Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1434: Unlucky guy from America

The initial investment of the entire project is 20 million US dollars, including land purchase and construction costs. After the first phase of the project is officially put into operation, it is decided whether to continue the second phase of the plan according to the situation.

This result makes the Lagos ZF officials regret that they have not been able to save all the 100 million US dollars of investment, but there is always hope, and they are working hard. This is a great achievement.

On the way back, Yang Cheng and Burns sat together, and Burns looked a little solemn, "The situation is not very optimistic~"

Yang Cheng felt deeply, "Yes, the environment is not as good as expected. What worries me most is the war. Once it spreads to Lagos, the consequences will be disastrous."

After a pause, he lowered his voice and said, "What surprised me more is that my compatriot revealed to me privately that Nigerians are very lazy. If we recruit locals to work, we must be prepared for them to be lazy."

He deliberately lowered his voice because he was afraid that Andrew would be uncomfortable.

Compared with Andrew, Burns has no friends in Africa, and she is an authentic American and never considers herself African-American, so when she hears Yang Cheng belittling her compatriots, she is not only lifeless, even instinctive. The rise of resentment.

"I have also heard similar news. Alas, there is no way. Since Nigeria is initially selected in the plan, we can only continue to do it. It is best to establish a set of strict rewards and punishments. Not a hardworking honest person."

Yang Orange smiled helplessly, "It can only be so. I will ask the person in charge here to pay attention to this problem."

While the two were chatting, in a haystack near the detour about 1 kilometer in front of the convoy, a group of unfamiliar armed men with their faces covered and armed with various types of firearms lay quietly in the grass, as if aiming. The lion group of prey waits for the opportunity to move after the prey enters the hunting range.

Two of them are at the back of the team. They speak a half-baked English, which is mixed with a lot of native language, and a conversation takes place in extremely weak voices.

"Who is our goal today?"

"I don't know, who cares, it's all dying anyway~"

"Damn, you have to know who the hapless guy is?"

"I heard that it is the richest people from the United States. I want to say that we should tie them up, earn a big vote, and kill them after the money is available."

"You have a good idea, why don't you report to it?"

"You thought I didn't say it, but no one cares about my suggestion."

"I don't recommend it for me~"


"You don't want to think about it. We have reached a location close to the city in Lagos. Once we are rude or something happens, we can't get out even if we want to run."

"Aren't we prepared to die?"

"Damn it, did your head get pinched by that girl last night? Now let you point your gun at yourself, would you?"

"Okay, but does this have anything to do with kidnapping?"

"It is too much trouble to kill, and with a burden, where are you going to go? Will you carry it on your back or me?"

Suddenly, the person lying in front turned back and shouted, "Shut up, the target is here, RPG is ready~"

Yang Cheng and Burns rode in the Mercedes-Benz lined up in the middle of the convoy. There were six cars in a row. The front was the ordinary car for the guan crew. Yang Cheng’s bodyguard was in the second and fourth SUVs, followed by Su Su and the others. The executives took the commercial vehicle, and Burns' bodyguard and assistant were in the last vehicle.

As for the reporters, they are still looking for materials on the chicken farm and have not left with the team for the time being.

In this way, no one in the convoy realized that the danger was imminent.

For some reason, the originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy. It seems that it is going to rain~

Hansen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, scanned the empty scene on the left and right sides with those eyes that were comparable to eagle eyes as usual, not daring to relax at all.

He didn't dared to tell anyone that when he got up this morning, he felt not so good, and he was panicked, and the shadow of inexplicable way was pressed down in his heart.

But since going out to the present, there is no danger, not to mention that there is no abnormal situation at all, which makes him very awkward, don't you think too much?

However, Hansen had never doubted the premonition of the crisis he had cultivated through countless **** fights on the battlefield, so he still worked hard and didn't dare to scan the road loosely for a moment.

At this moment, his pair of eagle eyes, which are comparable to telescopes, suddenly noticed that by the shoulder of the road about 100 meters ahead, the rise of a pile of grass was a little different from other surrounding grasses, and it was inexplicably higher.

Hansen was puzzled, but he didn't say a word. He just stared at the pair of grass firmly. His eyes didn't blink. The convoy was still driving at high speed. In the blink of an eye, he had already drove more than 50 meters away.

The inexplicably rising haystack finally changed. I saw that the haystack once again raised tens of centimeters out of thin air. With a handful of weeds on top of his head, armed men with a standard half kneeling posture against the bazooka suddenly appeared in Hansen’s vision in.

"RPG~" Without hesitating for half a second, Hansen pressed the intercom button at the same time, yelling with the loudest voice in his life.

The three letters of RPG have not yet been shouted. Army-green rockets dragged orange thick smoke produced by the explosive blast of gunpowder instantly enveloped the militants, and there was a 6-meter-long one behind him. The tail smoke, if someone stands behind at this time, the high-temperature and high-speed flame will cook this person in an instant.

But at this time, where does Hansen have time to pay attention to the tail flames of RPG? His brain issued two commands to his hands within one thousandth of a second, and his tried and tested hands successfully completed the mission. .

One hand pressed the talk button of the walkie-talkie, the other hand stretched out to hold the steering wheel and slammed to the left. The entire car body slipped due to the sudden driving direction at high speed, and even the tire on one side was huge because of the huge Inertia lifted up and suspended, and the vehicle body was only half of the tires on the ground for a moment. If an inexperienced driver just moved the steering wheel at this time, the result would be the entire buckle and fall to the ground in the next second. It is very likely that a continuous rollover will occur. The people here are neither dead nor injured.

Fortunately, the person who controls the steering wheel at this moment is Andrew. He has a wealth of experience in battlefield driving. Almost at the same time Hansen called out RPG and grabbed the steering wheel, he had already reacted to the attack on the team, and what he had to do was It was after Hansen took the direction to save the runaway Mercedes.

He stubbornly didn't dare to move the steering wheel, he kept tapping the brakes under his feet, and from time to time he had to make up the accelerator. When he felt that the car was on the ground again, he continued to move the steering wheel along the crazy swing of the body. The front of the car was about to hit the anti-collision barrier in the middle of the road. He did not make an evasive action, but tried his best to let the car hit it at a slower speed.

At the same time, with a loud "bang~", the RPG hit the target and successfully ignited the gunpowder of the warhead, causing a violent explosion!


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