Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1426: Alumni in Nigeria

Nigeria is still very comfortable this season, the temperature is not too high, occasionally it rains to keep the air humidity and fresh, and you can find a comfortable feeling when you go for a drive at night.

Compared to Lagos, Abuja is much quieter during the day or night. Even the sound of car horns is rarely heard, and it may also be related to the safety at night.

Although Nigeria is already the country with the best security situation in Africa, at night, there will always be robbery and other things, which is not comparable to countries on other continents.

Of course, the robbery is also the target of the score. Three cars like Yang Cheng make up a convoy. People with a discerning eye can see that the front and back two cars are filled with heavily armed bodyguards. Who would go to touch the tiger's ass? There is no such way to find chicken.

The journey went smoothly and safely to the Sheraton Hotel. According to Bernardi's instructions, the convoy stopped in a quiet area on the side of the main building.

Bernardi turned around and said, "Later we will go in through the side door and meet Medic in the room I opened. We only have half an hour."

Yang Cheng frowned, and did not say much that the Minister of Energy's card was big enough.

If it weren’t for the first external expansion project of Beihai Petroleum Company since its establishment, it’s worth more than anything else. Major shareholders like him and Conrad would never come forward in person. Otherwise, why should there be so many managers?

"Who is he eating with now?" Yang Cheng asked Bernardi after getting out of the car with no one on his left.

"It's a senior guan from South Africa. The specific position is not clear, but Medik takes it very seriously. He confirmed today's banquet early."

"From South Africa? I remember the civil conflicts between these two countries."

Bernardi nodded, "Yes, it's mainly related to sectarian contradictions, contradictions within the Yang*sect."

As soon as it was related to religion, Yang Cheng's interest was greatly diminished. Regardless of why the high officials of the two countries met in private, just don't delay his major events.

Not long after entering the suite with Bernardi, I heard a rush of footsteps in the corridor, and then there was a knock on the door, and Hansen pushed in and said in a low voice, "Boss, the goal is here~"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and got up and went out to meet her.

An old black man with white hair, surrounded by bodyguards and his subordinates, walked mightily from the other side of the corridor, Bernardi smiled and greeted him, "Dear Minister, please allow me to introduce you to you. This is Mr. Yang from the United States, and Beihai Petroleum Company has his shares."

Medik smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then looked up and down Yang Cheng with sharp eyes, "Good evening, Mr. Yang, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long."

Yang Cheng didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so friendly, "Good evening, Mr. Maddick, you have something to be busy. I will wait for a while and it's okay. Please come in. Go to the house to say something."

Medik nodded, and his secretary immediately stood up and stopped the bodyguards of both parties outside the door. After Yang Cheng and the others entered, the secretary closed the door and entered after him.

Yang Cheng and Medik sat on the couch together less than half a meter away, while Bernardi served as a waiter and quickly delivered coffee and some desserts prepared in advance on the table. Ke’s secretary sat on the solo sofa opposite.

"Your Excellency, this is the first time that North Sea Oil has gone out of the UK and came to the distant African continent to seek cooperation. We have rich experience in offshore oil exploration. Regardless of the deep sea in Qianhai, we have enough capacity to maximize Mining.

Hope you can give us this opportunity. "Bernardi's sincere opening remarks started the dialogue in a friendly manner."

Medik deserves to be a guanxi, and he just talked in empty words, "Of course, Nigeria is a friendly and tolerant country. We never exclude any friend who comes to Nigeria to invest."

Although he looks old and has gray hair, Yang Cheng guessed that this person should be less than 60 years old. It is a good time for the fox to become a spirit. You can see by looking at his bright eyes. This person's personality is extremely self-confident, maybe even to the point of conceit.

Bernardi added, "The oil field discovered in the Owowo waters this time is one of the largest oil fields discovered so far this year. It is difficult to digest and clean with any one alone. It requires everyone's cooperation."

The old Medik monk sat there in a calm manner, smiling and silently listening to Bernardi's words.

"The strength of ExonMobil is unquestionable, but if Nigerian National Petroleum wants to protect its own interests, it must introduce multiple shareholders and monitor each other in order to keep its interests intact. Otherwise, ExonMobil will be able to do anything casually. China lost millions of dollars in profits."

The general method of negotiation, think of ways to pour dirty water on competitors!

However, the Medic people are so sophisticated and have spent so many years in the guan market. How can they be moved by Bernardi's short words?

What's more, Yang Cheng hasn't spoken about this.

Bernardi also knows He knows that his words are nothing but an introduction, and it is Yang Cheng, a major shareholder who can really talk to Medic.

"I heard that the Minister graduated from?" Yang Cheng opened his mouth and asked everyone unexpected questions.

In the car in the afternoon, Bernardi said that Medic had graduated from a well-known university in the United States. He didn't think much about it yet, but after reading the information prepared by Bernardi in detail, he found a small coincidence. Some BT blacks even graduated from.

Sometimes luck is so mysterious. Some people are desperately trying to get a relationship with big people, but they won't even look at it straight.

And Yang Cheng just wanted to find something in common so that he could easily get into the topic, but found out that the other party was actually an alumnus. With this luck, do you mean to be angry?

Medic stared at Yang Cheng unexpectedly, "Did Mr. Yang also graduated?"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Yes, we are alumni, Mr. Maddick."

The surprise on Medik’s face is by no means pretending. Yang Cheng knows that for a person who is deeply educated in the United States, the old American style should be very useful to him. Sure enough, Medik still misses his alma mater very much. When I heard that Yang Cheng was a junior, the expression on her face became more sincere.

He took Yang Cheng’s hand and shook it vigorously, “Mr. Yang, it’s really amazing. Since he has graduated, he has returned to the motherland. Great, tell me, is the school okay? Is there any change?"

Yang Cheng didn't know where to start, so he could only test it out, "The Bruins did not do well last year. They only achieved a record of 4 wins and 8 losses, but they won the USC Trojans."


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