Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1425: 1 blank West African country

Since the convoy entered the'territory' of Zuma Rock, Bernardi has fallen into a state of pilgrimage. He watched Zuma Rock fall out of sight with an unusually respectful attitude, and then said, "I was born in a nearby village and was taken by my family since I was a child. The elders of Zuma told the magic of Zuma Rock, and they believed that Zuma Rock protects the surrounding villages and people and cannot be invaded and defiled by outsiders.

In fact, it is true. Because of the existence of Zuma Rock, at least the nearby villagers have not suffered much natural or human damage. "

Yang Cheng nodded, “It’s really shocking. I saw the Zuma rock pattern on the Naira currency before, but I didn’t think much about it. I didn’t feel the Zuma rock’s status in the hearts of Nigerians until I saw it with my own eyes. Sublime."

Bernardi seemed to empathize, and Yang Cheng's respect was his pride from the heart.

Since it is called the ‘gateway to Abuja’, seeing Zuma Rock means that Abuja is not far away.

Not long after the convoy continued on the unimpeded highway, a city completely different from Lagos came into view. Seeing the extremely luxurious Abuja, Yang Cheng repeatedly exclaimed, "Are we still in Nigeria? Isn’t it another country?"

Bernardi proudly said, "Mr. Yang, this is the administrative capital of Nigeria-Abuja. Compared with the old capital of Lagos, Abuja was built very late. Because of some historical reasons, Abuja only started in 1976. The construction was personally designed by the famous RB architect Kenzo Tange and planned in a more scientific way to make this emerging city brand new and reasonable. Whether it is a straight highway, a modern building, and a bright religious site, Both imply Nigeria’s ambition and vitality.

It can be said that Abuja is a business card carefully crafted by Nigeria, and it also makes more people know Nigeria again. "

Yang Cheng can deeply feel Bernardi’s national pride. This feeling comes from the country becoming stronger and stronger, giving him a sense of security and happiness. Otherwise, even if someone takes money to hit him, it will not Have such a heartfelt feeling.

It's just that most people in Nigeria are concentrated in Lagos. The population of Abuja is only more than 3 million, so that just after coming out of the bustling Lagos and then to Abuja, it feels that the world has become quiet.

For Nigerians, there is often a problem before them, "Is it the modernization of Abuja? Or the bustling and bustling of Lagos? You can't have both. This is a problem."

And now Nigeria is different from the prosperity and modernity of other countries in Africa. It is completely based on the oil that has been continuously extracted and shipped out. As a non-renewable resource, once the oil is exhausted, how can Nigeria maintain this illusory beauty?

After all, Nigeria is not a tourist country, and there is almost no concept of scenic spots. This seems to reflect the embarrassing position of culture in this large African country at a certain level. With money and foundation, there is a lack of capable people responsible for development and protection. More lack of effective publicity and guidance.

So much so that Nigerians didn’t know how many brain cells they had spent before they thought of the idea of ​​printing Zuma Rock on banknotes, but apart from the local people’s recognition of the sacred status of Zuma Rock, foreigners have rarely heard of this African miracle. Not to mention a special trip to travel.

This is just one of the embarrassing situations in Nigeria. The local people pay little attention to cultural propaganda, or simply do not realize in their minds how important this is.

But this does not mean that Nigeria does not have a cultural heritage, nor does it mean that Nigeria does not have a unique culture and art. It is more because of insufficient attention and no one to guide it.

Compared with other Nigerians, Bernardi is obviously more knowledgeable. When talking about Nigeria’s current economic structure that relies too much on oil development, he can’t help but feel heartbroken. “In fact, if you are serious about development and promotion, Nigeria still has many tourist attractions worth visiting, such as The Nigerian National Theatre and Art Gallery in the suburbs of Goss displays the works of Nigerian artists in modern times. Both creative thinking and technical standards are commendable.

However, the art museum lacks tourist flow all the year round. Not to mention foreign tourists, even locals rarely visit. Without ticket income, there is no financial source to maintain the facilities of the venue. They have to rely on local ZF subsidies, but for ZF officials In other words, this is a bottomless pit, and there is no need to invest too much money.

Without money, a series of negative reactions followed. I once went in for a visit. There was not even a decent visitor manual in it. Except for an old employee who had worked for more than ten years, there was no tour guide or commentary. Good travel experience. "

Yang Cheng did not pay attention to the city of Abuja anymore, but was thinking about whether he could make crazy profits from this country.

Compared to tourist countries that have been armed to the teeth, Nigeria is nothing but a piece of blank paper. You can let him paint on it. At that time, how much will this painting sell for? Isn't he alone?

