Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1419: Animation Studio

Naming is indeed a major event. From the perspective of feng shui, a bad name may affect the future fortune of the company.

Okay, this is just a joke. After all, Yang Cheng didn't struggle with this matter for too long. Let Luo Yue and the others think about it by themselves. He couldn't help doing everything.

After having a light meal with them, they were sent back to their rented apartment. After that, Yang Cheng went to the DreamWorks animation in Glendale, the most successful animation studio since Pixar was put on the scene, and was filmed by New Times. Since the acquisition of the industry, Yang Cheng has hardly been here again. Thinking about what he said to Jeffrey Kasenborg at the time, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

It just so happened that all the business matters here were almost handled, so I stopped by to take a trip to Glendale, meet old friends, and have the right to travel.

Jeffrey Cassenberg, who had officially retired, was still unambiguous and accepted Yang Cheng’s invitation to serve as the chief creative officer of New Era Pictures. At the same time, he did not give up his old business. I often return to the animation studio to care about the progress of the project and supervise the creative process of the newcomers.

In short, unlike other retired seniors who only know about fishing, golfing, and sunbathing, for Jeffrey, a workaholic, work is the best mode of relaxation.

Of course, Jeffery's time is more free than before, and he rarely sees scenes where he is devoted to work.

When the car drove into the animation studio headquarters park, it was just in time for the employees’ afternoon break, so the garden was more lively than usual. Most employees took advantage of this time to go outside, breathe fresh air, and enjoy Under the beautiful California sunshine, when I feel better, I will be more engaged in the work in the afternoon.

I contacted Jeffrey before coming, and the other party said that he would go directly to the office to find him, but as soon as Yang Cheng got off the car, he saw Jeffrey's big bald head like a beacon, reflecting a dazzling light in the sun.

It's a bit exaggerated, but it's really conspicuous. A bald head can always be noticed in the crowd.

"Hey, Jeffery, so polite, came out to greet me?" Yang Cheng strode forward and smiled heartily.

As a result, Jeffery poured cold water with a smile, "Jason, you are misunderstood. I just finished an interview. This is not just to send someone from the interview team away. When you see your car coming in, you just stand here and wait. For a while."

Yang Cheng spread out her hands pretending to be disappointed, "Well, I'm the one who is passionate."

Jeffery blinked, "Yes! You think too much!"

Yang Cheng seemed to have been hit 10,000 times, and she held her forehead in disbelief, "Damn it, Jeffery, you became naughty after retirement."

"No, no, I have always been such a lively character~"

The two chatted and laughed, and Jeffrey asked, "Go to the office? Or sit outside?"

"Just sit outside, California's sunshine is always hard to leave."

"Oh, Jason, you really should be California's tourism promotion ambassador."

"Thank you for the compliment, but obviously they can't afford me."

"Ha~ I said that~"

"How have you been?" Yang Cheng cared about the other party's body.

"Not bad, you know, I started to learn to enjoy life. I used to talk about retirement, but my body stayed in the office. But now I can finally take my body out and spend more time with my family and occasionally with friends. Going out to fish, life is very comfortable."

Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "This is the happiest time in life, enjoy Jeffery."

"Thank you, all this is thanks to you."

Yang Cheng didn't dare to take credit, "No, you have to thank your family. Without their support, I say no more."

"Of course, all thanks!"

Yang Cheng didn't want to entangle this question, and instead asked, "What project is the studio working on recently?"

"We had a project released at the beginning of the year~"

Yang Cheng immediately answered, "I know, "Kung Fu Panda 3", everyone has done a good job, with a box office of more than 500 million worldwide, which is as good as ever."

Jeffery has a different view, "But the word-of-mouth collapsed, and the box office is far lower than the second in the series, and this movie is too dependent on the country Z market, but we still can’t get the bulk of the profits over there. Fortunately this year’s With the help of your company in Country Z for the issuance, let us take more, otherwise it will be even worse."

Yang Orange nodded, "The country Z market is very fair to the major Hollywood companies' projects. No matter who it is, it is difficult to harvest more profits, but because of my advance layout, we are ahead of the country Z market. One step is only one step, and Disney is eyeing up behind them. After they officially open their Disneyland in Shanghai Stock Exchange, the distance of this step will be further reduced, so we must not take it lightly."

"Of course, it is absolutely inevitable to underestimate the enemy. DreamWorks is falling apart. Part of the reason is that the mentality of the three of us is not well controlled. We want to try to compete with the Big Six, but at that time, even the children knew the shadows of the Big Six. How big it is." Jeffery said in uncommon agreement.

