"Boss~ Morley, that fat man finally couldn't bear the pressure and came out to apologize."

Yang Cheng just got out of the New Era Film Industry, and got a call from Sean Marx when he got in the car.

"Huh? What's the matter? Isn't he still holding on? Why is he suddenly apologizing?"

Sean Marx smiled gleefully, "If you don't apologize, you won't be able to keep your job."

"So it's the pressure from the Rockets?"

"On the one hand, there are sponsors, and the alliance."

Yang Cheng always feels that things will not go so smoothly. If Morey is such a shrewd person, he will give up the ‘freedom fighter’ persona that he has painstakingly managed when he is not good enough?

You must know that because he praised ‘racism’ for his speech, he has won the support of many people. Most of these people are also ‘racism’. They regard Morey as a ‘freedom fighter’ and dare to express their inner thoughts.

It was precisely because of the support of this handful of mouse **** that Morey dared to resist.

But seeing the condemnation on the Internet gradually disappeared because of the passage of time, Morey could continue to be his general manager and be his white elite as long as he kept a low profile for a period of time. Why did he suddenly stand up and apologize and settle down? mistake?

It's not that Yang Chengxian is okay to find a guilt for herself, this fact is illogical.

Judging from Yang Cheng's experience, there are reasons behind everything that is illogical!

"No, you check it. I think there was a reason for it. Morey couldn't suddenly figure it out. Only when his conscience discovered it, he came out to apologize. Let's think about it and put you into Morey's current situation. You will choose to stand. Come out to apologize?

All of us know that there is still a silver lining to this matter. After all, the interests of all parties are still protecting him, but once he takes the initiative to apologize, his responsibility will be fulfilled. No one will no longer be able to bring him Those who come to benefit and waste their energy will not come forward to protect them. "

Sean Marx put away his laughter and pondered for a long while, but had to admit that what Yang Cheng said was reasonable, "I know the boss."

Yang Cheng sighed. He also knew that it was difficult for a team manager to investigate this kind of thing, so he took the initiative to say, "You can try it, and it’s okay if you can’t find it. Don’t worry too much, your main energy now , It should be placed on the playoffs."

"Speaking of the playoffs, did you watch the boss game? After our first victory, we beat the Hornets by a large score at home and away. In these two games, Chris played the league's first point guard's prestige. He averaged 30.7 points, 11.2 assists and 1.3 steals per game. It’s crazy."

Listening to Sean Marx’s excited report, Yang Cheng also smiled, "I have followed the score, but I couldn’t watch the game live, which is a pity."

"It doesn't matter the boss, tomorrow's fourth game in Charlotte will be the last game of the series. After that, we can wait for our opponents in the Eastern Conference finals."

"So confident?" Yang Orange quipped.

"Of course, I think this kind of confidence is a good thing. We have to gradually adapt to the changes in roles. The Brooklyn Nets are no longer synonymous with upstarts and fish belly. The Eastern power is a more accurate description." Sean Marx is proud. Said.

"Confidence is of course a good thing, but you can't turn self-confidence into arrogance, let alone make the team feel proud. This is a taboo!" Yang Cheng reminded.

"Don't worry about the boss. Regarding the team atmosphere, as team leaders, Chris and Dwyane have sufficient experience, especially Dwyane. As the FMVP of the year, he has more playoff experience than Chris. With him in town, we don’t have to worry about asking him in the locker room."

"That's good. I won't watch the last game. After all, in Charlotte, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. Let me congratulate the team."

"Good boss, we will not let you down~"

On the way back to the real estate agency, Yang Cheng had been on the phone with Sean Marx, so he didn't realize how long the journey was, and he returned to the agency almost in the blink of an eye.

At this point, according to the price negotiated with Yang Orange yesterday, I don’t know how the broker works. In short, the transfer contract was signed with Luo Yue very smoothly. The rest just waited for Yang Orange to pay.

Because the company has not yet been registered, Yang Cheng’s investment has not been in place. Otherwise, the money should go to the company’s account, but it doesn’t matter, it will be processed after the company is registered.

Anyway, Yang Cheng invested US$5 million in Luo Yue as the start-up capital of the architectural firm. As for the issue of the distribution of shares between her and Lin Ximan, Yang Cheng ultimately did not participate.

This is the matter of their girlfriends, Yang Cheng doesn't say much, so as not to destroy their friendship, and he himself is willing to be a wallet, no one will say anything.

In front of the intermediary company, after shaking hands with the broker, Yang Cheng pretended to shake hands with the second girl again, and said strangely, "Congratulations, you two have officially become the boss of an architectural firm. From then on, you are the employers. Wait. After the workload comes up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ start to recruit employees, you will fully feel the natural opposition between capital and labor.

When you see it, will you still scold me a profiteer~"

Lin Ximan glared at him irritably, the words were directed at her.

Luo Yue also slapped him grotesquely, "Our company hasn't registered yet, and it's not the boss, so you're still a profiteer."

Lin Ximan nodded in agreement, "Yue Yue is right!"

"To you big-headed ghost, two idiots, the company's resident has been bought, and now you don't even think about the company name, right?"

"Oh, yes, we have forgotten such an important thing!" Luo Yue exclaimed in annoyance.

Lin Ximan was also very speechless, but she still stubbornly asked for a supplement, "We have been too busy recently, and it is normal to forget."

Yang Cheng curled her lips and didn't answer the conversation. Let them manage a new era of media?

No, no, even if it is a small subsidiary of New Times Media, they will be busy flying, and there is still time to regret?

Well, he is full of eagerness to survive, after all, he did not dare to say this sao word that would bring disaster to the top!

Bringing the topic back, "So what are you going to name?"

Luo Yue tilted his head and thought for a long time without any inspiration, so he asked Yang Cheng, "Any suggestions?"

"The name of the company is very important, but don’t take it too seriously. After all, it’s just a name. As long as you succeed, no matter how vulgar the name is, someone will help you interpret the meaning of being tall. Believe me, even if you are called a shit. !"

The two girls showed disgusting expressions, Lin Ximan didn't want to talk angrily. Luo Yue was okay. She was used to Yang Cheng and sometimes had a low mouth, but she couldn't help but said, "You're just a shit~"


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