Just coming this way, Nigeria’s natural scenery is pretty good, with island-like tranquility and tropical rainforest-like beauty. You can consider building a resort.

Yang Cheng remembers that Amman has only one resort in Africa. It is located in Morocco in North Africa. It is called Amman Jena, and celebrities such as Xiaobei and Mrs. Fruit have visited.

But Ammanjna is located in the ancient city of Marrakech, which is listed as a world cultural heritage. It is surrounded by huge olive groves, and it complements the Berber villages and the Atlas Mountains, which has a cultural and artistic flavor. Place, I don’t know if Nigeria has it.

Amman Jena means "peaceful paradise" in the local language. It can be described as a vivid description of the hotel's characteristics. This is also one of Amman's characteristics. Nigeria does not have such a foundation. Yang Cheng does not know that he needs Amman. The design team from here personally visits here before making a decision.

He kept this matter in mind, and when he was ready to go back, he had a meeting with Amman's management to discuss. The most important thing at the moment is the energy minister who has a bit of psychological BT for a while.

Compared with the potholes on the roads of Lagos, the road conditions in Abuja are better than one grade. They are flat and wide, the road surface is smooth, and there is rarely congestion. The city’s buildings are also very modern, with tempered glass as the exterior building. Everywhere.

On this point, Yang Cheng likes Abuja better than Lagos.

Because Nigeria has many projects aided by country Z, there are a large number of country Z migrant workers living in Abuja. Therefore, when you find that 4 or 5 of 10 drivers are familiar Chinese faces, Don't mistakenly think that you have crossed, you are indeed in West Africa.

Bernardi was very considerate. He was afraid that Yang Cheng would not be used to eating local food. He deliberately arranged his stay in a hotel opened by Chinese. After getting off the bus, Bernardi said, "I will go to meet Medic’s secretary now. According to the original plan, he will have a business dinner tonight. At the Sheraton Hotel, our meeting will be arranged after the dinner.

But accidents happen from time to time, so I can't guarantee that I can only go to the docking in person. If it causes trouble to Mr. Yang, I am sorry. "

Along the way, Yang Cheng has a good impression of this black man who can speak English and work style is very pragmatic and calm, so he will not make things difficult for the other party, waved his hand, "Go ahead, I'll wait for your call."

Before leaving, Bernardi was still anxious to say, "Mr. Yang try not to go out alone, and try not to stare at them when he sees children, otherwise he will be easily entangled."

Yang Cheng nodded in a dubious manner. This is the second time that he has been so instructed today. He is not a rebellious and self-willed kid, and he never acts to death.

The environment of the hotel is not good or bad, but because the owner is from the Z country, Yang Cheng is also very tolerant. The dinner is very rich, but there is no big fish, meat, mountains and seas. They are all home-cooked dishes that have been eaten in the past life. The dish is chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Hazel mushrooms are brought from China by the boss, and the chicken is a local free-range The meat quality and taste are much better than ordinary feed grade, but it does not mean that there is no market for feed chicken.

Yang Cheng is planning to build a chicken farm in Nigeria. In the future, he will inevitably swallow up the free-range chicken market in large numbers. This is also impossible. His original intention is to do charity, but in order to make charity longer, someone will always be injured. These are things that must be endured.

During the meal, I chatted with the boss for a few words. I learned from the other party that in Abuja, there are many Z people who moved here with their families to work. Compared with the fierce competition in the country, Nigeria’s business The market is almost blank, and you can monopolize an area by doing any business.

If you have a good relationship with the local ZF and participate in the infrastructure project, you can return to your country for a few years after earning a few years.

After a pleasant and delicious dinner, the little bit of resentment in Yang Cheng's heart that the billionaires were left aside has long since disappeared. Rather than working hard to grab oil shares from giants, it is better to be a private economy in Nigeria. It.

With his capital, he can control the people's livelihood in Nigeria in a short period of time. At that time, he will decide whether to intervene in Nigeria's ZZ according to his mood.

The most profitable economy in the world will always be a monopoly, not to mention that the monopoly is not a small country with more lions than humans, but a serious African country. The benefits of it cannot be calculated with simple numbers.

After Yang Cheng returned to the room, he patted his forehead fiercely, regretting that he hadn't found this blank market long ago, and lost the best opportunity to buy bottoms. How much money was lost?

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, the best thing to intervene is definitely ‘food’. Now that you have decided to build a chicken farm in Nigeria, you can start with Nigerians’ mouths and slowly penetrate!


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