"The release of "Kung Fu Panda 3" in Country Z proves that I have taken the right path. If possible, I will increase investment in the country Z market."

"I look forward to your good news." Jeffery will naturally not disagree. He will raise his hands to support things that are beneficial to DreamWorks Animation.

After a pause, he said, "In addition, there is only one project left to be released this year, "Magic Elf", the post-production is almost complete. I talked to Donna, and she meant to be released on Halloween."

Yang Cheng raised her brows, "Halloween?"

Jeffery explained, "The animated image of "Magic Elf" originated from a Danish fairy tale in 1959. A fisherman and lumberjack named Thomas was unable to buy a birthday gift for his daughter due to financial constraints. He referred to Norse mythology. In the image of the troll, he only made a troll doll by himself.

In the 1990s, the dolls of the Troll series were once popular all over the world. Their messy but colorful hairstyles on their heads are very popular with children. In 2013, we bought the filming rights of this image, which can be said to be a movie. Semi-original IP. "

Yang Cheng suddenly said, "The cartoon image of a troll hitting Halloween? Is it a good idea."

"Yes, I also agree with this hairstyle time."

Yang Cheng thought for a while and suggested, "This time it's still the North American debut? Have you ever thought about changing your mind and making a global debut in Country Z."

"It started in Country Z? Not so good? The image of the troll doll is not classic in Country Z. It can even be said to be a blank. Can people in Country Z accept the adaptation and enter the cinema?" Jeffrey questioned.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "The current country Z is not the country that used to be closed. In the 21st century, country Z is in line with the world. Many western festivals are gradually popular in country Z, especially Halloween, which is extremely playable. After all, the people of Country Z do not understand the history of Halloween, and more of them regard this day as a holiday for entertainment.

At that time, with the use of cartoon images, we will have individual premieres in country Z, and the global premiere gimmick should be able to achieve good results. "

Jeffery thought about it for a long time, then slowly nodded, "What you said makes sense. I will ask someone to do a simple investigation. If there is no problem, I will do what you said and I will communicate with Donna."

"This is just a small suggestion that can help you best."

Jeffery smiled with satisfaction, "Thank you. In fact, when you first came to talk about the acquisition, what I was most worried about was your layman's status and your criticism of the studio. Now it seems that my original concerns were purely overthinking. "

"Your worries are reasonable, but everyone who knows me knows that I prefer to be a hand-shoulder than to focus on work. I can easily make money, and there are things that make people happier than that. ?"

Jeffery said helplessly, "I only know now~"

Although he seems unwilling to waste time on work, once he enters the state, Yang Cheng is still very serious, "In addition to "Magic Elf", how many projects are we working on?"

Jeffery is also familiar with each other, saying one by one, ""Baby Boss" and "Captain Underpants", the two projects to be released next year, the current progress has already passed halfway, including the dubbing and subtitles. It’s not too late to be completed before January next year, and it’s not too late to consider the schedule at that time. UU看书

At present, the spring file for March next year and the summer file for June are initially reserved. If there are accidents, they can be changed. "

After a short pause, he continued, "In addition, "How to Train Your Dragon 3" also started preparations at the beginning of the year and entered the initial production. It is expected to be released in 2019. The investment budget for this film is the lowest in the series, only 120 million US dollars. A supplementary budget of 20 million is set aside, but I don’t think it should be used."

Yang Cheng puzzled, "So low? It stands to reason that the sequel of this series should be more expensive."

Jeffery smiled, "This is the difference between animated movies and live-action movies. The most expensive animated movie is always the first, especially the original IP without image reference. Everything needs to be recreated, but the subsequent sequels are easier. Many, as long as new characters are added, the old characters can be used, as long as the details are optimized, and it doesn't cost much.

Furthermore, the special effects animation technology has been continuously improved and improved over the years, and the efficiency has increased a lot. For the production of animated films, the less time, the more money will be saved. "

Yang Cheng understood the nature of animated films and nodded, "Understood, DreamWorks Animation has you there, and everything is worry-free. I am very fortunate now. What a wise decision that I had to keep my tongue behind was a wise decision. "

Jeffrey Cassenberg smiled indifferently, "It is also the luck of DreamWorks Animation to be able to get together with a company with freshness and vitality like New Era Pictures."

Yang Cheng was not surprised that the other party could say this. After all, the technical experts of DreamWorks Animation, after joining New Era Pictures, their salary has increased by more than a little. If you have money, you don’t have to worry about your job prospects. !


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