Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1429: Is oil renewable?

"From the exploitation of oil to large-scale use today, I don't know how many experts have jumped out and raised the peak oil countless times. For what, Roman you should know better than anyone else.

At first, some Soviets put forward the theory that oil is derived from living beings. It is pure nonsense, and oil reserves are not as limited as people say. The fact is that more and more oil fields are discovered in the world.

If the Soviets are right, then the total amount of oil on the earth is only related to the amount of hydrocarbons in the deep stratum, and these substances have been formed in the early formation of the earth, then the amount of oil that humans can obtain is only related to the drilling depth Regarding, the most important thing is that the Soviets also discovered that abandoned oil fields can be self-repaired, that is, self-filled oil fields. "

Abu grinned bitterly, "Well, Conrad, you are right. The former Soviet Union does have relevant discourses. They believe that oil is naturally generated under high temperature and pressure deep in the earth’s crust, similar to the conditions for the generation of diamonds. The cold eruption under high pressure enters the shallow crust.

In fact, it was precisely under this theory that the former Soviet Union discovered more and more large oil fields, and the success rate of exploitation was far ahead of the world. "

Conrad opened his hand to Yang Cheng, blinked, and motioned: Am I right?

Abramovich was also helpless, "Conrad, you are also a direct beneficiary of the benefits of oil. From now on you should also change your mind. Oil is indeed a non-renewable resource!"

Conrad shook his head, "Of course, I can't say anything wrong externally, but we chat privately, there is no need to come up with this set."

Yang Cheng is a bit square. Compared with these two bigwigs, he really knows too little about oil and even the entire energy and mineral industry, including the debate on the source of oil. He still hears about it for the first time, so that he doesn't even now. Dare to chip in.

Conrad added, "In fact, during the Cold War, scientists in the former Soviet Union regarded their theories and experience as high-level national secrets. It was not until after the Iraqi War that the Pentagon began to realize the strategic significance of the Soviet Union's theory.

While the United States was aggressively seizing oil resources in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and other countries, the Soviets were working hard. They explored 11 large oil fields and 1 super oil field in Siberia, which is known as the oil wasteland, which made the former Soviet Union a leap in the 1980s. Become the largest oil producer in the world. "

Abu nodded, "Yes, I still remember that a media at that time used a hypothesis to ridicule bio-to-oil: Taking the world’s largest Saudi Arabian oil field as an example, if bio-to-oil is true, the oil field must be generated. The oil that has been produced requires a three-dimensional space of 30 kilometers in length, width, and height, filled with dinosaur meat, and 100% of it must be converted into oil."

Conrad, "This is simply absurd!"

Abu spread his hands, "Therefore, the oil interest chain needs lies. If one day suddenly broke the news that the oil is inexhaustible, the current oil price will at least fall to the same price as mineral water, and the other half of the world. The above new energy companies will all close down."

Yang Cheng finally intervened, "So we don't need to care about Medic's warning. Isn't ExonMobil going to attack us outrageously because of the gains and losses of an oil field?"

Conrad was silent, and Abu pondered for a long time before he said, "I can't guarantee, but at the moment, I can't find any reason why ExonMobil fired directly at us for less than 20% of the Owowo oil field's revenue."

"What about other giants? Such as Total?"

Conrad replied, "I went to meet with the person in charge of Total. This time, the leader of the team is a global vice president. The other party does not seem to have a particularly strong competitive intention. They just want to get a share. Son, they don’t care about a few more shareholders, and they are even happy to see the results. After all, more shareholders mean stronger supervision and no one wants their own interests to be damaged."

Abu nodded, "Nigeria's National Petroleum Corporation, don't worry. They have always listened to the Ministry of Energy and will not mess around, but it is from the side of Essen Mobil. This time it is a director."

"Who?" Conrad asked.

"Ursula Burns!" Abu strengthened his tone, expressing his attention to the name.

"It's her~" Conrad looked like he had expected.

Yang Cheng tilted her head and asked, "You know?"

Conrad smiled and nodded, "You know, she is also a director of American Express and Xerox."

Yang Cheng clapped her hands, "It's her, the Queen of Oprah in the business world~"

Ursula Burns is the first black woman in history to be a Fortune 500 company. She has a lot of fame in the business world and is a typical representative of the American dream.

She was born in Manhattan like Yang Cheng, except that she was born in a poor family in the Lower East Side. She didn't even know who her father was. It is definitely not just good luck to be able to achieve what she is today.

"My meeting with Ms. Burns was very pleasant. This is a very intelligent woman."

"I will also see if I have a chance~" Yang Cheng has heard of this legend in the American business community, but has not been able to see it. It is a pity that I have to say.

"It's Don't talk about this, I asked the hotel to prepare Nigerian specialties, go down to taste?" Abu suggested.

Conrad stunned, "I didn't see that you are still a foodie~"

Abu stood up and stretched, "There is not much fun in life. Enjoying food is one of them."

In terms of eating, Yang Cheng did not give too much, and stood up, "In what you said, there are not many things I can agree with. This is one sentence."

Conrad smiled and slapped his hands, "Haha, good point~"

The three people walked out of the room back and forth and came to the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel. This place has been completely covered by Abu. There is no need to worry about being disturbed. There is no way. The local tyrants are so domineering.

A long table was filled with Nigerian specialties of red, red, yellow, and yellow. The black chef in white uniform stood respectfully at the table. With this, Yang Cheng’s expectations for this lunch dropped to a low level. freezing point.

Black people can cook?

This is as excessive as the British say that their country has food!

"Dear sirs, I am today's chef Batum, please allow me to introduce today's menu." The black chef flashed a mouthful of white teeth and introduced Yang Cheng and others.

That bit of old English that seemed to have been fermented for 20 years was really awkward to listen to. Yang Cheng, a person with a good language talent, didn't listen to it all, but just listened to it.

For example, today’s staple food is the five-color rice called God’s Love by Nigerians. This dish is very traditional. How traditional is it?

It's the Nigerian version of egg fried rice-no eggs!

Rice, tomatoes, peppers, onions, and Yang Orange can hardly imagine the flavor of these ingredients without the combination of eggs and ham!


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