Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1427: History of rivals

Few boys who read books have never watched a Bruins game.

The sports atmosphere on American college campuses is crazy. NCAA is more popular than NBA to some extent, not to mention the most popular football among Americans.

The Bruins are not powerful in the PAC12 league, at most they have a greater reputation because of their location in Los Angeles.

But these are not important. There is a mortal enemy, USC (University of Southern California), which is only 19 kilometers away from them. Every season, it does not matter how many goals you win. Even if you lose all, as long as you defeat the mortal enemy, you can win the whole school. Respect and cheers!

The history of the torture between this pair of mortal enemies lasts 80 years, and there are more classic deeds such as the famous bear-burning meeting, spray painting, and the stealing of bronze statues, which have been circulated in their respective schools. The struggle between the two schools is no less than one. Fighting wits and courageous spy wars blockbuster, can't wait to let melon eaters take a small bench out to slowly appreciate.

As we all know, both USC and USC are located in the greater Los Angeles area and are also very close, and both schools belong to the Pacific- (Pacific 12 Schools League) under the NCAA (National University Athletic Association).

NCAA’s main activities are the various college sports leagues held every year, including basketball and rugby. The arena is like a battlefield. The conflicts accumulated by the two schools over the past century must be vented through a certain way. Therefore, the two schools every year. The team's game will cause a lot of sao chaos.

You can lose to anyone, but you can't lose to a mortal enemy. The loser can easily become a public enemy of the school when they return to school!

The first thing all freshmen do after enrollment is not to familiarize themselves with the campus environment, but to understand the hatred with their mortal enemies under the popularization of seniors, which is passed on from generation to generation, and it has only been slightly eased in recent years!

But Yang Cheng knew that the age when Medic was enrolled was when he had the worst trouble with USC. The other party should be interested in this topic.

The same hatred and hatred is always a weapon to quickly get closer to strangers!

In fact, the origin of the contradiction between the two schools can be summed up in one sentence-a **** murder caused by a gulp!

This clock has a tacky and resounding name-Victory Bell. Back then, the Victory Bell was first installed on the locomotive of the South Pacific Railway. Until 1939, the alumni gave this nearly 300-pound brass clock. Give a team of students.

With such an auspicious clock, of course, you have to take it out for a walk during every football game. After every football team touchdown (touchdown), the cheerleader will ring the victory bell.

After a long time, it naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the USC fans. The sound of dong dong dong was really hard to hear. So in a game two years later, six members of the USC Brotherhood pretended to be students and carried them in the victory clock. On the way, while pretending to help, drove off the truck and stole the victory bell.

In the next more than a year, USC did nothing else, patronizing the hidden clocks everywhere, some brotherhood basement, Hollywood Hills, and even hidden in the haystack, in order to hide the clock, took out the SAT test Enthusiasm, all tricks are used.

It is also blamed that the students of that group of students were not big enough. After searching for more than a year, various organized and disciplined searches for the USC campus and the fraternity, but Mao did not find one! ! !

Until one day, USC, who would not die if you didn’t die, showed off the picture of Zhong on the cover of a student magazine in our school in a super high-profile manner.

This can be regarded as hooking out the fire, kidnapping is not enough, but also showing off photos?

This is how the Liangzi of the two sides are formed. You are after the first day of the middle school and I am after the fifteenth. The two sides play more and more, and finally they have a real fire!

In a ball game, the first shot of revenge was fired. Several people pretended to be USC students, kidnapped their school security, and sprayed the bronze statue of the Trojan soldier, the USC mascot, in blue.

The USC logo is insulted, how can students let it go? So the students of USC took advantage of the burnt lawn at night, and creatively burned out the three initials of USC.

Not convinced, kidnapped the USC fans again, tied them up and sprayed them with a fire hydrant.

In the end, all the tricks that should be used were exhausted. The students on both sides could only start at the other's logo and mascot. Various spray paint damages. Finally, the USC principal could not bear it and warned the students to dare to play with fire again. The football game between the two schools cancel! ! ! cancel! ! ! cancel! ! !

The important thing is to say three times. You must know that rugby is the most sacred sport in the hearts of the American people. The rivalry will attract the attention of the entire American people. It is also the most anticipated thing for the fans of both sides in a year. What's the meaning of life?

So, after the fierce war between the two sides went on for a year, the student representatives of the two schools reached a reconciliation in front of the bronze statue of USC Troy, and pretended to sign a reconciliation agreement, and agreed to use the victory bell as the trophy of the two schools’ competition. Whoever wins the color, the USC Alumni Association also paid $150 to share the clock. At that time, the US dollar was still very valuable, and the 150 US dollar was not a small amount of money.

