Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1433: Inspect the chicken farm

(YLQ of the Southern Dynasty is really dark, speechless, let the deceased rest in peace~)

After Yang Cheng returned to the hotel, he didn't pay any attention to Abu, who was flushed with anger, and went straight to the room and closed the door.

I notified my wealth management team on the phone to increase its holdings of Delta Air Lines stock on a small scale. It can be expected that Delta Air Lines' stock price will usher in a wave of rebound due to the release of the solution and the increase in holdings of large retail investors such as Abramovich. Bo seized the opportunity and should be able to make a small profit.

The next day, Yang Cheng and Burns appeared in the same car and went to a chicken farm on the outskirts of Lagos to investigate.

The guan members sent by ZF in Lagos and the heads of charities in Nigeria are also accompanying. Of course, people from the Yangcheng Charity Foundation are indispensable, and the Melinda Gates Foundation also sent people to participate.

On this day, the suburbs of Lagos are extremely lively. Hundreds of people visit a chicken farm at the same time, which is not common in the overcrowded Lagos.

After meeting with the local officials, Yang Orange didn’t say anything, and directly asked to start the tour, which avoided many indifferent activities, mainly Nigerian reporters, and an interview team sent by the New York Times. They were members of the charity foundation. Came to Nigeria by charter.

Susu also took the opportunity to follow. At this moment, she stood beside Yang Cheng, dressed in youthful clothes, looking at the 100-acre chicken farm, she was a little excited, and said in Yang Cheng's ear, "Nigeria is just like 20 Like Country Z years ago, the market is big and blank, and it is almost full of business opportunities."

Guan members rarely encounter such big battles. Yang Cheng himself is a wealthy man with a net worth of tens of billions. Behind Ursula Burns is the most powerful monster company on the planet, Essen Mobil. The big man appeared in Lagos at the same time, and was accompanied by himself. The Guan member did not sleep in excitement all night.

Of course, his skin tone can make him not afraid of the intrusion of dark circles.

"Mr. Yang, this farm was invested by a businessman from country Z. The total investment is 35 million naira and covers an area of ​​100 mu. At present, 150,000 laying hens are raised. This is only the first phase of the plan. There will be a larger scale of breeding chickens and laying hens."

Yang Cheng heard this and immediately asked the Guan member, "Businessman in Country Z? Is the boss here? Can I meet him?"

The official nodded immediately, turned around and beckoned, and asked the people of Country Z who had been following to come over and said to Yang Cheng, "Mr. Yang, this is Boss He from Country Z~"

Yang Cheng smiled and shook hands with this short, shy, honest man, and said in plain Mandarin, "Boss He, it's nice to meet you, why did you think of investing in Nigeria? Rich?"

Boss He touched the back of his head. Obviously he had never experienced such a big battle. He took a few glances at the flashing camera and replied, "I also happened to hear my fellow workers here talk about the situation in Nigeria. , Wei Wei was a little tempted, but decided to make a decision after field inspection.

When I came here, I found that Nigeria’s chicken meat demand is very strong, but it is generally farmed by farmers, and the scale is not large enough, which causes the local market to always be hungry.

So I acted decisively, borrowed a sum of money from relatives and friends, and sold the house in Shanwei. A man came to Nigeria to build this chicken farm. At present, there are mainly 150,000 laying hens to supply local demand. "

While Boss He is narrating, the translator is also doing his own work diligently.

Yang Cheng is more concerned about the food issue, "How did you solve the feed issue?"

As the topic deepened, Boss He became less nervous. He said truthfully, “I realized that because Nigeria is not self-sufficient in food and needs to import a large amount of food every year, the demand for chicken feed is also very strong.

Therefore, I have always considered doing chicken feed business, bringing the domestic mature chicken feed processing technology here, and expanding the scale of local chicken farms.

However, the investment cost is not small, and I have not made up my mind. I still rely on the purchase of domestic feed to raise these chickens, which virtually increases the cost of raising chickens. "

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, and the guan member next to him said, "According to the statistics of the Nigerian Poultry Association, the current annual output value of the Nigerian poultry industry is about 3 billion US dollars, including feed processing, storage and transportation and other upstream and downstream industries. There are 15 million employees in the industry, and the per capita annual income is about 47,000 naira.

Of course, these 15 million people are not full-time in the poultry industry, and 90% of them have other sources of income. The poultry industry is more part-time, or as part of the family.

We lack an unconventional and professional market, which requires a large amount of capital investment. Fortunately, we are looking forward to young and promising entrepreneurs like Mr. Yang. "

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, did not answer, but Burns opened the mouth, "Don't get me wrong, we are not here to invest in the chicken industry to get much return, especially monetary return, our main purpose It is still to help Africa improve the situation of lack of food and clothing as much as possible and get rid of poverty."

