Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1430: Offshore production ship

The specialties of Nigeria did not give Yangcheng the ultimate taste experience, at best it was a good lunch.

After lunch, under Abu's arrangement, the three went to the golf course near the resort and experienced the pleasure of playing on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea.

I have to say that the rich in Nigeria are still very good at playing. When they were playing, they saw a rich Nigerian with 9 invisible black'beauties' around him. The caddy said, that The nine wives are all rich, and Nigeria is polygamous.

Upon hearing this, Abu's eyes were full of light, and he seriously considered whether he should immigrate to Nigeria.

As a result, Conrad dispelled his enthusiasm: "Are you not afraid that your wife will join hands to divide up your property?"

Although you don't have to sweat a lot while playing golf, Nigeria, which is located near the equator, is relatively humid. After staying outdoors for a long time, the body is too humid, even if Nigeria is very comfortable this season.

Yang Cheng went back to the room and rinsed briefly, changed into clean clothes, followed Abu to go out to meet the legendary business Oprah~

Conrad originally wanted to travel with him, but temporarily received a call from the United States and could only stay in the room for a video conference.

In the car, Yang Cheng and Abramovich were sitting side by side. Abu said, "Congratulations, Jason, I won the Premier League title in the second season of Liverpool."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Thank you, this is the result of the players' hard work."

"The Premier League game is getting worse and worse~" Abu exclaimed.

Yang Cheng echoed, "Yes, acquisition and investment, I spent 1 billion pounds in two years, it is enough for me to build an Eclipse~"

Speaking of his pride, Abu blushed, "I don't think you are the money for shipbuilding."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "My investment company paid me 80 million yuan last month, and I want to fire them all."

Abu was surprised. He was obviously shocked by Yang Cheng's loss. 80 million is not a small number for anyone. "Sorry, this is really regrettable news. I hope it doesn't affect your fundamentals."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "Who said no? My investment company's activity funds are almost exhausted."

"Fortunately, your company has not yet been listed, otherwise, with your words, I will immediately mobilize funds to attack your company." Abu said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Yang Cheng glanced at him, "Roman, if my company goes public, do you think I would say this nonsense?"

This time, Abu made no secret of his oligarchic character, "I'm just telling you Jason, if one day I learn about your weakness, I will never be soft, don't blame me."

Yang Orange really didn't think about it, and said lightly, "Me too~"

Abuman doesn't care, "That's why I like to make friends with you, we are the same kind of people~"

Lagos is Nigeria’s former capital and largest port city, and is also the largest city in West Africa. Within Nigeria, Lagos has the same status as the Shanghai Stock Exchange in Country Z. It is Nigeria’s economic, financial, and shipping center. Super Tier 1 cities are more prosperous and lively than Abuja.

After going deep into this port city composed of islands for the second time, the convoy driving on the wide elevated iron bridge made Yang Cheng feel much better.

Compared with the road passed yesterday, the road surface of the viaduct is obviously newly paved, smooth and clean, and finally found the shadow of a big city.

The destination of their trip is the ExonMobil office on Lagos Island, which is also the city center of Lagos. ZF agencies and large companies clusters are all concentrated there, and tall buildings stand on the shore. Row upon row of modern buildings present a thriving scene, which represents the future of Nigeria.

Entering the office of ExonMobil in Nigeria, this is a modern office building with simple decoration. When he and Abu walked in side by side, he saw many black white-collar workers in suits coming out of the elevator.

One of the black guys, who looked very young, came straight to Yang Cheng and Abu and asked respectfully, "Is it Mr. Abramovich?"

"It's me~"

"Hello, Mr. Abramovich, Ms. Burns sent me down to meet her. She is in a meeting and failed to meet her personally. Let me say sorry."

"Lead the way ahead~"

When I came to the top floor, I just got out of the elevator door, I ran into Ursula Burns head-on and walked out of the meeting room with great imposing momentum. A long distance away, he smiled heartily, "Roman, came so early?"

Abu smiled and hugged the other person, "I'll be here sooner if there is nothing to do. By the way, I will introduce you to Jason Yang, the founder of New Times Media, who is also the heir of Yuanshan Capital."

Burns' eyes lit up, and he bypassed Abu and hugged Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng was a little surprised by his enthusiasm, "Jason, can I call you directly?"

"Of course, Ms. Burns~"

"Thank you for everything you have done for Africa. I have seen your farm plan and I am very interested. Can I count it as one?"

It turned out to be because of this, Yang Cheng said in his heart.

