of the new entertainment group, and try to put Sony’s shareholding. The ratio fell below 25%."

Donna Lande looked at Yang Cheng in amazement, "Do you want to do this? According to the original plan, New Era Pictures and TV Network Group are subsidiaries that coexist side by side."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "The situation is forced~"

"Well, I didn't expect you to think so far, boss~"

Yang Orange shook his finger, "It's not that I think far, but I don't want to miss the opportunity.

Once the merger of Disney and Fox succeeds, it will have too great an impact on Hollywood. If we can't plan early, we will only be annexed in the end, and there is no room for resistance. "

Donna Lande said sternly, "I understand~"

"Regarding this reorganization, after I return to New York, I will notify Ritz and Eddie to issue a notice in the name of the parent company. The company will work together to complete the reorganization process as soon as possible, and then you will go all out to talk to Columbia Pictures. negotiation."

"No problem~"

Just as Yang Cheng was about to ask a few more words, the phone's ringing suddenly rang, interrupted the conversation, frowned and took out the phone to see that it was Eddie, ignoring complaints, and answered the channel, "Is there any good news?"

"Yes boss, good news, Pearson Group has agreed to sell the Financial Times."

"Really? Great, well done Eddie~"

"Thank you, Marjorie actually put a lot of effort into it."

"Oh? So you convinced Marjorie first, because of her influence, the Pearson Group agreed to sell the Financial Times to us?"

"Yes, but the premise I convinced Marjorie is to ensure that the Financial Times will not carry out large-scale layoffs within two years."

Yang Orange pondered, "What is the large-scale scope?"

"No more than 20 people per year~"

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. This figure was within his acceptance range. He knew that he did not agree to some conditions. Even if Eddie and Marjorie were old friends, it would be difficult to convince, "Well, I see, the final transaction price What?"

"Pearson Group requires 500 million pounds in cash, and we will assume all the debts of the Financial Times. I have a preliminary understanding. The total debt is about 350 million pounds. The specific figures require professional miracles."

"The total purchase price is 850 million pounds? It can be but can New Age Media draw 500 million in cash?"

"No problem, I also agreed to this condition considering the group's cash pool."

"That's good, anyway, Four-dimensional Space absolutely cannot spare any money for you to buy it."

"I know that the cash will be fully borne by New Times Media."

"Very well, when will you be back?"

"It's still more than a week. I will wait for our legal and financial colleagues to arrive in London before returning."

"Waiting for you to come back to celebrate your work~"

"Thank you boss~"

When she hung up the phone, Donna Lande also said with a smile on her face, "Congratulations, Boss, although it is not polite to listen to people's calls, this guy Eddie is too loud, I don't want to hear it."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Thank you. This is a happy event for the entire group. In the future, we will have a powerful microphone in Europe. In addition, there will be channels for voices in the financial and economic circles."

Donna Lande agrees, "The sales of the Financial Times are not inferior to the Wall Street Journal, and there are more online paying users than the Wall Street Journal. This is indeed an acquisition worth celebrating. It is more meaningful than profitable. "

"Well said, when Eddie comes back, don't forget to come to New York for the celebration party."

Donna Lande pretended to be serious and joked, "That would require you to fake the boss, right?"

Yang Cheng continued, "It seems that I am going to set up a new attendance system for the Human Resources Department, such as a leave slip system."

"Don't, the employees will hate me~"

"How come, if you vote for the most popular CEO within our group, you are definitely the best candidate."


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