The Guan member’s thinking reaction was very quick, "Of course, this is what we hope."

Yang Cheng then asked, "What is the current problem with Nigerian chicken farming or the entire poultry industry?"

Boss He couldn’t help but rushed to say, “In the few years when I first came to Nigeria to invest, the poultry industry has achieved rapid development even though it was affected by the backward infrastructure, business operations and high raw material import costs. Speculators like me who have discovered business opportunities carry huge amounts of hot money into the poultry industry.

In those years, Nigeria’s annual egg production increased to 1 billion, and the number of young chickens increased to 4.2 billion. I mean the number of survival.

But the problem immediately followed, because poultry eggs are mainly produced in southwestern Nigeria, while the main consumption area is in the north.

But the northern part is precisely the most turbulent place in Nigeria. It has been attacked by violent terrorism for years, the lives of residents are unstable, and the economic level has declined year after year, which directly leads to a decline in market demand. In other areas, because of various problems, Nigerian residents have The overall purchasing power has not risen. "

Yang Cheng immediately responded, "So there is a problem of overproduction?"

Boss He smiled bitterly, "Yes, and this problem is getting worse."

Yang Cheng frowned. In accordance with normal business thinking, he proposed a solution, "Have you ever thought of directing excess fresh eggs to candy and beverage manufacturers?"

In addition, deep processing of the poultry and egg industry can be carried out, such as the industrial production of egg powder, which can effectively solve the problem of excess fresh eggs.

Moreover, egg powder is easy to store, and there is a large room for market supply and demand adjustment. The industrialized production of egg powder can accelerate the development of the entire industrial chain. "

Boss He scratched his head and didn't know how to answer. The officer had to explain embarrassingly, "Mr. Yang, at present, there is no production enterprise engaged in deep processing of poultry eggs in Nigeria.

Factors such as investment cost and investment environment are the biggest problems hindering the implementation of deep processing enterprises. "

Yang Cheng's frowning brows never let go, "The investment cost is high? The investment environment is unstable?"

Burns also considered, "Should we directly build a complete industrial chain?"

The Guan member immediately said, “It’s the best. There are actually many overseas businessmen who come to Nigeria to invest today, and many of them are strong investors, but everyone’s investment enthusiasm and desire have always been concentrated in mining, energy, etc. In the field, such commodities can indeed produce benefits faster, but downstream demand is getting weaker and overcapacity is becoming more serious.

At this time, if Mr. Yang can take the lead in investing in the agricultural market, he will surely become a new investment vane. "

Yang Cheng nodded slowly, "In fact, when our foundation is making plans, we have considered the future of comprehensive farms. We will build comprehensive farms with chicken farms as the core. The use of farm manure and groundwater should be able to protect farm vegetables. Output."

After a pause, he said to member Guan, "Let's do it. I originally planned to build up the chicken farm first and then consider the comprehensive farm.

Now it seems that time does not allow us to plan slowly, and we can simply make it in place in one step. On our target plot, we will directly enclose an open space, at least 3000 acres. I want to leave room for future While the member secretly rejoiced, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, "Is 3,000 mu of land too much?"

3000 acres is roughly equivalent to 2 square kilometers. Especially in Africa, where most of Africa is sandy soil, the land available for agricultural development is very scarce.

So Yang Cheng's request suddenly got stuck on the Guan member's neck.

Regardless of so many, Yang Cheng can invest as long as his requirements are met. Even if he doesn't, he holds hundreds of millions of dollars in funds anyway, afraid that he will not find a piece of land in the huge Africa?

Burns really wanted to do something for his compatriots. Seeing the embarrassing appearance of the Guan member, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and said sharply, "Is there anything to hesitate? Mr. Yang brought enough funds this time to buy it. If you invest in real estate or energy in the most prosperous land in the city center of Goss, you will definitely make more profits. But why should he invest in agriculture? Isn't he trying to help the people's livelihood in Africa?"

Yang Cheng added fire, "In the initial stage, we will build 3 farms no less than Boss He’s chicken farm, a vegetable cultivation center, and a small power plant. At least 100 employees will be recruited."

The Guan member took a few breaths, and when it comes to this, he really shouldn't hesitate anymore, otherwise he would be driving people in disguise.

"I understand. When I go back, I will discuss with the relevant departments and try to allocate the most suitable piece of land for Mr. Yang to invest."

Yang Cheng didn't have any expressions, and said faintly, "Thank you, this is also for your own country. The rest of the work will be done by my foundation staff. I hope you can protect their safety. I don't want me. The lives of those sent to help you have suffered harm."


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