Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1428: Kind alumni?

"Jason, there are too many beasts staring at Owowo, you shouldn't get mixed in."

Just after having a good conversation, Medik suddenly drove everyone away, leaving only him and Yang Cheng in the room. After a long silence, he suddenly spoke.

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "I don't understand what you mean~"

Medik opened his hands, "We are alumni, so I advise you to take the initiative to withdraw. You can't compete with those giants. Behind them are the most powerful countries in the world today."

Yang Cheng did not refute, but said faintly, "Medick, you probably don't understand the background of Beihai Petroleum."

Medik pressed his hands, "On the contrary, I know, that's why we have today's meeting, otherwise we would not even have the opportunity to sit together face to face."

"Then you should be very clear that we are not afraid of competition from any giants with the combined energy behind these shareholders."

Yang Cheng himself is afraid of giants like ExonMobil. After all, the oil industry is mixed with too many interests and ulterior secrets. The horror comes from the unknown. It is because of Yang Cheng and their major shareholders. Energy, in the face of huge profits, has also become vulnerable.

But in front of outsiders, especially in front of the negotiating partner, it is absolutely impossible for him to exaggerate his own power.

Medik sighed, "You are very powerful. I don't deny that in any field, your capital and resource advantages can easily destroy and monopolize a market, but in the oil industry, it is by no means that you have money and someone Can gallop freely."

Yang Cheng was puzzled, "Medick, there are no outsiders here. The room has been checked by our bodyguards. There is no monitoring and recording equipment. It is very safe. You don’t have to worry about it. I will forget what you say after going out of this door. So, If you have anything you can say."

What he said was to make it clear that he didn't want to bend around and was inexplicably persuaded to retreat. There must always be a reason, right? No reason, who do you look down on?

Of course, Yang Cheng was not out of anger, but was really curious. Why did Medik suddenly say such a thing? You must know that the two had never met before. Today is the first meeting and the first conversation. , Just relying on the relationship of alumni, can you put your heart to heart?

It’s a bit too much, anyway. Yang Cheng doesn’t believe it. If it is for the sake of money, it is reasonable for the other party to remind you a few words, but the problem is that after talking for so long, the two of them have not brought up the word money. Needless to say, Yang Cheng hasn't proposed the blond beauty as a present.

Medic sat upright for a while and said in deep thought, "Esson Mobil is bound to win this oil field, and even our own country, Nigeria, does not account for much. I advise you to quit, because I don't want you to waste your energy and energy. In our relationship as alumni, I am willing to give you this free favor."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, is it still related to this prehistoric monster?

"Can you elaborate on it?"

"This involves a game between big powers. I’m inconvenient to say more. You can think about it for yourself. I can only tell you that if you have to participate, you may lose money and become a thorn in the eyes of others. There is really no need for this. ."

Game between big countries?

Yang Cheng frowned deeply, half-guessing and half-confidently saying, "Esson Mobil doesn't want companies in certain countries to get this oil field?"

Medik slowly nodded, "Oil is the first energy factor in today's world industry, and it is the source of many machinery and equipment. Without oil, cars can't run or planes can fly, which will not only affect people's livelihoods, but also hinder the development of the military. This is part of the national strategy, which has gone beyond the level of money, so I have repeatedly advised you that there is no need to participate.

If you are unwilling to return empty-handed, I can give you a few areas. You can try your luck, maybe you can blow up oil? "

Yang Cheng still couldn't understand why the other party was so enthusiastic. He could not tell him this and let himself rush in with his head dull. Anyway, it wasn't his Medic who was unlucky. He took the money and took care of others?

Anyway, if Yang Cheng sat in the position of Medic, she would definitely do so.

However, Medik unexpectedly expressed kindness. This kindness may have something to do with the status of alumni, but it doesn't matter much. What is going on?

Yang Cheng could only temporarily press doubt, and then looked back for the answer.

"I will discuss this matter with other shareholders when I go back."

"Well, there is still some time before the bidding. You have enough time to think about it. If you still want to bid in the end, on behalf of Nigeria, I would like to extend a warm welcome to any sincere investor."

"Thank you, we will seriously consider it."

The first meeting was not a success, but they both left a fairly good impression on each other. This is enough. The important thing is future contacts. The two sides deepen their feelings in the constant exchange of interests. When the time comes, everything will be fine. Can talk!

After staying in Abuja for one night, Yang Cheng returned to the seaside resort in Lagos the next morning, and got together with Abu and Conrad who had been up for a two of them had their own briefs. I talked about the process of meeting each other's goals yesterday. There is nothing worth mentioning. The first time I met, it was enough to express the desire to compete. Now is not the time to tear off my clothes and fight for life.

It was Yang Cheng's turn. He relayed the reminder and even the warning from Medic yesterday to the two of them, and then asked, "What do you think?"

Conrad was the first to question, "Why did Medic suddenly remind you kindly?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "If I knew the answer, I wouldn't have insomnia last night."

Abu waved his hand, "This is not important. As a non-renewable resource, oil has always been a battle among the military. We can't be afraid of it just because of a few reminders."

Conrad looked at Abramovich unexpectedly, "Do you think oil is not renewable?"

Yang Cheng looked at Conrad incomprehensibly. Is there anything to question?

Abu understood Conrad’s questioning and explained to Yang Cheng, “There have always been debates about the source of oil, and the two most popular theories are bio-to-oil and petro-to-oil.

The former believes that oil is formed by organisms in ancient oceans or lakes after a long period of evolution. It belongs to biological deposits that become oil and cannot be regenerated. This is also the current mainstream view in the world;

But the latter believes that oil is generated from the carbon in the earth's crust, has nothing to do with biology, and is renewable. Obviously, Conrad supports the latter! "

Conrad nodded, "Yes, although science and technology are now advanced, it should be possible to explore the true source of oil, but oil is known as black gold. Since ancient times, things that involve too many interests have countless secrets. Among them, it cannot be announced to the outside world!

But we must have our own ability to distinguish! "


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