However, all fools know that this worthless agreement is useless for luan. After more than ten years of seemingly silent and actual undercurrents, after half a century of rigidity, a clever brotherhood finally appeared and launched it once. Very successful counterattack.

In the USC Homecoming Parade, they successfully mixed the floats into the parade convoy and led the convoy into a dead end, unable to get out for a while.

Now USC, who was not reconciled to peace, once again found a reason to fight back. A USC student pretended to be a student and infiltrated the campus organization. This organization was specifically responsible for showing the tifo show in the competition.

The student who successfully sneaked in took part in every weekly meeting very seriously until the rugby game came. On the eve before the game, he secretly changed the card in a small corner and replaced it with a card showing the golden and crimson SC. This brother is also a cow, and his thinking is very careful. Considering that the person in charge of the tifo show will order the card replacement to use the backup, this student actually did it early and even changed the backup.

No way, in the tifo show that lasted for 8 and a half minutes, the two letters of SC appeared frequently.

There is no doubt that I have to retaliate back, because I can’t get close to the bronze statue of Troy surrounded by more than 100 USC students. I have worked out a fraternity with a parade of floats. Once again, I have a big brainstorm and rent a helicopter directly. Prepare to throw a total of 500 pounds of Yoneda on USC's little bronze man.

This retaliation is a loss for both, because the helicopter's propeller almost caused the Yoneda tornado. I heard that the pilot and the throwing crew on the helicopter at that time were not affected.

Because of the loss of both sides, the people felt that the revenge was not comprehensive enough and decided to attack again. This time they saw and re-soldered the hands of the USC Troy statue, and made a well-known gesture.

In that year, the students of the two schools focused on tearing things up and couldn't help themselves. They could not think of all kinds of tricks.

For example, USC students sneaked into the printing room of the school magazine and replaced the original football game special issue with their fabricated content:

As a result, the coach’s inspiring words became, "I don’t see hope in our team~"

The player said, "I think if there are a few people in our team who really understand the game, we have more hopes against those super awesome Trojans."

Those who did what they learned, used the same tricks to retaliate. This trick of violating each other's school magazines was played until the end of the 1980s...

There is no end to the history of both sides. There is even a book dedicated to the various unexpected methods of revenge between the two schools. This book is also called the "Bible for the Whole Man". Be read or even imitated.

But no matter how easy the tricks are, bear burning and spray painting are the same for thousands of years. Whenever the game comes, USC students will tie the brown bear doll with a rope, drag it on the ground and stroll the street, and go back to concentrate on the open space at night. The doll burned to ashes.

The students are keen to sneak into USC and staged a 108-style dress-up on the Troy statue.

So if the tourists are unlucky, they rush to visit the school one week before the match between the two sides. They can only see the box, and the box also reads lovingly: Bear is hibernating~

Similarly, when I went to USC, I could only see tightly taped Trojan mummies and students who were guarding them 24 hours a day and night. Those who didn't know thought they were guarding spirits.

In short, as alumni, Yang Cheng and Medik, even if it is difficult to reach agreement on other matters, should be able to find common topics in their arch rivals ~ unless Medik doesn't care about sports at all.

However, this possibility does not exist. When Medic heard Yang Cheng talk about the Bruins and won the dead enemy, he burst out of interest, "Really? Damn, I personally sneaked into the USC campus back then. A can of blue paint sprayed on that damned bronze statue of Troy!"

"Really? It's a pity that I haven't been there. This is the regret of my life." Yang Cheng said deliberately. In fact, he has no regrets at all. God knows why Americans are so enthusiastic about tricky things, even though he is not less. Go to the scene to support the Bruins game, but only out of fellowship and love of competitive games.

"That's really a shame, and yes, the atmosphere between the two schools has improved a lot over the years. Unlike the last century, they really regarded each other as a lifelong enemy."

After a pause, Medik said excitedly, "Anyway, to hear the Bruins' victory over Troy, it's worth going back for a few more drinks."

Yang Cheng immediately answered, "I drank a bottle of red wine at the time."

"I will do it for me. I didn't expect to meet alumni in my motherland. Although you have many years of experience, your blue blood remains the same."

"That's right, Minister~"

Medik immediately interrupted, "Call me by name, can I just call you?"

"Of course, just call me jason."

"Jason, I already know your intentions, but I can't give you 100% guarantee."

Medik is very calm. Yang Cheng’s alumni status does make him feel a natural sense of intimacy, but as a figure at the top of the power pyramid in this country, how can he give up hundreds of millions of billions because of his alumni status? interest?


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