"It couldn't be better. Charity originally required more people's efforts. It happened that this time I came to Nigeria because of the North Sea Petroleum Company. I am going to prepare a framework for the chicken farm by the way, and I hope Ms. Burns can help. "

Oprah from the business community immediately said, "No problem, please contact me at any time if there is any need. If ZF encounters resistance, I can also help with public relations."

This sentence can be regarded as Shangfang's swordsman. ExonMobil is a bug in Nigeria. Yang Cheng has no doubt about this.

"Hey, two, shouldn't we talk about making money? When can't we talk about charity?"

Who else can interrupt at this moment besides Abu?

"Look at me, this is my responsibility, come on, go sit in my office~"

It is not as luxurious and spacious as she imagined, and an office as simple as hers seems to be crowded with more people standing.

After the three people sat down and sipped their coffee, Ms. Burns took the lead to open the topic, "The Owowo oil field is the first offshore oil field discovered by Esson Mobil in Nigeria, which is of great significance to our company. Therefore, If possible, we don't mind having all the benefits exclusively.

However, both myself and ExonMobil have a very positive attitude towards cooperation and sharing. It is better to be able to achieve a win-win situation than to take risks alone. "

She seems to be expressing her attitude, but in fact she has no nutrition. After all, Yang Cheng and the others have not put forward decent benefits, and they have nothing to say and force each other to express their opinions. Is it really a bully to be a director of ExonMobil?

Yang Cheng asked casually, "I have read the information. Total discovered Nigeria's first offshore oil field, right?"

Ms. Burns nodded, “Total’s Egina oil field was put into operation in 2012, with a daily output of 200,000 barrels, which is expected to boost Nigeria’s total oil production by 10%.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Egina oil field that Nigeria ZF has begun to shift its attention to the sea and increase its development of offshore oil fields. It can be said that we have caught up with a good time. "

Abu said, "The reserves of the Owowo oil field are much larger than those of the Egina oil field. It is conservatively estimated that there are 5 million barrels of reserves, and the highest is close to 1 billion barrels."

Burns corrected Abramovich's words, "To be precise, we have determined that the total reserves are 1 billion barrels. This news will be released soon."

Yang Cheng and Abu glanced at each other, one billion barrels, this is not a small number.

"You also know that the cost of offshore oilfield development is too high. It is too risky to rely solely on ExonMobil's investment, and it will pledge most of the funds, so we have not locked the door to cooperation."

Abu said immediately, "20%, Beihai Petroleum Company is willing to share 20% of the investment, and of course we have to enjoy the same right of income."

Burns shook his head, "I said it doesn't count, but ExonMobil's final holding ratio will increase to 37%."

Yang Cheng’s heart sank. ExonMobil and Nigeria’s National Petroleum Corporation are bound to cut off most of the cake, and the rest are leftovers.

Seeing that Yang Cheng and Abu didn’t answer, Burns didn’t care, and continued, “My plan is to complete the process this year, and formally start construction and trial production next year. By 2018, the largest offshore production ship It will go to the Owowo waters and begin to extract crude oil from oil reservoirs deep in the sea.

Time is still very After all, we have to bid for external bidding, and we need to cooperate with suppliers for drilling platforms and so on. "

"What is the cost of the offshore production ship?" Yang Cheng is more concerned about the cost.

Burns replied, “As of now, the financial terms of offshore oilfields are far better than that of onshore oilfields. This means that in deepwater oilfields, international producers like us can not only reduce safety risks, but also get a larger share.

Compared with the huge benefits, the cost is high, but it is nothing.

The floating production storage and unloading device "Egina" built by Total with a total investment of 4 billion US dollars. The ship is 330 meters in length and is the largest floating production storage and unloading device built by Total. The depth of its operating waters and the offshore distance will be It is the highest in Nigeria. As the operation technology of this large-scale mechanical device matures, the cost will be further reduced. "

4 billion U.S. dollars, this figure fell within the range of Yang Cheng's acceptance, and each family shared it, not too much.

As for other operating expenses, it's not worth mentioning.

"Floating production storage and unloading equipment, are you going to place an order with Total?" Abramovich, considering the competition, worried that Total would propose a larger share.

Burns hesitated for a moment, "It hasn't been decided yet, but I personally prefer to give the order to Total, they have experience and technology."

It's not good to go to a teacher. I haven't started negotiating terms yet. The other party seems to have made an internal decision.

It seems that the giants are not only competing but also intensive cooperation.

Before Yang Cheng said anything, Burns turned to ask, "By the way, I heard that Delta Air Lines has recently encountered a crisis of confidence?"

Abu also cast a curious look. He does not often operate in the United States and the source of the news is a little slower.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Yes, a big trouble!"


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